Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 305 Gently, I Promise You

Chapter 305 Gently, I Promise You

Bo Qingwei didn't say anything this time, obviously he didn't quite believe it.

Why do you have to have an answer? Isn't it because you care too much?
Bo gently broke away from his embrace, turned to look at him, and asked.

"Brother Zuo, tell me why you are so obsessed with asking for an answer. Since you don't like Sister Wen Jing anymore, shouldn't you ignore it, but your behavior is to tell me that you still have feelings for Sister Wen Jing. "

It's not that she is not confident, well, it is true that she is not confident, but more importantly, it is his attitude that makes her think so.

Hearing this, Yi Zuo was stunned for a moment, his Qingqing really knew how to analyze things.

However, she was wrong in her analysis.

"Gently, you know, Wen Jing and I have been together for so long, she suddenly left without leaving me a word, I am a man, and I have self-esteem, so I was dumped like this, you say Shouldn't I want an answer?"

If he had known that his initiative would make Wei Qing so sad, he would not have any further entanglements with Wen Jing.

Now whether there is a reason is not important to him, the real thing is to coax her gently so as not to make her sad.

"Gently, believe Brother Zuo, I won't lie to you, besides, I haven't lied to you before, have I?"

Some people may say that he did this because of the coercion of the Bo family. In fact, it is not at all. If he doesn't like it, he will not force himself. After all, this is his own happiness. The relationship between the Bo family and the Yi family is good. Even if he really broke up with Qingwei, the elders of the Bo family would not really do anything to him. He just broke up.

Bo bit her lower lip lightly, thinking about his words.

Brother Zuo was right, he never lied to himself, he didn't like her before, there was no need to lie to her, now it's unknown if he lied to her or not.

"You still don't believe me?"

Yi Zuo leaned against her face again and asked softly.

Bo Weiwei just looked at him and didn't speak.

"Brother Zuo, I want to be quiet. I don't want to be so unprincipled every time. I feel that I am worthless."

Bo Qingwei thought for a long time before saying such words. She wanted Brother Zuo to accompany her very much, but she also wanted to think about this relationship for herself. Is it because she has been feeling inferior and shrinking? If this continues, is it true? Didn't Brother Zuo stop paying attention to her in the future?

She also began to reflect, in this relationship, what did she gain and what did she lose?
Yi Zuo frowned at Bo Qingqing's words, and was speechless for a moment.

It seems that this time he really broke Wei Wei's heart.

"Gently, it doesn't matter if you want to be quiet, but you can't think wildly."

If she gets into a dead end alone, she will think more and more, and the more she thinks, the more chaotic she will be, and finally she doesn't know where her thoughts are going.

Bo nodded lightly. After tonight, she will think about everything clearly.

Tomorrow will be a clear day.

"Brother Zuo, it's getting late. This is my sister-in-law's room. You'd better go back. Don't drive by yourself, call a substitute driver."

Too many things happened today, and it was already very late, she was worried that he would drive back by himself.

Yi Zuo looked at the girl in his arms, no matter what, she would always care about and think about herself.

No wonder everyone said that Qingqing was the girl who loved him the most.

"Okay, then I'll go first, and I'll pick you up tomorrow morning to pick you up to school?"

Tomorrow is the official start of school, and it's time to go to class.

Bo Qingwei didn't agree, but didn't refuse either.

"Let's talk about it again, you go back first, it's really late, you should hand in a substitute driver first, otherwise I won't believe you."

This side agreed to her, and maybe he would drive back by himself after going out.

Hearing this, Yi Zuo looked at her helplessly, then took out his mobile phone to look for a substitute driver.

After finding it, Yi Zuo put down his phone, kissed the girl's small mouth, and said in a low voice.

"Then I'm leaving, you have a good rest, don't let your imagination run wild, and obediently wait for me to pick you up tomorrow morning."

Bo Weiwei didn't say anything, but just urged him to leave. As for tomorrow's matter, let's talk about it tomorrow.

After the driver arrived, Yi Zuo left.

When Yi Zuo left, Bo Qingwei didn't go to see him off, but picked up the remote control to lower the temperature in the room a little bit, then put the quilt over his head, and fell asleep.

The next morning, Bo Qingqing woke up very early, and Liu Ping and Feng Qinqin hadn't woken up yet.

Instead of going out of the bedroom, she took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Yi Zuo.

"Brother Zuo, come and pick me up, I have something to tell you."

Bo Qingwei didn't call Yi Zuo, it's still early, if Brother Zuo hasn't woken up, he will definitely be disturbed.

As a result, as soon as the message was sent, Yi Zuo called her.

Uh, looking at the jumping caller ID on the phone, Bo shook his head lightly.

Why did you call her so soon? Could it be that she was already awake? It was only a little past five o'clock.

"Brother Zuo, are you awake?"

"Well, I just woke up."

Yi Zuo yawned from the opposite side.

What Bo Weiwei didn't know was that Yi Zuo didn't fall asleep all night, and finally got up when it was a little bright, and resisted the urge to call Qingqing many times, for fear of disturbing her.

Who knows, before he called, the little girl gave him a big message first.

Seeing the message, Yi Zuo couldn't bear it anymore, and quickly called her.

In order not to let her find out, Yi Zuo pretended to just wake up and yawned, and Bo Qingwei really believed it.

"Gently, I'll pick you up now, okay?"

He must have already thought it over, he is eager to know the answer, and he believes that Qingqing must have forgiven him.

"Oh, come here then, just wait for me downstairs, I'll go down and find you later."

Aunt Liu Ping and sister-in-law hadn't woken up yet, it was not suitable for Brother Zuo to come up at this time.

And she also wanted to talk to Brother Zuo about it quietly.

"Okay, you wait for me in the room first, and I will call you when I arrive, and then you come down."

It's still hot now, so we can't keep her warm.

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Bo Qingwei didn't follow what she promised Yizuo, took the bag, opened the door and went out.

The weather in early autumn is still very hot, but luckily in the morning, it's okay. Bo Qingqing thought about taking advantage of this time to go for a run and exercise his body.

While running, he even saw Lin Xiu and greeted him. The two of them ran together for a while. Yi Zuo came very quickly, and Bo Qing ran for a while before he came.

After saying goodbye to Lin Xiu, Bo Qingwen walked downstairs.

After seeing Brother Zuo, Bo Qingwen walked over without hesitation and stood in front of him.

Originally thought that she would come down from upstairs, but suddenly came to him from the other side.

"Gently, you're not upstairs?"

Looking at the sweat beads on the girl's forehead, I guessed that she should have gone for a run just now.

"The air is better in the morning, so I went out to exercise. Brother Zuo, why did you get up so early?"

Yi Zuo smiled and didn't speak.

He didn't sleep at all all night.

"Gently, do you want to have a meal first?"

Bo nodded lightly, just as she was indeed hungry.

"Let's go."

Yi Zuo took her to a nearby breakfast shop for breakfast. After they were full, the two of them walked to a shade tree, and Bo Qingyuan sat down first.

Yi Zuo looked at her, but didn't speak for a while, not knowing what she wanted to tell him.


Yi Zuo called her.

Bo gently turned his face to look at him, and pursed his lips.

She had already figured it out yesterday, if Brother Zuo really loved her, then what she said would not matter.

"Brother Zuo, you said you don't love Miss Wen Jing anymore, right?"

Hearing this, Yi Zuo frowned and nodded.

Bo Qingwei looked at him steadily, this time, she decided to be selfish for a while.

"Brother Zuo, I believe you. I thought about it for a long time yesterday. When we were dating, I said that if Sister Wen Jing comes back, if you still like her, then I will let go."

Speaking of this, Bo gently closed his eyes, feeling as if someone had cut his heart out, it hurt very much.

"Gently, I never thought of breaking up with you, it doesn't matter whoever comes back."

When he agreed to date her, he had already decided to go on with her forever.

But I don't know these things lightly.

"Brother Zuo, do you know that it seems easy to say, but it is very difficult to do, especially when you took sister Wen Jing's hand and walked away yesterday, I felt that I was abandoned by the whole world. nothing left."


Bo Qingqing's words were like a knife stabbing his heart hard, and then pulling it out cruelly, which made his heart ache terribly.

What he did yesterday did not hurt Wei Wei in the slightest.

"Gently, I will not abandon you."

Never will.

Bo gently let out a deep breath, stopping his next words.

"Brother Zuo, listen to me."

Yi Zuo didn't continue talking, and quietly listened to him.

"After you left, I didn't know what to do, and I didn't even dare to answer the phone when you called, because I was afraid you would tell me that you and Sister Wen Jing had reconciled, and you wanted to break up with me, and asked me to honor it. The promise we made when we first dated."

It wasn't until Brother Zuo chased her here and said he loved her that she completely crawled back from the brink of despair.

No one would understand how brother Zuo felt when he said he loved her. These three words swept away all the haze in her heart, and her heart regained its light in an instant.

However, this time the matter is over, what about after that?

Sister Wen Jing has come back, she is like an untimed bomb, existing in the land of Tongcheng, at some point, it will explode between her and Brother Zuo, destroying the land she has worked so hard to manage. love.

People say that love is selfish. '

In other words, even if it is selfish, that is not sinful.

"Brother Zuo, I have made up my mind. I hope that you will not meet Miss Wen Jing in any way, for any reason, on any occasion. This is my only request to you. If you can do it, then we will continue to communicate. , if you can't do it, let's break up now."

After finishing speaking, when Bo Qingwei went to see Brother Zuo again, he saw the disbelief on his face.

This is the first time she has made a request with Brother Zuo, and it is still so unreasonable. Brother Zuo must not have thought that she would say such a thing, right?

Yi Zuo really didn't expect her to say that, to say it so thoroughly.

However, Gentle's request is very reasonable, he has no reason to refuse, and he doesn't want to refuse.

"Brother Zuo, I know that this request is too much for me. Sister Wen Jing is back and is in this city again. It is impossible for you to never see each other again, but Brother Zuo, I also hope that you can think from my perspective. Think about it, I have loved you for so many years, but you have never responded to me before. In this relationship, you don’t know how humble my love is. I am afraid of losing. Time is lost, I know, I'm selfish, but this is my decision, I don't want to wait for you and Sister Wen Jing to be together again in the future, but I will become an outsider."

"If you promise me now, I will break up with you without hesitation if I find out that you are meeting Sister Wen Jing in the future. Brother Zuo, I don't want you to lie to me, and I don't want to, because this relationship makes me Living in the midst of worrying about gains and losses, I finally lost myself."

Although she has lost herself now, she can't lose everything in the end, leaving only a heartless body.

Yi Zuo looked at her with determination.

"Gently, I promise you."

 Today's update is over, good night, babies.

(End of this chapter)

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