Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 325 Who Did It On Purpose

Chapter 325 Who Did It On Purpose (1 More)
Feng Family Villa.

Yang Dan came here today with the baby in his arms. As soon as Feng Xiao got home, he saw their family of three sitting on the sofa watching TV, and Yang Dan was leaning on his father's shoulder.

The father puts one arm around the girl's shoulders and the other holds a baby.

Standing at the door, Feng Xiao didn't know whether to go in or not.

This was originally his home, but now it made him feel like an outsider.

"Wen Jun, you don't even know that Ah Xiao really went too far today. Look at me, no matter what, I'm your wife, right? That's his half mother, but he betrayed you because of those two. The woman yelled at me and almost beat me, it really drove me to death."

The reason why she chose such an old man is because among all the old men, Feng Wenjun has a good figure, at least he doesn't have a beer belly, and his physical strength is similar to her previous boyfriend, so being with him is not so disgusting .

Hearing the girl's coquettish voice, Feng Wenjun didn't speak.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Yang Dan couldn't figure out his thoughts, so he failed to sue, so he had to say good things.

"Wen Jun, if it wasn't for your face, I would never forgive him for treating me like that."

Feng Wenjun took her hand away, and took back the hand on her shoulder, holding the son in his arms firmly with both hands, without a trace of emotion in his eyes.

"Yang Dan, I think you should sort out your position and why I'm with you. If you still want to move here and be a good Mrs. Feng, don't provoke Liu Ping's mother and daughter in the future. Today is For the first time, if you let me hear you insulting them again in the future, you will lose everything, including your son."

While talking, Feng Wenjun stroked his son's pink and tender face, as if what he said was just an ordinary sentence.

But there was a violent reaction in Yang Dan's heart.

What is the meaning of Feng Wenjun? Not only him, but also Feng Xiao, have such a protective attitude towards the mother and daughter. I really don't know what's good about them.

However, she can't confront him now, since he has said so, she will be obedient, but in private, as long as he doesn't know what she wants to do.

"Okay, it's just that you are so kind, they treat you so well and you treat them so well, I will just avoid them in the future, but seeing you like this makes me like you more and feel more secure."

Feng Wenjun acted as if he didn't hear what she said, he only had eyes on the child in his arms.

The conversation between the two was heard clearly by Feng Xiao who came behind them silently.

"Dad, I'm back."

Feng Xiao's light words came from behind them.


Yang Dan immediately jumped up in fright.

Turning around to look behind him, seeing that it was Feng Xiao, Yang Dan's face turned red with anger.

"Ah Xiao, why are you like this? You didn't say a word when you came back, and you still talk behind your back like this. Are you going to scare us to death?!"

Regarding her yelling, Feng Xiaoquan pretended not to notice, and turned his gaze to the baby in his father's arms.

Is this his brother?

He's so young, it's really hard to think that he, Feng Xiao, will have a younger brother.

"Dad, I've eaten outside. If I'm fine, I'll go up and rest first."

Such an environment is really not suitable for his existence.

Yang Dan saw that the father and son didn't care about his words at all, just now Feng Xiao threatened her like this, and her reaction was so big, Feng Wenjun didn't lose his temper with Feng Xiao, he was so mad at her!

This feeling of being out of breath is really too aggrieved.

Feng Wenjun didn't answer his words immediately, but got up with his son in his arms, walked around the sofa and walked to Feng Xiao's side.

Seeing his father walking over, Feng Xiao closed his eyes, not wanting to look.

Feng Wenjun didn't care about his feelings, and hugged the child in front of him.

"A Xiao, look at your brother, isn't he cute?"

As he said that, Feng Wenjun raised the child a little higher, in order to let Feng Xiao see it more clearly.

Feng Xiao turned his head not to look.

"Dad, I don't have a brother."

Feng Wenjun froze when he hugged the child.

Yang Dan who was standing not far away also sneered.

It seemed that she didn't need to do anything at all.

Both father and son started to squabble, and you can see how angry Feng Wenjun is by seeing how dark his face is.

"Ah Xiao!"

Feng Wenjun let out a low growl.

"Dad, if it's okay, I'll rest first. Also, I think you should tell Aunt Yang who's wife my sister is. Some people don't let her touch it for her own good."

After speaking, Feng Wenjun walked away without even looking at Yang Dan.

As soon as Feng Xiao left, Yang Dan's body leaned towards Feng Wenjun, making a coquettish voice.

"Why is Ah Xiao talking like that? I didn't do anything to that girl. Besides, whose wife could she be? I can't touch her, unless she is Bo Zhongye's wife."

However, Bo Zhongye's wife must be a daughter of the right family, an illegitimate daughter, ha ha.

Feng Wenjun didn't even look at her, and said calmly.

"You're right, she is Bo Zhongye's wife, so what you do in the future is up to you."

Yang Dan's hand holding his arm froze instantly.

She was just talking casually.

Feng Wenjun broke off her hand and sat down on the sofa again, with only the child in his arms in his eyes.

Yang Dan also walked over and sat down, trembling all over.

So, at noon today, she almost kicked Bo Zhongye's wife, the future head mother of the Bo family?
How to do?
Bo Zhongye wouldn't come to look for her, would he?
"Wen Jun, why didn't you tell me earlier, so I can build a good relationship with Qinqin. Isn't this good for your business?"

Really, I thought I was venting my anger on him, but it turned out to be causing trouble for him. Now it is true to hurry up and say good things.

"Stay away from them to help me," Feng Wenjun said, "Go back tonight and clean up, and move here tomorrow. I told you, you have to abide by my rules when you move here. If I say you Just remember."

Hearing this, Yang Dan's eyes darkened.

"Understood, Wen Jun, don't worry, I won't touch any of their things, I have you enough."

Feng Wenjun didn't say anything more. Over the years, he had seen a lot of women like her.

Is it enough to have him?
It is enough to have money.

"Okay, the child is here for you. I will send someone to pick you up before ten o'clock tomorrow morning."

After speaking, Feng Wenjun gave her the child and walked upstairs by himself.

As soon as Feng Wenjun left, the new butler came over.

"Ma'am, sir let me see you off."

Yang Dan is so angry that even a housekeeper bullies her, hum, wait, everything here will be hers soon, this housekeeper who has no vision, when she becomes the hostess here, doesn't she want to fire her? Anyone will be fired.

After Feng Wenjun went upstairs, instead of going back to the bedroom, he knocked on his son's door.

Feng Xiao just came out of the shower, opened the door and saw his father, Feng Xiao squinted his eyes.

"Dad, do you have anything else to do?"

Feng Wenjun looked at his son and asked.

"It's not your Aunt Yang today. Don't be as knowledgeable as her. Your mother is not injured, and Qinqin is not injured, is she?"

Hearing that Feng Qinqin was pregnant, it should be fine. If something happened, Bo Zhongye would have turned their Feng family upside down by now.

"Qinqin is fine. Didn't you agree with Aunt Yang? I kicked her aside. Dad, do you have anything else to do? If not, I'm going to bed."

I really don't want to talk to my father.

"It's nothing, just to tell you that your Aunt Yang will officially move in tomorrow."

Feng Xiao was startled for a moment, then smiled.

"I know Dad, but I hope this is the last woman. You should restrain yourself. I don't want to have another brother or sister in the future. I can't bear it."

Feng Xiao felt that he had nothing to say, so he closed the door casually.

Feng Wenjun, who was blocked from the door, sighed impatiently.

Since receiving the message from Zhenzhen's father, Bo Zhongye has not left work in the morning, and has been with her every day, wishing to be with her in public places.

After following for three or four days, Feng Qinqin couldn't bear it anymore.

That night, Feng Qinqin nestled in Bo Zhongye's arms, hugged his waist, raised his chin, frowned, and discussed with him.

"Husband, didn't you say you won't take a vacation? You've been with me for so many days, so you should go to work."

His behavior in the past few days also made her nervous, and Qiao Wu, who was in school, was called to protect her.

She's just pregnant.

"I won't go. I'll go after you give birth. Ah Qing will tell me about anything in the company. I'll go back when necessary."

"Just go to work. You see, you have been with me these few days. I have nothing to do. Don't waste time with me."

"What is wasting time? With you, it is never a waste of time."

He hadn't planned to go to work in the first place, but now he just decided.

Zhenzhen's father still doesn't know when he will act, and he can't take it lightly.

The girl is well-behaved now, her heart is bursting with sweet bubbles.

Her family, Mr. Bo, is more talkative.

"Then you can't stay with me all the time, can you?"

"Why not."

Speaking of pregnant women, there are many things to do, such as pregnancy checkups and prenatal education. Now the month is still young, and when the month is older, Qinqin will definitely have a lot of reactions, and the child will become more and more noisy. At that time, I still have to take a vacation.

So, it's better to stay with her now.

Seeing his insistence, Feng Qinqin didn't force her anymore, but she always felt that he was hiding something from her.

"Oh, well, it happens to go to the birth checkup tomorrow, so you go with me."

Tomorrow the baby will be one month old, and after tomorrow, it will be fine to go to the hospital once a month.

"Well, let's rest first."

"Husband, I can't sleep, you can talk to me."

Recently, I have been sleeping too much during the day, and it is difficult to sleep at night.

"it is good."

"Husband, do you think there will be two babies in my stomach?"

Feng Qinqin still wanted twins.

Hearing this, Bo Zhongye burst out laughing.

"Twins are good, but you will become more and more tired in the later stage, and it will be very dangerous during childbirth."

He is already very happy to have children, but this girl is more greedy than him, she wants two more, he doesn't want her to suffer so much.

Feng Qinqin pursed her mouth, raised her head, and stared at him.

"Can't you have some ambition, maybe there are really two?"

"Okay, go to sleep, get up early tomorrow for the obstetric examination."

Feng Qinqin groaned twice, nestled in his arms and stopped talking.

Bo Zhongye adjusted her position to make her sleep more comfortably.

Just when he thought the girl was asleep, Feng Qinqin suddenly raised her head and asked.

"Honey, do you want a son or a daughter?"

Bo Zhongye thought for a while: "Daughter."

Feng Qinqin: "Hmph, I'm going to have a son!"

Bo Zhongye: "...."

Feng Qinqin glared at him, saying that her daughter was her father's little lover all her life, so she wanted to have a little lover so soon?


Bo Zhongye had a headache.

No wonder it is said that the temper of pregnant women is volatile, which is really reasonable.

"Okay, okay, give birth to a son, give birth to a son."

Just follow her.


Feng Qinqin spat out two words.

Bo Zhongye: "..."

"Okay, baby, do you want a son or a daughter?"

You can't argue with her, you can only change the subject.

Feng Qinqin rolled her eyes.

Didn't she just say that she wanted a son and asked her, idiot!

"I want twins!"

Well, there is a circle back.

"Okay baby, go to sleep."

It's faster to sleep and have a dream.

Feng Qinqin stopped talking, nestled in his arms, and fell asleep after a while.

Looking at the girl sleeping soundly in his arms, Bo Zhongye sighed.

It would be nice if it was really twins.

 There is one more.

  Jiuqian has been updated for two months, and Qianqian will try to update Jiuqian for another month in March.

  Let's see how long Qianqian can hold on, hahahahaha

  Also, the guaranteed monthly pass has arrived, hey, vote for Qianqian, vote for Qianqian, vote for Qianqian.

  The second update will probably be at 11:30 or [-]:[-].

(End of this chapter)

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