Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 178 Lin Zhiyou has nothing to do with the Lin family

Chapter 178 Lin Zhiyou has nothing to do with the Lin family (4 more)
Seeing that Lin Xiu didn't believe it, Wang Jilie recounted what happened that night. He even took photos after the incident and turned on his phone to show Lin Xiu.

Before seeing the photo, Lin Xiu was already numb with anger, but when he saw Lin Zhiyou's unusually rosy hand in the middle-aged man's hand, showing signs of being loved by others, he stood up angrily.

Wang Jilie put the phone in his pocket as soon as he saw it, and continued.

"Mr. Lin, it's like this. Youyou went to the hospital for an examination today and she is pregnant, so you see, shouldn't we prepare for the future?"

Lin Xiu didn't have the mind to think about other things. He recalled Lin Zhiyou's disappearance one night a month ago, and Xiao Shuo was still in a hurry the next morning. When everyone was looking for her, she came back from the outside.

So, is that one time?

Lin Xiu took a deep breath, feeling that there was no breath coming out of his left chest.

It really didn't occur to Lin Zhiyou to follow her mother's old path.

When he decided to raise her before, he wanted to give her a good environment and develop a good character, but he didn't expect it to be like this.

How could he not understand what Wang Jili meant, since he came to find him, he wanted to marry the Lin family and then cooperate with the Lin family.

If he didn't guess wrong, the contraceptive pills he gave Lin Zhiyou back then were all fake, right?
He must have known Lin Zhiyou's identity, that's why he planned all this, otherwise he wouldn't be here now.


What else is there to discuss?
He had long since ignored Lin Zhiyou's affairs.

Lin Xiu stabilized his emotions and glanced at the smiling man.

He must have thought in his heart that he could be Lin Xiu's son-in-law.

"Mr. Wang, I think Lin Zhiyou's matter is making a lot of noise on the Internet, you must know it?"

Lin Xiu's words made Wang Jilie's heart skip a beat, and then he heard Lin Xiu say again.

"Lin Zhiyou is indeed not my daughter, and I have stopped taking care of her affairs for a long time. Now that she has moved out of my Lin family, it is more appropriate for you to discuss matters between you with her."

After speaking, Lin Xiu turned around and was about to leave.

Seeing this, Wang Jilie hurried forward to grab his arm, his face full of disappointment.

"Mr. Lin, after all, Youyou was brought up by yourself. She has a child now, don't you care about everything?"

It is said that Lin Xiu is the kindest businessman, but he can't always be taken advantage of.

If Lin Zhiyou was really his daughter, then he might be angry and feel ashamed, but at the same time, he would forgive her and solve all the troubles for her.

However, Lin Zhiyou was not his daughter, and his daughter would not do such a shameless thing.

"Tomorrow I will make a statement that Lin Zhiyou is not my daughter. From now on, our father-daughter relationship is over, and her matter has nothing to do with the Lin family."

After speaking, Lin Xiu left.

Back at the Lin family villa, Lin Xiu called Lin Shishuo.

Lin Shishuo didn't understand what his father asked him to do, but his face was not very good.

"Dad, what's the matter, what happened?" 
Lin Xiu looked up at his son, and at that moment he also made up his mind to completely separate himself from Lin Zhiyou.

His only scruple is his son.

Xiao Shuo has been very kind to Lin Zhiyou since he was a child. After he kicked Lin Zhiyou out, Xiao Shuo's mood has been affected. If he now says that he will issue a statement tomorrow to sever the relationship with Lin Zhiyou, there will probably be a gap between them.

Lin Shishuo was already worried when he saw his father hesitated to speak, and even more worried.

"Dad, just tell me if you have anything to say."

What should come will always come, and his intuition told him that it was Youyou's business.

Lin Xiu pursed his lips and finally said.

"Xiao Shuo, tomorrow I will issue a statement in the name of the Lin family. Lin Zhiyou has no relationship with the Lin family."

Hearing this, Lin Shishuo was taken aback for a moment.

Could it be because the things on the Internet made my father feel ashamed?
"Dad, Youyou only has us now, we can't do this!"

Lin Shishuo was excited, and he continued, wanting to persuade his father.

"Dad, although Youyou is not your daughter, she has always grown up by your side, just like her own daughter. Don't you have the heart to abandon her when everyone spurns her?"

Lin Xiu had already guessed his reaction, so he told about the meeting with Wang Jilie tonight.

"Xiao Shuo, do you know that such a person is not worthy of being part of my Lin family?"

Hearing his father's words, Lin Shishuo didn't believe a word.

Impossible, how could his sister be so depraved, no, that man must be lying!
"Dad, we can't trust that man's one-sided words, we have to listen to Youyou's words, right?"

Seeing that his son still didn't believe it, he didn't tell him about the photo Wang Jilie gave him, so he said it directly.

"Call your sister and listen to what she has to say?"

Lin Shishuo didn't want to wait for a moment, so he called his sister quickly.

The call was connected quickly, and Lin Zhiyou gave a hello.

"Youyou, are you pregnant?"

Lin Shishuo cut to the chase and went straight to the point.

Startled for a moment, he subconsciously denied it.

"I, I, I'm not pregnant."

She, who was already guilty, was a little awkward to speak, and her body began to betray her at this time.

Then, a series of vomiting sounds reached Lin Shishuo's ears through the mobile phone.

Lin Shishuo's mobile phone fell in response, and fell to the ground with a bang.

Lin Shishuo knew that what his father said was true.

 La la la, thank you Meimei, 7 butterflies and Xixi Yining three precious flowers, Qianqian's careful heart was instantly healed, okay?

  Well, there are already 41 treasures in the group, can you break through 50 treasures today, come to Qianqian's bowl!

  Group number, 562576798, Qianqian has been waiting for you in vain
(End of this chapter)

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