Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 354 No Calls

Chapter 354 Don't Answer the Phone (2 more)
Niu Fang didn't expect Brother Feng to agree so readily, she didn't even say anything.

But the meaning of her words was already obvious.

Brother Feng is not stupid, so he must know.

"Brother Feng, thank you."

She mustered up the courage to say this today. She originally thought that he would refuse. After all, he didn't agree with her confession yesterday, so the chance of agreeing to her today is even smaller.

Unexpectedly, he agreed.

She is really happy.

This was the first birthday she met Brother Feng, and she would really regret it if Brother Feng wasn't there.

Feng Xiao was taken aback, this girl is too easy to please, he just agreed to her to attend her birthday party, how can she be so happy?
"Is there any gift you want, I'll bring it to you."

He didn't understand the girl's mind, let alone what gift to bring.

Hearing this, Niu Fang waved her hands again and again.

"No, no, I don't want anything. I'm very happy if you can go."

It was beyond her expectation that Brother Feng would agree, so what gift could she ask for?

Before Feng Xiao was about to speak, Niu Fang spoke first.

"Brother Feng, I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first."

After speaking, he took the lunch box and ran away.

Feng Xiao was taken aback by her actions, and then laughed.

There is no need to be so nervous, he is not a scourge.

After running for a certain distance, Niu Fang stopped panting and stood under a tree to rest.

Well, today is my wish come true.

She will be very happy on this birthday.

Niu Fang smiled, took the lunch box in her hand, and walked towards the bus station.

In the evening, Yi Zuo brought her back after eating lightly.

On the way back, Bo Qingwei wrapped herself tightly, and the sweaters on her body were the turtleneck sweaters that Brother Zuo bought for her just today.

Bo glared at him lightly, very angry.

"Brother Zuo, next time you do this again, I won't come out alone with you."

She really likes to do this, but if her parents know about it, it will be difficult for her to come out with Brother Zuo again.

Yi Zuo chuckled twice, and squeezed her little face with one hand.

"My family will definitely not bear it."

If she had the heart, she would have refused.

Bo pouted at him lightly, and she knew that in front of him, she always couldn't speak up to him.

Simply stop talking, and don't argue with him in the future.

Never can argue with him,
It was already eight o'clock in the evening when we returned to the Bo's compound. Because there was a pregnant woman in the family, we ate on time. When the two came back, everyone had already eaten.

Seeing the two of them coming back, Zuo Yao first asked her daughter if she had eaten, and was relieved only after she knew she had.

Yi Zuo still had business to do, so he left after saying a few words.

Not long after Yi Zuo left, Feng Qinqin was about to go back to rest. Seeing that her sister-in-law was going to bed, Bo gently stepped forward to hold her hand.

"Sister-in-law, let's sleep together."

She really didn't want to sleep alone, and it happened that her eldest brother was not there, so she happened to be able to sleep with her sister-in-law.

Feng Qinqin was dumbfounded, then nodded.

"Okay, let's go."

Seeing that the two were about to leave, Zuo Yao walked over and grabbed her daughter's arm.

"Gently, you don't sleep honestly. You can share a room with your sister-in-law, but you can't share a bed."

It's really dishonest for Bo Qingquan to sleep. It was okay to share a room with Qinqin before, but not now. If she is dishonest, she will kick Qinqin in the stomach and it will break.

Feng Qinqin waved his hand.

"Mom, it's okay. Qingqing and I have lived together before. She is quite honest and will be fine."

Besides, the bed is so big, can't it fit the two girls?

There is only one bed in the bedroom, so we can't let the servants bring another bed.

"No, Qingqing is too sloppy, and I can't take care of you. I asked the housekeeper to bring a sofa and a big bed to pick up. Just lie gently on the sofa."

Bo Qingwei: "...?"

Mom actually said to let her sleep on the sofa?

This morning, she was exhausted from being tormented by brother Zuo, so she just wanted to come back and lie on the big comfortable bed to rest for a while, and let her sleep on the sofa when she came back. Isn't this torturing her?
However, she has said so, if she said to go back to the room by herself, what would my sister-in-law think about it?

"Okay, then you need to prepare a big sofa for me."

The butler pulled the sofa in the bedroom to the big bed and said to the eldest lady.

"Miss, do you think it's okay? If you are not satisfied, we will change it for you."

This sofa is still quite big, so it is still possible.

Bo lightly pursed his lips. Although it was not as comfortable as a big bed, it was much larger than an ordinary sofa.

"That's all right, you can go back, my sister-in-law and I are going to rest."

The butler nodded and left.

As soon as the butler left, Bo gently pulled Feng Qinqin to lie on the bed and the sofa.

The two girls were facing each other, Feng Qinqin saw that she was really uncomfortable sleeping on the sofa, and said.

"Gently, come here, let's sleep together, mom doesn't know anyway."

She was uncomfortable seeing her awkward appearance.

Thin shook his head lightly.

"Sister-in-law, it's fine here. I'm comfortable and soft here."

She can't be so delicate, she has to learn to consider other people's feelings.

The sister-in-law is her little nephew in her stomach, if she kicks her, she will regret it to death.

"Sister-in-law, don't you call your eldest brother at night?"

No, it's not a phone call, but a video call.

After a while, she can see her eldest brother and sister-in-law showing affection, hahahahaha~
Is there something wrong with her?

Bo thought again.

As soon as he heard Bo gently talking about Mr. Bo, Feng Qinqin blushed, and remembered yesterday that he asked her to undress for him, and he also undressed for her.

She didn't even know that this man had so many tricks.

Still on the phone?
Hmph, before she comes back, she won't reply to him a single message, to let him experience her temper.

Bo Weiwei looked at her sister-in-law's complexion, which was flushed red, as if she was ashamed, but more like angry.

Could it be something happened with the elder brother?

Well, it looks more like being molested by the elder brother.

"Sister-in-law, is elder brother mad at you?"

Definitely yes!

It is estimated that he is still playing hooligans!

Feng Qinqin glared at her and said nothing.

Seeing the helpless look on his sister-in-law, Bo gently burst out laughing.

First he laughed softly for a while, and then fell down laughing directly.

When my sister-in-law was still like this, she remembered the aggressive posture of her sister-in-law when she confronted Lin Zhiyou and Lin Shishuo, but she was an example to follow, and now she was so angry that she couldn't even speak a word.

It is indeed one thing.

"Sister-in-law, quickly call elder brother, I want to know how angry elder brother is with you."

After finishing speaking, Bo Qingwei covered his stomach and laughed again.

Feng Qinqin was speechless.

The siblings were also drunk.

"Sleep, if you don't sleep, I'll kick you out."

Feng Qinqin frightened her.

Her younger sister had to scare her, otherwise she didn't know how long she would laugh.

Bo Weiwei still didn't stop laughing, tears were about to come out of the laughter.

"Sleep, sleep, don't talk."

Bo gently got up and turned off the light, taking advantage of the light outside, she went back to lie down on the sofa.

After both of them lay down, Bo Qingwei didn't feel sleepy at all.

Thinking of having sex with Brother Zuo these few times, she wondered if she had a baby in her stomach like her sister-in-law.

"Sister-in-law, what's it like to be pregnant with a baby? Do you enjoy it?"

Feng Qinqin didn't expect Qingqing to ask such a question. After thinking about her and Yi Zuo's affairs, Feng Qinqin squinted his eyes in the dark.

Qingqing doesn't want to have a baby with Yizuo, does she?

She still has to go to school!

"Gently, tell me, did you not take measures?"

This is a big thing, she needs to figure it out.

There was no sound, no one answered her.

Bo Weiwei didn't dare to speak, she didn't want to lie to her sister-in-law.

Feng Qinqin got up and sat up. In the darkness, she seemed to be able to see Qingqing's guilty eyes.

"Gently, did you not take what I told you to heart?"

Seeing that her sister-in-law was serious, Bo Qingwei didn't dare to get up, but her sister-in-law kept looking at her, so she had to sit up.

"Sister-in-law, I, I don't want to..."

Bo Weiqing hesitated and didn't say why.

Feng Qinqin was helpless.

"Qing, can you understand what my parents and I are thinking? If you are engaged or married, it's easy to talk about, but you have to remember, you are still in school, you have to know how to measure."

She can understand the slight feelings, but it will be a long time in the future, so there is no rush at this moment.

It's fine if she knows it now, but if parents and grandparents know it, Qingqing will definitely be in trouble.

"Gently, I'm not talking about you, forget about the past, don't do this again in the future, we girls have to be responsible for ourselves, you have to be clear about that."

She pretended not to know about this, but she wanted to remind her what to do and what not to do!

Bo slightly lowered his head and let out a soft oh.

Hearing the slightly hurt tone, Feng Qinqin didn't say any more.

If this is her friend, she must talk about her well, but this is her sister-in-law, and she can only talk about some things in a timely manner, and it is not good to talk too much.

"Okay, go to sleep, we have to get up early tomorrow."

Today, Qingqing is here, and she will not tell stories to the baby.

Not long after lying down, the time chimed.

Feng Qinqin took it out and looked at it.

Sent by Mr. Bo.

"Honey, are you asleep?"

If you don't return, you just won't return.

Seeing that she didn't reply, Bo Zhongye sent another message.

"Honey, are you asleep?"

Feng Qinqin continued to ignore her.

Bo Zhongye already knew that this girl did not answer his phone on purpose.

She must have not slept at this time.

A wechat video call was made, Feng Qinqin was startled, and refused to answer it with a slip of her little hand.

Look, Bo Zhongye knew that she didn't sleep, it was because what happened yesterday made him angry.

"Baby, are you angry? Turn on the video and let me see you."

I haven't seen her for two days, and he will go back by car in a while, and he should be home tomorrow morning.

As a result, the girl still didn't talk to him, so it seemed that she could give her a surprise.

Feng Qinqin pouted, but didn't answer him.

Bo Zhongye was about to drive back, so he didn't talk to her anymore, and it would be the same when he went back tomorrow.

"Baby, good night, sweet dreams."

When Feng Qinqin received this message, she stared and read it in disbelief.

Does this person just say these few words?

It's too impatient.

Don't you know how much to coax her?

He was so angry that he lifted the quilt and covered his head.

Hmph, he'd better not come back, and ignore him when he comes back.

In the middle of the night, Bo Qingqing crawled onto the big bed and lay side by side with Feng Qinqin.

In a daze, Bo Qingwei felt a little itchy on his calf, moved his hand over and scratched it, and felt comfortable. As usual, he stretched hard and felt something kicked.

In Feng Qinqin's sleep, she only felt a pain in her lower abdomen, which was already sensitive due to pregnancy, so she woke up directly this time, sweating from the pain.


Feng Qinqin screamed, sat up, covered her stomach with both hands, and only then realized that Bo Zhongye was not at home.

Bo Weiwei was also awakened by this scream, sat up quickly, and hurried over to turn on the light.

When I turned around again, I found my sister-in-law was sitting in the middle of the bed, clutching her stomach and screaming for pain.

This time, Bo Qingwei was really frightened and walked over in a few strides.

"Sister-in-law, what's the matter with you?"

As soon as the words came out, Bo Qingwei seemed to remember how she got up from her sister-in-law's bed instead of the sofa next to her.

Didn't she kick her sister-in-law in the stomach just now?

(End of this chapter)

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