Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 343 Open Your Heart

Chapter 343 Open Your Heart (1)

After getting the rough stone as he wished, Feng Xiao did not stay at home.

He looked at his father.

"Dad, I want to go out to live tonight."

After something like this happened, Feng Xiao had no intention of staying here, at least not for today.

Feng Wenjun didn't speak, but he knew that his father agreed.

"Dad, I'm leaving first."

As he said that, Feng Xiao glanced at Niu Fang who had not spoken all this time.

"Fangfang, let's go."

He has nothing to do here, but he has already decided on one thing in his heart.

Only then did Feng Wenjun discover the girl who came back with his son.

"Ah Xiao, who is this girl?"

Feng Wenjun doesn't remember his son having a girlfriend.

Although Feng Xiao was not the child his beloved gave birth to, he was his own flesh and blood after all, and he hadn't dated in his twenties, so he was still quite anxious.

Feng Xiao thought about it, but he couldn't say that she was Qinqin's friend, otherwise his father would probably cause trouble in the future.

"Dad, this is a friend I made recently."

When he said this, Feng Wenjun didn't believe it. He rarely communicated with girls, let alone brought them home.

"Hello, Uncle, I'm a new student at Tongcheng University. Today I encountered a little trouble. Brother Feng helped me. He didn't have time to go back, so he brought me here."

Niu Fang could tell that the relationship between their father and son was not good, so in order not to embarrass Brother Feng, she had no choice but to say so.

Hearing what she said, Feng Wenjun didn't continue to ask.

"Dad, I'm leaving first."

With that said, Feng Xiao took Niu Fang and left together.

After the two left, Feng Wenjun squinted at the woman who was still holding his arm.

"Yang Dan, this is the first time and the last time. If you dare to go to their room again in the future, then you will move out!"

Feng Wenjun was very serious, he didn't mean to be joking.

The hand holding his arm froze, and Yang Dan pulled it out tremblingly.

Can she fail any more?

She has already married an old man who can be her father. At her age, her life is ruined.

The reason why she married here was originally because of the Feng family's property, but now she feels that everything is not as easy as she thought.

"Wenjun, I am your wife, this is my home, why can't I enter?"

Now that she doesn't even have this right, what is she doing as a mistress?
As long as he has a little prestige, the housekeeper will not tell Feng Xiao's family affairs so quickly.

If Feng Wenjun had a little love for her, he would definitely be moved when she said such a thing.

However, Feng Wenjun didn't say anything.

Yang Dan sneered inwardly.

Okay, Feng Wenjun, you did a good job, you hurt me enough.

Since you do this, I don't need to worry about your feelings.

"Wenjun, I understand, I won't enter their room again in the future."

But in the near future, she will go in openly and take the contents inside, Feng Wenjun, from now on, instead of you chasing me, I will chasing you!
Seeing that she was still obedient, Feng Wenjun didn't say anything, turned around and went to the nursery to see the baby.

After coming out of Feng's villa, Feng Xiao was in a bad mood.

If Fangfang hadn't been by his side just now, he would definitely have told his father face to face that he would go to Feng's to work in the future.

In order not to cause unnecessary trouble for Fangfang, he decided to talk about it tomorrow.

Niu Fang didn't speak along the way, but bit her lip when she saw the car driving towards Tongcheng University.

"Brother Feng, I heard from Sister Qinqin that you are unhappy recently because of this incident?"

He has something on his mind, and she doesn't want her to keep it in her heart.

However, she also knew that Big Brother Feng might not trust her either, and this time if Sister Qinqin didn't ask, he wouldn't bring her here either.

Hearing this, Feng Xiao didn't speak, but continued to drive.

Niu Fang shut her mouth in embarrassment.

Forget it, if Big Brother Feng doesn't want to say it, then she won't ask.

The car drove all the way to the gate of Tongcheng University.

Niu Fang unbuckled her seat belt, opened the car door, and after stepping out with one foot, she suddenly turned around.

"Brother Feng, it's too late now, I'm a little scared, can you accompany me back home?"

She was a little scared, but it wasn't like she didn't go through the night.

It's just that she still wants to spend more time with him.

Of course Feng Xiao would not refuse, he immediately unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car.

Seeing him move so quickly, it can be said that he didn't even think about it.

Niu Fang couldn't help feeling a little sentimental.

Brother Feng, are you being so nice to everyone?
If not, you don't like me either, so why are you being so nice to me?

If it's just because of Sister Qinqin's entrustment, then it's really better not to be nice to her.

If this continues, she doesn't know if she will fall into it.

Seeing that she still hadn't left, Feng Xiao walked up to her and asked.

"Fangfang, what's wrong with you?"

Niu Fang was stunned, then shook her head.

"Brother Feng, let's go."

The street lights on the road have already been turned on, and now only couples or students who are in a hurry to return to the dormitory will hang around here on campus.

The shadows of the two were reflected on the road. Looking at the reflections of the two on the ground, Niu Fang felt a little warm.

Walking through a small turning intersection, there were no lights.

It was dark, and every time Niu Fang came here, she would feel lingering fear.

Feng Xiao also felt that this place was eerie, even a girl would be afraid.

"Why don't you have lights here?"

He remembered that there were lights here when he sent Qinqin back to school.

"Oh, I don't know, it's not lit up recently, and it should be fixed after a while."

Feng Xiao nodded, it seems that it is time to supervise the security system of Tongcheng University, the safety of girls is not a trivial matter, such unsafe factors will only give those dangerous elements an opportunity to take advantage of.

Seeing that the darkness is coming to an end, we are about to reach the door of the dormitory.

Niu Fang gritted her teeth, and suddenly turned [-] degrees to face him.

Feng Xiao was taken aback by her actions, and then stopped in his tracks.

Before he could speak, the girl's voice came over.

"Brother Feng, just send me here, the road ahead is lit, I can go back by myself."

"Also, Brother Feng, I will tell Sister Qinqin about today's matter that your father's wife had a dispute with you because of the shares. I think Sister Qinqin will not be angry because of this reason."

Say it now, so that she won't worry about what the two said differently when Sister Qinqin asks her in the future.

Feng Xiao didn't think of this level, so he smiled.

"Okay, just as you said."

They came back the day after tomorrow, and he would return the things to his mother when she came back, but it was time for him to go back and see if there were any things in the room of his mother and sister that they hadn't taken away.

Things like today must never happen again.

"Brother Feng."

Niu Fang called out again.

Feng Xiao looked at her in bewilderment, is there anything else?
Niu Fang hesitated, but finally said.

"Brother Feng, I just want to say something. It's better to say something. Even if you don't tell me, you can find someone you can trust. It's not good to hold some things in your heart for a long time."

Since she can't solve his worries for him, she also hopes that others can help him.

Feng Xiao was slightly stunned.

Immediately understood what she meant.

It's not that he doesn't believe her, it's just that he really doesn't have the habit of telling others what's on his mind.

He has always been used to forbearance, and he doesn't know how to confide in others.

"Fangfang, it's not that I don't believe you. I don't have anything on my mind. You have seen what happened in my family. There is really nothing to say."

This is how the family is now, and she who has been living in a warm environment like her must not understand it.

"Fangfang, it can be seen that your family has always been very kind to you. Except that they kept your mother's illness from you, you must trust each other."

But as for him, he was cheated by his family for more than [-] years. During this year, everything came to light because Qinqin and Bo Zhongye were together.

The mother he has always respected and loved is not his biological mother, and the sister he has always cared about is not his sister, and he has suffered such a big grievance, but he has not helped her at all, and he thinks he has done something for Qinqin a lot of.

But, in the end, he was the one who was kept in the dark.

Everyone knows the secret, even Lin Shishuo knows the secret, and he is waiting for his loved family to tell him.

However, in the end it was in such a sad way.

(End of this chapter)

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