Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 175 The Correct Way to Open a Red Envelope

Chapter 175 The Correct Way to Open a Red Envelope (1 more)
Feng Qinqin took the red envelope and held it in her hand, Bo Zhongye snatched it from her hand, opened it to look.

After reacting, Feng Qinqin saw that he had opened all the red envelopes.

"Hey, what are you doing!"

That's very rude.

Bo Zhongye didn't care about these things, first he opened the red envelope given by his mother, took out the two stacks of money inside, and at a glance he knew it was [-] yuan, Bo Zhongye smacked his mouth with dissatisfaction.

"Mom, you are too stingy, that's all, this is your future daughter-in-law, how can she honor you in the future?"

Feng Qinqin reached out and twisted his arm, then glared at him.

Why is the mouth so poisonous?

Although he knew he was joking to brighten up the atmosphere, Feng Qinqin was still worried that Zuo Yao would misunderstand, so he said hastily.

"Mom, it's not too much. Don't listen to his nonsense."

Besides, the red envelope is so big, how much money can be put in it, did you see that the red envelope is bulging?

As a result, Bo Songyuan's red envelope told Feng Qinqin that the amount of money in the red envelope is not measured by thickness.

Bo Zhongye took out the card from his father's red envelope, handed it to his little girl, and said.

"See, this is the correct way to open a red envelope."

Looking at the bank card that was forced into his hand, Feng Qinqin was stunned, his first reaction was to stuff it back into Bo Zhongye's hand, looking at Bo Songyuan in panic.

"Dad, you gave me a card last time, I can't ask for this anymore."

My God, the richest family is just different, throwing cards at every turn really improved her knowledge.

It's just that it's useless for her to ask for so much money.

Bo Songyuan signaled his son to give the card to Feng Qinqin, and said.

"Qinqin, this is a change of mouth fee. Last time it was a meeting gift. These are all as they should be. You, a little girl, spend a lot of money. You can't refuse my wish."

Little girls nowadays like to buy this and that, and their precious daughter’s monthly pocket money costs more than 20 million yuan. Bags, clothes and cosmetics, which ones don’t cost money? Their daughter-in-law of the Bo family can’t let People look down on it.

Feng Qinqin smiled and held the card in his hand again.

It seems that she has forgotten where the card she gave her last time is, and Bo Zhongye's black card has also been forgotten. Thinking about it, I am also quite confused. It seems that I will have to look for it when I go back tonight.

Bo Zhongye smiled.

"My little girl is a money fanatic, she earned more than 1000 yesterday, and she is so happy that she wants to go to heaven."

Bo Zhongye suddenly said something, Feng Qinqin was shocked, and looked up at him, why did he say this, when did she become a little money fanatic!

Feng Qinqin lowered her head, if there was a hole below, she would have gotten into it, it would be too embarrassing.

After listening to Bo Zhongye's words, everyone laughed unkindly.

Bo Bingzhong's face turned into a chrysanthemum with a smile, and then he caught another point.

"Has our family, Qinqin, made money?"

I earned more than 1000 yuan in one day, which is really good!
Bo Zhongye, who seemed to be waiting for these words, hugged Feng Qinqin with an expression full of pride.

"The clothing store opened by Qinqin sold three pieces of clothing for [-] yuan on the first day yesterday!"

Feng Qinqin looked up at him in embarrassment, and found that the man looked proud, as if he was happier than he made money. For a moment, Feng Qinqin was infected by his expression.

Bo Qingwei even made fun of it.

"Brother, I didn't see you so happy when you negotiated your first project."

I think back when the elder brother negotiated the first project, she and the two elder brothers held a small party to celebrate him. At that time, the elder brother was still there, and he didn't have the same complacent expression as he is now.

Bo Zhongye didn't answer either, his expression seemed to say, do I still need to be happy when I negotiated a project, isn't it a normal thing?
Bo Weiwei was defeated by her elder brother's self-confidence, and she had nothing to say.

Bo Bingzhong admired Feng Qinqin very much and couldn't help sighing.

"Our Qinqin family is amazing!"

Feng Qinqin was a little embarrassed by the praise, her small lips parted slightly.

"I just have nothing to do and do nothing."

Seeing her so modest, Bo Bingzhong admired this granddaughter-in-law even more, and said to his son.

"Songyuan, look for contacts and promote our family Qinqin."

Bo Songyuan agreed.

Seeing this posture, Feng Qinqin quickly refused.

"Grandpa, no need, I have to take it step by step. It's not good to be too eager for quick success."

The original intention of opening this store is to hope that she can find her own value, and she doesn't want too many people involved.

Bo Bingzhong shook his head, not agreeing with her idea.

"Qinqin, what you do now is not based on connections. Grandpa knows that you are self-motivated, but why don't we use connections if we have connections? If you don't use it, it doesn't mean that other people don't need it, right?"

This is the case now, how many people have encountered those ups and downs in doing business because of their backgrounds, they have the conditions, and those detours can be completely bypassed.

What inspiration?
As long as there is ability, success is a matter of time. Moreover, even if Qinqin doesn't rely on them now, one day when everyone knows that she is the daughter-in-law of the Bo family, they will still say that all her efforts are made by Xiaoye. of.

(End of this chapter)

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