Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 197 Isn't it good for you to give Qinqin yourself?

Chapter 197 Isn't it good for you to give Qinqin yourself? (2 more)
"Okay, can I be more restrained in the future?"

Bo Zhongye hugged her body and kissed her forehead.

However, Feng Qinqin didn't believe a single word he said, every time he acted as if he hadn't seen a woman in hundreds of years, it would be strange if he could restrain himself!
Feng Qinqin twisted her body, trying to escape from his arms, but the man held her too tightly, and she couldn't escape at all.

"I don't care, you can't touch me again within a week, otherwise you won't touch me in the future!"

After finishing speaking, Feng Qinqin lowered her head and didn't look at him, since she couldn't escape anyway, and her efforts were not in vain.

Seeing that she was really angry, Bo Zhongye hurriedly coaxed her.

"Okay, okay, don't touch it, okay, I'll call my mother tomorrow, and she won't worry anymore when she hears that your voice has recovered."

Feng Qinqin didn't speak, but put his arms around his waist and went to sleep.

Seeing her look of relying on him, Bo Zhongye smiled.

It's still a little girl, she was coaxed so easily.

Here, Liu Ping was doing clothes in the store by herself, and called Qinqin during the break, but she didn't want to call Qinqin because she had a cold, and she didn't know if it was serious or not.

Niu Feng had classes today and would only come in the afternoon. Fortunately, there were fewer customers in the morning, so she could handle it. It was the season change, and there were a lot of people buying clothes, so it could be said that it was a bit too much.

There were a lot of customers throughout the morning. It was a bit difficult for her who hadn’t been in contact with people for more than 20 years. If it wasn’t for her love of clothing, she might not be able to talk to customers.

She is not as good at grasping people's ideas now, especially some young people, whose dressing preferences are somewhat disapproving in her eyes, so today she almost did not have a disagreement with a lady.

After calling Qinqin, Liu Ping sat alone on the chair at the front desk, waiting for the guests to arrive.

Sitting on a chair, she picked up her mobile phone to check the latest developments. Since she decided to come out to work, she has gradually come into contact with things on the Internet. What she pays most attention to is the clothes worn by celebrities, researching their characteristics, and preparing for inspiration. At that time, I can design a piece of clothing that can be sold in my daughter's store.

After watching for a while, another wave of new guests came, Liu Ping quickly put down her phone and walked over.

"What clothes do you need?"

It was two ladies who came. The first thing they looked at was not the clothes, but two glances at Liu Ping, and then they looked away immediately to the clothes on the wall.

"Come and see the new style, you don't have to work hard, we can just see it ourselves."

A lady smiled at Liu Ping, who nodded and sat back on the chair.

Then, in less than 5 minutes, the two ladies chose ten pieces of clothing. Liu Ping was stunned, and finally swallowed what she wanted to say. Maybe some girls are like this, they like to collect clothes, otherwise If you don't, you won't pick the most valuable clothes in the store.

"Let me wrap it up for you."

The two ladies had no objections, and went to swipe the money very boldly. Liu Ping handed the card back to the girl who swiped the card. Seeing that the girl didn't feel distressed at all because the card was missing 10,000+, she took it happily and said something .

"I like the clothes in your store very much. Can I apply for a membership card? I will come here more often in the future. You will definitely get cheaper prices, right?"

Liu Ping smiled, she was not a rigid person, so she agreed immediately.

"This is my daughter's store. It has just opened, so there is no membership system yet, but I remember you, and I will give you a discount next time you come."

The lady was very happy to hear her words, and after saying that she would come again in the future, she led her companions out.

After leaving the clothing store, the girl who swiped the card just now asked.

"Qianqian, what are you doing with so many clothes? You can't wear them all at once. Besides, wouldn't it be better to shop in a few more stores? Maybe there are better clothes in other stores than this one."

The clothes in this store are good-looking, maybe they are a little bit better, but it is also a new store. I don’t know how the quality is. She thinks it’s not worthwhile to spend 10,000+ to buy these ten pieces of clothes.

Gu Zhiqian smiled at his companion and said.

"Maybe it's because of fate. I think this store is very good. Anyway, there are only ten pieces of clothes. If it's not good, just don't come here in the future."

While talking, Gu Zhiqian's cell phone rang, she made a stop gesture, and then answered the phone.

"Hi, brother Asuo."

The girl's voice was sweet and soft, and the smile on her face was extraordinarily bright under the sun. One could tell she was a girl in love.

The companion glanced at it twice, and couldn't stand it any longer, so he stepped aside and asked her to answer the phone.

When Lin Shishuo said something, Gu Zhiqian smiled happily.

"Yeah, I just came back from there. The clothes are very beautiful. I just picked out ten pieces. Brother Asuo, who is that aunt?"

Gu Zhiqian, the only princess of the Gu family in Tongcheng, is loved by her grandparents, parents, and two older brothers. The Gu family is the most authoritative scholarly family in Tongcheng, and the Gu family's grandfather Gu Cheng is even a leader among calligraphers. Not many people in Tongcheng disrespected her.

The only daughter of the Gu family, Gu Zhiqian, is the jewel in the palm of the Gu family. She is doted on by everyone in the family. The only downside is that she fell in love with a lump of elm at first sight. She hinted many times that she didn't seem to understand her, so she had to be friends for many years .

A few days ago, Lin Shishuo dragged her to take care of this store, so there was nothing difficult about it, it was just a matter of a few dollars, she immediately agreed, and it was her wish to do something for the person she liked.

She has to be cautious in entering his life in many ways, so that the chances of winning will be greater.

However, she really hadn't heard that Lin Shishuo knew this aunt.

How should I put it, this aunt gives people a kind of classical beauty overall, the first impression is very good, but she has no impression at all.

"She was someone my dad loved dearly."

When Lin Shishuo said this, Gu Zhiqian was embarrassed.

This, this relationship...

It is also enough.

She knew something about the Lin family, but she only found out about Lin Xiu and Huang Qing's divorce when Lin Xiu announced it. In the past, she just thought that their husband and wife relationship was not good enough, and it was also because Huang Qing lived too much. Seeing that Huang Qing's private life was so indiscreet, but Lin Xiu still didn't divorce her or find another woman, she felt that Lin Xiu was really a good man.

Everyone said that like a father, like a son, his son must be good, so he became more determined to pursue Lin Shishuo.

At this moment, hearing Lin Shishuo say that the beautiful aunt just now is the woman Lin Xiu loves deeply, it seems that there is something hidden.

However, he wouldn't force her to ask if he didn't tell her. After all, Lin Shishuo didn't mean to tell her, and being able to say so much was already a sign of his trust in her.

"You know, the clothes here are really nice. You introduced me to a very good store. I have already told that aunt that I will go there often in the future. She also said that she would give me a discount."

Gu Zhiqian is not a fool. Since Lin Shishuo asked her to come over to take care of this aunt's business, he had his own ideas. He just wanted to match up with Lin Xiu, so she wanted to praise that aunt. will be happy.

Sure enough, Lin Shishuo's laughter came from there.

"Well, that's good, but don't let her see it."

Who is Gu Zhiqian, what a weird girl.

"Don't worry, my best friend didn't say anything, no one will know, and, if I help you like this, should you invite me to dinner?"

Well, it's also good to have a meal to cultivate relationships.

Lin Shishuo agreed immediately. She spent so much money, he should treat her to a meal.

Gu Zhiqian was so happy to get his promise, the smile on the corner of his mouth didn't disappear for a long time after he hung up the phone.

At noon, Niu Feng planned to go out for dinner after class. It was night at Little Madman's place at this time, and he was probably sleeping. I don't know how she went to the garment factory to see how the clothes looked.

Just as he was thinking of calling her to ask questions at night, the road was suddenly blocked in front of him.

After seeing that the person in front of him was Lin Shishuo, Niu Feng frowned.

"Master Lin, is something wrong?"

Because of Lin Zhiyou's matter, Niu Feng didn't have a good impression of the young master of the Lin family, so he didn't know what he was going to do when he came to him at this time.

Noticing Niu Feng's attitude, Lin Shishuo didn't care. After all, his sister did not behave well, and Niu Feng is Qinqin's best friend, so he should hate him.

"Well, can I treat you to a meal?"

As soon as Lin Shishuo said this, Niu Feng was stunned.

The dignified young master of the Lin family invited him to dinner?
It's better for him not to go. Now that the little lunatic is not in the country, it would be bad if he did something and caused trouble for her.

"No need, young master Lin can talk here if you have something to say, but I don't think I can do anything for you, so don't have too much hope."

Niu Feng put his words up front and gave him a way out, lest Lin Shishuo make unreasonable demands later.

How could Lin Shishuo not understand Niu Feng's thoughts? He didn't come here to hurt Qinqin.

"I hope you don't get me wrong. I won't hurt Qinqin. I just want to discuss something with you. Do you have time now?"

Niu Feng looked at Lin Shishuo's eyes carefully, and felt that he wasn't lying, but that if he didn't hurt the little lunatic, he wouldn't necessarily do something beneficial to the little lunatic, right?

"You can say now that you don't need to find a special place," Niu Feng said, pointing to the public bench not far from the school, "let's just sit there and talk."

Maybe those who have status like them prefer to sit and talk about things, he thinks they are all the same, and they are not very familiar people, so why don't they leave immediately after talking?
Lin Shishuo saw that he really didn't want to eat, so he had to go to the bench with him and sit down.

"Mr. Lin, please tell me something."

Lin Shishuo didn't waste any more time, and took out a check from his briefcase and handed it to Niu Feng.

Staring at the check that Lin Shishuo handed over, Niu Feng was stunned for a moment.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at Lin Shishuo inexplicably.

"Master Lin, what does this mean?"

Take money to buy him off?
Although he didn't know how much money was on the check, he couldn't count the zeros after the 3 at a glance.

His family is poor, and he really wants to earn money to support his family, but that doesn't mean he will betray his friends.

Seeing Niu Feng's expression, Lin Shishuo knew that he had misunderstood. He first withdrew the check in his hand, and then began to explain.

"Niu Feng, it's like this. I know that you and Qinqin opened a clothing store together. Qinqin is my sister and you know that you want to come here. Aunt Liu Ping divorced Feng Wenjun again. I'm here to see you this time." There is no other meaning, I just want to take the money in your name, and then put it into your clothing store, Qinqin is not the eldest lady of the Feng family now, the funds must be tight, and I have no other intentions, Just wanted to help her."

Taking care of her business and secretly injecting funds is the first step for Lin Shishuo to make up for Qinqin. We will talk about the future things later, and he will definitely do his best to do what he can.

But now that Qinqin has Bo Zhongye, she probably doesn't need him, not to mention that in Qinqin's heart he is Youyou's elder brother and her enemy.

Lin Shishuo's words shocked Niu Feng, he actually wanted to give Qinqin money, and so much more, just.

"Isn't it okay for you to give Qinqin face to face? I'm just an outsider. It's really inappropriate to do such a fact."

The little lunatic is not here now, if she comes back and finds out that he took money from the Lin family for her privately, she must strangle him to death.

(End of this chapter)

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