Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 311 Served for 1 afternoon

Chapter 311 Serving All Afternoon
Zhao Yu will be wronged to death.

You asked me to say it, but he said it, and he scolded him in turn.

What did he do wrong?

As a result, Yi Zuo continued to reprimand him again.

"That's my elder brother. It's right to beat me. Do you need to talk more?"

Zhao Yu: "..."

What if he really wants to get out of the car and leave?
Listening to what the two of them said, Bo Qingyou got a general idea.

So it was the elder brother who knew about her and brother Zuo, and then came here today and beat him up?
Well, if that's the case, then she can't quarrel with her elder brother, because his elder brother loves her so much.

"Brother Zuo, don't be as knowledgeable as my elder brother, he is also for my own good."

That's her big brother, she can't turn against big brother because of brother Zuo, but it's true to tell big brother when I go home tonight.

No matter what, beating people like this is wrong.

Yi Zuo didn't see Wei Wei's intention to be angry with his eldest brother, and suddenly felt a little bit frustrated.

The status of his boyfriend is actually not as good as that of the little girl's brother. It seems that if he is beaten by some men from the Bo family in the future, Qingqing will only feel sorry for him, and it is impossible for her to vent her anger for him. .

No, he must elevate his position in Qing Qing's heart.

"Gently, it's okay, and I didn't bother with my elder brother, but you have to stay with me this afternoon, otherwise my face hurts, my stomach hurts, my chest hurts, and I can't work."

Bo slightly squinted his eyes and looked at her, puzzled in his eyes.

Brother Zuo, what happened today?
Why are you still acting like a baby? This is really not in line with his personality.

He hurts everywhere, doesn't it hurt when she is with him?

Yi Zuo was stared at by Bo Qingnian's eyes, making him feel weak, as if his pretense was too much.

"Gently, you go to the company with me, and you can read the documents for me, so that I can only listen to you without opening my eyes."

Well, he doesn't have to flip through the files either.

Bo Weiwei was taken aback for a while, then blinked, she found that she had nothing to say except agreeing to him.

Back at Yixiang Group, the president's office has been tidied up, and the door has been repaired. In fact, it is just a slight adjustment. If the door of the president's office is so easy to be damaged, it really needs a major repair.

Bo Qingwei helped Yizuo all the way back to the office, and the staff members whispered along the way.

"What's going on today? First Young Master Bo came over in a rage, and then our president was seriously injured. Now Miss Bo's family sent our president back in person. What do you think this is for?"

"It must be a big event. Young Master Bo and our president are tight buddies. We got into a fight today, tsk tsk."

"Also, didn't you find out, you didn't intend to unilaterally beat up our president, Mr. Bo was not injured at all."

"Well, I have a bold idea. Our president must have offended Miss Bo's family, so Young Master Bo came to vent his anger on his sister. Our president felt guilty, so he didn't fight back!"

"No way?"

"Why not, didn't you just find out that the CEO has started dating Miss Bo?"

If it wasn't like this, they really didn't know that the brothers in the past would turn against each other. Aren't they both hurting peace for money?

The subordinates here are chattering about their president's affairs, not knowing that their president is pretending to be weak and addicted in the office.

After Bo gently helped him to sit on the sofa, Zhao Yu left. He really didn't want to see the president acting again.

Too hot for the eyes.

Bo gently brought the documents on the table, and moved a chair to sit in front of him, but before the chair was moved, Brother Zuo's weak voice reached her ears.

"Gentle, my chest hurts, come here and rub my chest," Yi Zuo said while clutching his chest, and then added, "Bring the document and rub it for me while reading."

Bo lightly held the chair's hand for a moment, then put down the chair, narrowed his eyes and looked at Brother Zuo.

No matter how you look at it, something feels wrong.

Today's brother Zuo is really abnormal, um, to be precise, he is too clingy to her, it was not like this before.

It was the first time for Brother Zuo to be so clingy to himself, and Bo Qingwei was really uncomfortable.

She walked over with the document, sat down beside Brother Zuo, and read to him with the document in one hand as he said, while rubbing his chest with the other hand.

The moment his little hand touched his chest, Yi Zuo snorted comfortably.

Bo lightly paused for him to rub his chest, and looked up at him.

"Brother Zuo, what's the matter with you today?"

Yi Zuo was taken aback by her question.

He's fine.

Bo Weiwei took a careful look at him, then oh, and continued with his movements.

All afternoon, Bo Qingqing read documents, rubbed his chest, and applied ice to his face, in short, he waited on him all afternoon.

When it was time to get off work, Bo Qingqing wanted to go home.

"Brother Zuo, are you going home now?"

Uh, can brother Zuo go home today? With such a face like a pig's head, uncles and aunts will definitely ask what's going on when he gets home.

This question, isn't it revealing?

Yi Zuo: "I'm not going home anymore, I'm going to live in a private villa for a few days, otherwise my mother will definitely nag again when she sees my face."

It's the same when Bo Weiwei thinks about it. Auntie loves brother Zuo as much as her parents treat her.

"Oh, then you ask Zhao Yu to take you back, and I'll just go home by myself."

He can't let her parents see him like this, otherwise there will be another storm.

Hearing that she was leaving, Yi Zuo was a little disappointed.

"Gently, you can go back with me today. I live in a villa like this, and there is no one in it. What if I have a fever in the middle of the night?"

When he said this, Bo Qingwei was really worried. If he was beaten like this, he might really have a fever.

However, she can't go back with him.

Before the sister-in-law didn't live in the compound, she could still be said to have gone to find her sister-in-law, but now she can't even use this excuse anymore, she has to go home.

"Brother Zuo, how about letting Zhao Yu stay with you for one night, I have to go home."

She also wanted to go back with Brother Zuo, but Brother Zuo invited her to go, but the timing was wrong.

If she dares not to go back at night, the whole Tongcheng will be turned over by her father and three brothers tonight.

So, she'd better go home obediently.

Yi Zuo was very frustrated.

Today must not be his lucky day, it's okay to be beaten up by the elder brother, but the tricks have not been successful, and now he doesn't even have the chance to embrace the beauty.

In the end, he resigned to his fate and sent Bo Qingqing to the gate of the compound, and he went back to his villa.

(End of this chapter)

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