Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 345 Self-directed and self-acted lightly

Chapter 345 Self-directed and self-acted lightly (1 more)
Feng Qinqin didn't want to be chained just because of a shell.

"Anyway, if you don't let me have fun tomorrow, we'll leave the day after tomorrow."

Really, they all came out to play, but she couldn't do anything.

Bo Zhongye kissed her on the forehead again, promising to take her to have fun tomorrow.

But, then again, there is really no fun, and tomorrow I can only dive to the bottom of the sea to find pearls for her.

"Husband, have you found out about Yang Dan? I'm almost dying of anxiety, and I don't know how the eldest brother is doing?"

The elder brother is also true, but if he has a little ambition, he will not only get [-]% of Feng's shares now, nor will he be bullied by that guy Yang Dan.

In order to pave the way for him, she told her family, Mr. Bo, to take him with him whenever possible. In the end, he was like a dou who couldn't help him.

I don't know what the big brother is thinking?
"Wait a minute, our brothers are not at the company recently, Le Yuan is busy, but now the company is on holiday, I also told him yesterday, within three days, there should be a result."

That is to say, they will know when they go back.

Well, she waited a little longer, she wanted to see what kind of character this Yang Dan was!
Since staying with Yizuo on the first night when he came to Erhai Lake, Bo Qingqing always smiles every day in his dreams.

It's a pity that it was only for that night, and they lived in their own tents again for these two days.

So annoying!

I really want to send a message to Brother Zuo and ask her to come and live with her, but she is a girl.

You can't be proactive every time.

Brother Zuo is really bad!Don't you know who came to find her?
Just as he was thinking about it, Bo heard that the zipper of the tent seemed to be unzipped from the outside.

Bo Qingwei: "?"

Could it be that some bad guys came over?

Does she want to shout?

Of course I'm going to shout!
The moment Bo Qingwei was about to shout, the door of the tent was completely opened, and then the man she was thinking of appeared in front of her.

"Brother Zuo!"

Bo Qing couldn't help crying out.

The voice was quite loud, and the two of them were dumbfounded with fright. Yi Zuo quickly turned around and zipped up the tent, and strode up to her in two steps at a time, covering her mouth with his big hand.

This girl, she couldn't be so excited to see him.

There are people escorting her all around, and she called everyone over.

He waited for two nights to reassure the three brothers of the Bo family, and finally came here today, but this girl seemed to be overly happy.

Bo Qingwei regretted it too much, really, why is she so excited!

In less than 3 minutes, the three elder brothers will come over soon, isn't this a rapist in bed!
It was really embarrassing enough to be caught by the brothers.

With an idea, Bo gently pushed him away.

"Hey, Brother Zuo, let's go to the next city tomorrow, shall we?"

Bo Zhongqing and Bo Zhongwen who rushed over to her tent resisted the urge to ask her, and continued to listen to the movement inside.

Inside the tent, Yi Zuo watched his girl directing and acting herself, and she acted quite vigorously.

"Well, yes, you must take me there tomorrow."

After a while, Bo gently said to the outside again.

"Well, good, good night, Brother Zuo."

After the three sentences were finished, Bo was sweating slightly.

Patting his chest lightly with both hands, he was so nervous that he fell into Yi Zuo's arms, hugging him tightly with two small hands, his heart was almost up to his throat.

The two people outside heard that Qingqing was on the phone, so they stopped worrying.

Bo Zhongqing yelled inside.

"Gently, go to sleep, as for where to go tomorrow, let's talk about it tomorrow."

This younger sister, I really don't know what ecstasy soup Yi Zuo poured into her to make her so determined.

"Okay, second brother and third brother."

Bo Weiwei also intentionally replied a little late, expressing her surprise.

Hearing what she said, Bo Zhongqing's two brothers left in peace.

On the other side, Bo Zhongye was trapped by his wife.

Feng Qinqin wouldn't let him disturb Qingqing's good deeds.

"Stop making trouble, let me go out and have a look."

His sister is not easy to worry about.

"Don't go!"

Feng Qinqin yelled at him, in order not to let him go, she had to come up with a trick.

"Bo Zhongye, is Qingqing more important than me in my heart? You see, you don't accompany me because of Qingqing!"

Feng Qinqin was speechless inwardly, gently, lightly, for your happiness, my sister-in-law and I have started to make trouble unreasonably. If you don't succeed, then sister-in-law will have no choice.

Sure enough, when Feng Qinqin got so angry, Bo Zhongye stopped talking about leaving in an instant.

"Okay, I won't go, okay, don't be angry."

Bo Zhongye didn't dare to make her angry now, this girl was already irritable because she couldn't go out to play, if she gets angry again at this time, the little girl would not die of grievances.

Gentleness is very important to him, but now his girl is the most important.

Besides, Ah Qing and Ah Wen will definitely go to see it, and they really heard their conversation.

Only then was he relieved, and then sighed.

One by one, it is not reassuring.

Feng Qinqin secretly hooked her lips, gently, you must thank me.

Bo Qing breathed a sigh of relief after successfully avoiding his brothers' Cha Qin.

Bo Qingwei poked his head out of Yi Zuo's arms, and patted his chest again with his small hand. After hearing the second and third brothers stepping away, Bo Qingwei glanced at Yi Zuo triumphantly.

"Brother Zuo, am I smart or not!"

As he spoke, he winked at him.

It seems to be saying, praise me, praise me!
Yi Zuo glanced at her helplessly and dotingly, wrapped his arms around her shoulders, and held her in his arms and lay down together on the soft quilt.

"Well, Wei Wei is very smart."

She is indeed smart, and this girl is also a ghost.

Bo gently arched into his arms again, wrapping his small hands around his waist, before he settled down for a while, his hands began to be dishonest.

After a while, Yi Zuo's hoarse voice sounded.


A soft call, but with Yi Zuo's helpless forbearance.

This girl, if he doesn't speak again, she will take off his clothes. It's not enough to take off his shirt now, her little hand has already reached the edge of his underwear.

This girl, I don't know if men can't flirt at will, or flirt with a man who has just had sex, no matter how much restraint he has, he will be worn out by this tortured little guy.

The big hand covered her little hand, grabbing back the messy little hand.

"Stop making trouble, go to sleep."

What kind of place is this place, surrounded by people from the Bo family, it's good enough that he can come in and sleep with her in his arms, if something happens, the other four will know immediately.

Even if you can't bear it anymore, you have to endure it.

However, if Qingqing still teases him, he really can't be sure.

Hearing this, Bo pouted lightly, not to mention how disappointed he looked.

"Brother Zuo, is it really just sleeping?"

She really wants to do something else, like, something embarrassing...

Yi Zuo: "..."

He thought too.

"Gently, go to sleep, otherwise, if your brothers find out, I won't even have the privilege to sleep with you."

Bo Qingwei was speechless for a moment.

She has always thought that her brother is good for Bo Qingqing, now she really wants to ask herself why she thought this way in the first place.

If there weren't so many brothers, would she be able to do whatever she wanted with Brother Zuo today?

"Actually, they won't come over if they hear the movement..."

Later, Bo muttered softly.

Yi Zuo: "...?" 
Just a few seconds, then wake up.

this girl!
If he really did with her here, the three brothers would definitely not come in, and no matter how angry they were with Wei Wei, they would wait until tomorrow. Coming here now would undoubtedly embarrass her.

However, after tomorrow he may be disabled.

"Okay, be obedient, go to bed, don't you want to go to the next city tomorrow, just the two of us."

But he made it very clear that he would take her there tomorrow, and no one else would take her with him. After that, wouldn't they be able to do whatever they wanted?
Upon hearing his words, Bo Qingwei was immediately happy.

That's right, just now she directed and acted by herself, saying that she wanted to hang out with Brother Zuo, so isn't this an opportunity?

"Yeah, brother Zuo, I will definitely hurry up and give birth to your baby!"

These words hit Yi Zuo directly on top of Yi Zuo's head like a thunderbolt.

He co-authored this girl because he wanted to have a child for him.

Yi Zuo's heart softened for no reason, and the arms around her waist tightened.


Yi Zuo said in a low voice, and lowered his head to imprint on the corner of the girl's lips.

Why are you so stupid?
That day he just asked for her opinion, and he also said that the child's affairs follow the fate, they will want it when they come, if they don't come, the fate has not arrived, and it's only because of that one time.

She is still young and just entered her junior year, so it was his fault for her to become pregnant.

It's just that it was their first time last time, and he didn't want to be separated by a condom for the first time, so there was no intimacy at all.

Likewise, if it wasn't for the fact that she was still in school, he wouldn't be using that thing in the future.

But, now is not the time.

Bo slightly raised his head, arched his body upwards, and faced him.

"Brother Zuo, I understand what you said, but I just want to give birth to you, so that we can get married in a legitimate way, and my parents won't object."

This is one of the reasons, and the most important reason is that if she has a child, she will have a layer of protection, and Brother Zuo will not break up with her for the sake of the child in the future.

Yi Zuo was taken aback by the girl's words, and his eyes gradually became hot.

Before he could speak, the girl whispered again.

"Besides, it's useless for me to go to school. You see, I don't know anything. In the future, no company will ask me to be an employee with princess disease. If you give birth to a child for you earlier, then I can do nothing earlier. In the future, I will You are responsible for spending money to prodigal, and you are responsible for earning money to support your family, this is my goal in life."

This sentence is not a lie, it is really her goal in life, to give birth to a bunch of children for Brother Zuo, to wait for him at home every day, to cook for him, and to do laundry for him, that would be great.

Maybe it's just that I have no ambition.

"However, dearest brother, don't dislike me. I have already made an agreement with my sister-in-law. If no company wants me after graduation, I will sell clothes in his store. I can definitely make money!"

Worried that brother Zuo would dislike her, Bo Weiwei quickly said that he would not really just mess around at home!

The girl said one sentence after another, Yi Zuo really couldn't keep up with her train of thought.

What is this all about?

"Why is there no company that wants you? They want you to go and I still don't agree with you."

After graduation, she can only stay by his side obediently and is not allowed to go anywhere!
What other companies don't want her, they are vying to get her to work.

But not because of her ability.

Hearing this, Bo Qingqing giggled twice.

She just liked Brother Zuo's overbearing CEO's tone.

"Well, I'm not going. I'll go to my sister-in-law's store to sell clothes. If I have time, I will learn how to cook with my sister-in-law. I will cook for you in the future, okay?"

Alas, she began to imagine the scene of her delivering meals to Brother Zuo at noon or when he was working overtime.

It must be very warm and beautiful!
Seeing the little girl's swearing appearance, Yi Zuo was really embarrassed to discourage her enthusiasm.

"Okay, then I'll wait for Chef Qing to cook for me."

As for what it would be like, Yi Zuo couldn't imagine it.

Bo Qingwei is very confident.

Full of confidence, Chao Yizuo patted his small chest and said.

"With my sister-in-law here as a chef, I'm sure I can do it, and I don't need to learn [-]% of my sister-in-law's!"

 Friends of the text, please support oh.

  Miraculous doctor and noble daughter: Uncle Guo, don't flirt

  Author: Leng Xianqiu

  He is the uncle of Xian Guo, he is the most beautiful man in the Datong Dynasty, he is the only son of the prime minister, the emperor's brother-in-law, he is a famous playboy, it is rumored that he bullies men and women, bullies the market, does many evils, is ruthless, unrestrained, seeks flowers and asks willows, Full of evil, insane.

  Uncle Xian Guo spit on the ground, "Yah, who the hell is slandering my uncle!"

  She is Wang Qianran, she is the only descendant of the "Old Wang Family's Descendants", the largest family of miraculous doctors in martial arts today. She is upright and brave, she rescues the poor, and she is famous all over the world.

  Wang Qianran covered her face in embarrassment, "Ah, how can I be so good, I'm even embarrassed."

  One day, they met, hehehe.

(End of this chapter)

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