Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 171 The First Pot of Gold

Chapter 171 The First Bucket of Gold (1 more)
"Why rent a house, I live well in school, what are you wasting this money for!"

Now if he said to give her money, the little lunatic would definitely not be happy, but he couldn't just live in the house she rented for no reason.

Feng Qinqin rolled her eyes at him and said angrily.

"Of course it's for looking at the store. You think I gave it to you for free. After we make money in the store, we will share the rent equally."

Feng Qinqin knew that he definitely didn't want it, but she also knew the conditions of Niu Feng's family. He couldn't afford to rent the house here, not to mention renting it for a year, even for a month.

In order to make it more convenient for him in the future, and also to watch the store, she rented it.

She would not say that it was given to him. Niu Feng is also a man, and he has self-respect. He can't accept a girl paying his rent. So what she means is that when the clothing store makes money, the rent will be shared equally between the two. So fine.

"Lao Niu, think about it, we must have someone living here, what if things are stolen?"

It was impossible for her to live here, so the big man Niu Feng had to live here.

Niu Feng thought about it too.

"Okay, I'll pack things up tomorrow."


It was already late for the two of them to return to the shop. Fortunately, there were many customers at night. As soon as the door opened this afternoon, four customers came and sold three pieces of clothing.

It may be because of the novelty of the clothes, the customers didn't ask their opinions carefully, so they bought it because they thought it looked good.

Feng Qinqin held more than 400 yuan in his hand, and was very excited.

This is much happier than when her elder brother gave her hundreds of thousands.

I earned it all by myself!
"Lao Niu, do you think we are going too smoothly?"

This is the first day!

It was just opened yesterday, and it didn't really start selling clothes.

Niu Feng didn't expect the business to be so good, and he was very happy.

"Lao Niu, in this way, can we earn hundreds of thousands a year?"

The more Feng Qinqin spoke, the more excited she became, as if hundreds of thousands were already in front of her eyes.

Seeing Feng Qinqin's money-obsessed eyes, Niu Feng couldn't help laughing.

The little lunatic is not a person who is short of money, and now it seems that the money he earns is really more comfortable.

"Stop daydreaming, it's already past eight o'clock, don't you want to go back to drink medicine, I'll take you back."

This evening, Bo Zhongye couldn't get away with the entertainment, so Niu Feng couldn't let her go back by taxi alone at night.

Feng Qinqin didn't refuse either, and stuffed 400 yuan into her bag, feeling terrified in her heart.

The two closed the store door, seeing the closed door, Feng Qinqin felt pain in the flesh.

It's only eight o'clock, and the city's nightlife has just begun, but they closed the shop, it's really a loss.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt that it was right to rent a house to Niu Feng.

"Lao Niu, I'll go back and contact the moving company in a while. You have to move here tomorrow. Otherwise, how can we compete with others when we close so early?"

Niu Feng also thought it was necessary, but the moving company didn't need it.

"I'll ask for leave tomorrow, and I'll pack it up. I'll finish the move in one afternoon."

Hearing this, Feng Qinqin didn't insist anymore.

At 08:30, Feng Qinqin returned home and immediately showed the 400 yuan in the bag to her mother.

"Mom, look, I earned it today!"

Liu Ping shook her head and laughed.

He raised his hand and stroked his daughter's hair.

"My daughter is great. After I go tomorrow, your store will be open for a longer time, so maybe I can earn more."


Feng Qinqin nodded wildly.

Feng Qinqin was a little hungry, Liu Ping made noodles for her, and then boiled medicine for her to drink.

After drinking the medicine, Feng Qinqin heard her mother say.

"Qinqin, you can't come back so late in the future. It's not good for you to stay up late at this age. It's useless to earn more money. We don't need it. The most important thing is your body."

What Liu Ping was worried about was that she was still taking medicine, and staying up late would affect the effect.

Feng Qinqin stepped forward and hugged her mother's shoulders, and answered with a smile.

"Mom, don't worry, I will pay attention to my body. Besides, I am so young, wouldn't it be a waste of youth if I don't do something?"

She used to read novels all night long, and it was only eight o'clock when she came back today, so there is no problem at all.

Liu Ping didn't say any more, as long as she knew what was in her mind.

"Okay, go to bed, take me to the store tomorrow, and I'll find something to do."

Feng Qinqin nodded in agreement.

Back in the bedroom, Feng Qinqin called Bo Zhongye.

I haven't seen him for only one afternoon, and I already miss him very much.

I don't know if he's drunk or not. The so-called entertainment is drinking, but she's not worried that someone will force him to drink.

The call was connected quickly, and the man's pleasant voice came over.


Hearing his voice, Feng Qinqin smiled happily.

"Are you home?"

If not, she would have urged him to go back, it was so late.

Bo Zhongye who received the call was in the car, and Le Yuan was driving him back.

"Well, on the way back," Bo Zhongye asked, "Did you miss me?"

I haven't seen her all afternoon. He really misses his little girl.

(End of this chapter)

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