Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 374 Buying clothes for the baby

Chapter 374 Buying clothes for the baby (2 more)
Huayan didn't expect that Anxi would leave so soon, but given how much the CEO attaches importance to Qinqin, Anxi will leave sooner or later.

However, how could the president know what was going on in the department? It was impossible for Qinqin to sue.

Although Qinqin and Qinqin have only known each other for two days, they get along very well.

Based on her understanding of Qinqin, she should not have known about this matter.

When Feng Qinqin woke up in the afternoon, she found that she was already in the car. She rubbed her eyes and saw the man in the driver's seat.

Looking at the seat belt in front of her lower abdomen, Feng Qinqin was a little speechless to herself.

Could she be a pig?
"Husband, why didn't you wake me up?"

Just carrying her out like this, everyone in the company must have seen it, oh, it's only been two days, and I don't know how many times I've been ashamed.

Bo Zhongye stretched out his hands to pinch her gradually fleshy little face, and said with a smile.

"I yelled, some people sleep like pigs, so I can only carry you out."

They both really had the same idea.

"Are you going home?"

"Well, go home."

When they went back at night, the family members were waiting for them to eat.

After dinner, Zuo Yao asked them to go to the hospital for reexamination tomorrow.

Bo Zhongye also thought about taking her for a review. They hadn't had intercourse for more than three months, and if this continued, he would have to quit.

"Okay, I'll take her to see it tomorrow."

Bo Qingwei didn't dare to speak the whole time, trying to reduce her sense of existence as much as possible.

After eating, Bo walked back to his room softly, picked up his pajamas and planned to take a bath, but suddenly felt sick in his chest.

It was as if something was churning in my stomach, but it was only for a moment, and it will be healed soon.

Bo patted his chest lightly, and blinked his eyelids.

Could it be that I ate something wrong tonight?

I remembered that I ate the celery that I didn’t like to eat all the time, probably because of this reason.

Then, he picked up his pajamas and went to the bathroom.

Early the next morning, after eating, Bo Zhongye took Qinqin to the hospital.

While waiting for the result, Feng Qinqin remembered one thing.

"I seem to have forgotten to ask for leave with Manager Bai."

People say that she has been stupid for three years after being pregnant.

Everything is hindsight.

"I've already told him that you can go tomorrow."

Feng Qinqin let out an oh.

It's true that I didn't have time to do things when I went there today, and the documents just happened to be brought back.

It's the same at home.

"Oh, you can go back after you send me back later."

"I'll go back with you, I won't go to work today."

Feng Qinqin: "..."

Well, a day off is fine too.

When the test results came out, Dr. Xu said that he was fine.

"Then can we share a room?"

Bo Zhongye said it first, with an eager tone, as if he was waiting to say this.

Doctor Xu: "..."

Feng Qinqin: "..."

Can she pretend not to know him?

Is this the only thing in this person's mind?

Feng Qinqin really wanted to drag him away, but someone said something shameless.

"It should be fine."

Feng Qinqin: "..."

It's like digging a hole to get in.

Dr. Xu is an obstetrician and gynecologist after all, and he has seen many such things.

But I have never seen Bo Zhongye so anxious.

Dr. Xu coughed lightly, with embarrassment hard to hide on his face.

"It's ok, but you still need to control the frequency, strength and time. The body of a pregnant woman is still very fragile."

After hearing Dr. Xu's words, Feng Qinqin's face flushed red.

Dr. Xu is really a person who has seen the world, so the old driver can say what he says.

Bo Zhongye still looked clear, the excitement on his face was obvious.

"Okay, it's basically fine. If you're in the car for a while, don't take the co-pilot. Now that you're pregnant, it's not suitable to wear a seat belt."

Doctor Xu said some precautions, and Bo Zhongye wrote them down one by one.

After coming out of the hospital, Bo Zhongye looked at the little girl's stomach, it was indeed a little big, but it was not obvious.

If you wear loose clothes, you can't tell that this girl is pregnant.

"Do the pants feel tight, do you want to buy some new pants?"

The tops are okay, the ones I bought are looser, but the pants need to be replaced at any time.

Feng Qinqin felt it. Although it wasn't tight, it wasn't loose either. Since I'm not working today, I'd better buy a few.

"Then prepare it for a month first, lest you have to go out and buy it after a while."

In the end, when the two arrived at the big shopping mall, Feng Qinqin didn't look at her clothes, but couldn't get out of a children's clothing store.

Looking at the colorful children's clothes inside, they are very cute.

Feng Qinqin touched this one and wanted to see another one.

Seeing that she didn't know which good expression to look for, Bo Zhongye was helpless.

"I don't know the baby's gender yet. The ones I bought before are enough. Let's buy the rest after the baby is born."

"do not want!"

While talking, Feng Qinqin took out a cartoon of small clothes, which seemed to be something the baby could wear when he was born.

"We have to buy it now. We can prepare it with both hands. Besides, I have to go through the confinement period. I definitely don't have time to come here. I have to prepare all the clothes for the first month."

(End of this chapter)

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