Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 385 Only eat it for your son!

Chapter 385 Only eat it for your son! (1 more)
Have a bad appetite?
Yi Zuo frowned and asked.

"Have you eaten junk food recently?"

Bo gently puffed his cheeks and shook his head.

No, she always eats at home, and sometimes goes to Aunt Liu Ping's for lunch.

"Tomorrow, I'll take you for a checkup to see if you have a stomach problem."

"Brother Zuo, don't you want to see a client tomorrow, I'll just go by myself."

Besides, the third brother is idle at home, she can let the third brother accompany her.

Thinking of tomorrow's work, Yi Zuo could only nod his head.

"How about I go with you the day after tomorrow, tomorrow afternoon?"

He was still worried if he didn't follow.

It was really busy during this time.

Bo leaned towards him lightly, hugged his waist, and said softly.

"Oh, it's okay, brother Zuo, I will send you a text message to tell you the result after I finish the inspection."

He was busy with work, and she couldn't bear to bother him.

Hearing this, Yi Zuo didn't insist anymore, and only asked her to let Bo Zhongwen go with her.

After a while, the classmates and a few good friends from Fangfang's dormitory also came over, and when they saw these handsome guys in the living room, their eyes were almost red.

They asked Niu Fang for a long time who these people were and if they could introduce them to them, but Niu Fang rejected them one by one because they all had girlfriends.

But her elder brother is single.

Niu Feng was not bad either, but it was a little inferior to stand with those three men.

Niu Fang scolded them one by one, what, her eldest brother is also very handsome, okay?
Originally, I wanted to give one of them a red line, but now I'm angry, I don't want to hold it anymore!

The birthday party started with everyone singing the birthday song, blowing out the candles, and Niu Fang made a wish.

I hope Brother Feng can be with her one day, and then forever!
After the birthday party was over, Bo Qingwei and Yi Zuo left first, and then Niu Fang's classmates also went back, and Niu Feng called a taxi for them.

Seeing that everyone was leaving, Feng Qinqin didn't stay any longer, she had to go back to sleep.

"Brother, do you want to go back?"

There are some things she needs to ask her eldest brother face to face.

Seeing that she had something to say, Feng Xiao and Niu Fang greeted each other and left.

Bo Zhongye was worried that she would be cold, so he let Feng Xiao get into the car to chat.

"Brother, what are you going to do with what happened last night?"

As soon as she got in the car, Feng Qinqin ran straight to the topic.

Feng Xiao knew that she wanted to ask this question.

"Qinqin, don't worry about this matter, the police have already made a decision."

"What decision? Why haven't I heard about Yang Dan's arrest?"

Feng Qinqin got angry seeing her elder brother being so talkative.

Why, why did Yang Dan want to hurt him?

Isn't it Feng Wenjun? She's still afraid of him? !

Hearing this, Feng Xiao glanced at Bo Zhongye who had been hugging his sister all the time, and he knew that the two gangsters confessed so quickly and thoroughly, it must be because of Bo Zhongye's role in it.

Otherwise, it is possible that the trial will not come out.

It's just that he has to wait a few more days for this matter, and he can take the initiative when everything is done and he has full confidence.

"Qinqin, I believe your elder brother is no longer the man who was willing to fight for everything. Now, I can't give her another chance to harm me."

Feng Qinqin looked at his eldest brother's expression when he spoke, and thought that he suddenly went to work in Feng's family, so there must be a reason for him.

"Brother, do you have any other hole cards that you haven't shown? Tell me. If you don't tell me, I can only worry."

It's not that the eldest brother is not smart, it's just that this smartness is not so smart when compared in front of Feng Wenjun and Yang Dan.

Hearing what his sister said, Feng Xiao glanced at Bo Zhongye.

Could it be that Bo Zhongye didn't tell Qinqin the results of his investigation?

If she had spoken to Qinqin, Qinqin would not have asked such a question.

After receiving Feng Xiao's gaze, Bo Zhongye didn't look at him.

"Qinqin, leave this matter to the eldest brother, I believe he can do a good job, you should go to bed, it is already very late."

It's better for him to discuss this matter, otherwise this girl will make trouble with herself after she finds out.

Feng Xiao understood what he meant, and after saying goodbye to them, he opened the car door and went back.

After Feng Xiao left, Feng Qinqin glared at Bo Zhongye.

"Why don't you let me finish?"

Not knowing the situation, she was in a hurry.

"Let's go home and take a shower first, lie in bed, and I'll answer the questions you want to ask."

It's really uncomfortable to stay in the car for a long time.

Feng Qinqin narrowed her eyes and looked.

he knows?
Back in the Bo's compound, everyone had already gone to bed, and Zuo Yao was still waiting for them to come back in the living room.

I'm really worried.

Seeing that her mother-in-law was still waiting for them, Feng Qinqin walked over embarrassedly and called her mother.

"You are back, you are full. I think you will not be full if you only eat cakes, so I have left some food for you."

After three months, pregnant women eat more and more, and their stomachs get hungry quickly. This nutrition must keep up.

Bo Zhongye looked down at her and asked softly.

"Want to eat?"

He was not used to eating cakes, so he basically didn't eat much, and he was a little hungry now.

Feng Qinqin rubbed her stomach and smiled awkwardly at her mother-in-law.

"Mom, I'm so hungry."

Zuo Yao was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing, she liked to hear Qinqin say she was hungry.

"Wait a minute, the chicken soup Wang Ma stewed today has been kept warm, I'll serve it for you."

While speaking, Zuo Yao went to the kitchen to prepare food for them.

Looking at her mother-in-law's busy figure, Feng Qinqin felt very sorry. How could she be so lucky?

Bo Zhongye pinched her already fleshy little face and said with a smile.

"Don't be embarrassed, let her be busy, mom is busy and happy."

Now that there is a grandson, it's no wonder that mother is unhappy.

He took her hand and walked to the dining table, then went to the kitchen to help serve the meal.

Feng Qinqin lowered his head and sniffed the two bowls of hot chicken soup, his appetite suddenly came up, he raised his head and giggled at Zuo Yao twice, the satisfaction in his eyes made Zuo Yao very pleased.

"Silly boy, what are you laughing at? Eat quickly."

Feng Qinqin lowered his head, first took a sip of chicken soup, then ate another piece of chicken, raised his head and said to Zuo Yao.

"Mom, I'm laughing, maybe it's because stupid people have stupid luck."

It was her happiness to be married to Bo Zhongye, and it was her blessing to have such a mother-in-law. I don't know what good deeds she did in her previous life, but all the luck in this life fell on her.

Hearing this, Zuo Yao shook his head and laughed.

She also likes Qinqin's inattentive attitude towards her family and her understanding of the general character.

"Eat quickly, if it's not enough, there will be more."

Bo Zhongye looked at them and said something.

"Mom, you will make my daughter-in-law fat."

As soon as the words fell, two sharp knives shot at him.

"Shut up and eat your meal!"

Zuo Yao scolded her son angrily.

"Where is Qinqin getting fat? As a man, it's your fault that you didn't let your woman get fat!"

After finishing speaking, when Zuo Yao went to see her daughter-in-law again, she had another look on her face, that was like a spring breeze.

"Don't listen to his nonsense, we eat ours, and your dad likes me to be fat, saying it feels good to the touch."

Bo Zhongye: "..."

When Feng Qinqin heard this sentence, the chicken in Feng Qinqin's mouth almost didn't fall, she bit it quickly, with a flash of embarrassment on her face.

I really didn't expect that my mother-in-law would have sex with her.

She thought that her mother-in-law was a lady of every family, so she wouldn't say such things to her, but she was terrified when she first heard it.

Zuo Yao was also a little shy after she finished speaking, after all, these were all things between her and Bo Songyuan's boudoir, but it's not shameful to talk about it with her daughter-in-law.

"Mom, why don't you go back to bed first, we'll go upstairs after eating."

It was almost 09:30, middle-aged people usually go to bed earlier, and she saw her mother-in-law's eyelids fighting just now.

Zuo Yao was not pretentious either, she ordered Bo Zhongye to clean up the dishes and then went upstairs to rest.

Feng Qinqin felt a little hungry after eating a bowl.

She touched her belly, pinched her rounder waist, and finally decided not to eat.

If she continued to eat, she would really gain more than a hundred catties.

However, in the near future, she will definitely rise to a hundred catties, 110 catties, which is a bit scary to think about.

Seeing her wanting to eat but not daring to eat, Bo Zhongye laughed, got up, took her bowl and went to the kitchen.

Suddenly, Feng Qinqin saw him bringing her another bowl of chicken soup.

The girl's face turned red instantly.

"Didn't you say you won't let me eat?"

She was angry when she said it, just now she said she was getting fat.

Bo Zhongye picked up the spoon and put it in her hand, then pinched her little face and said with a smile.

"Mom is right, it's better to be fatter, and it's more comfortable to hug when you are fatter. Besides, babies also need nutrition. Are you going to starve him?"

She is indeed too thin, 1.6 meters five, but only ninety kilograms, sometimes when holding her, her bones hurt so badly.

Feng Qinqin bit her lip, lowered her head and started eating, muttering while eating.

"I ate it for your son. If you dislike me in the future and go out to find a slim woman, then I will let my son beat you, and I will not let him be filial to you when he is old."

Bo Zhongye was speechless, thinking that he would find other women after eating.

I don't know what's in my head, can't I think of something good?

I don't go to work tomorrow weekend, it seems that it's time to take her out for a walk and watch a movie.

"Honey, I'll take you shopping tomorrow afternoon. Is there any movie you want to watch? Go see it tonight."

Since she got married, she hasn't added a ring to the little girl. Seeing that she has worn the ring on her hand for several months, it's time for a new one.

After Feng Qinqin finished drinking the chicken soup and ate the last piece of chicken, Bo Zhongye reached out with a long finger and took out a tissue to wipe her mouth.

Feng Qinqin just enjoyed his care, rolled her eyes and said.

"Let's go to see Cucurbit Baby, it happens to be a prenatal education for the child."

Gourd baby...

The corners of Bo Zhongye's mouth twitched, he wanted to take her for a romantic trip, he said it would be good to watch a romance movie.

Look at gourd baby.


"it is good."

However, the theater will definitely not show it alone now, it seems that he has to ask Le Yuan to book the show in advance.

After Bo Zhongye cleaned up all the dishes, he picked her up and went upstairs.

Feng Qinqin quickly hugged his neck, worried that she would fall off if she was not careful.

Seeing her husband's blushing and breathing, Feng Qinqin asked.

"Honey, if I weigh 150 pounds, can you still hug me?"

As soon as the question came up, she shook her head first.

No, there is no problem of hugging or not being able to hug her. If she really weighs 150 catties, he will not report to hug her again.

Which man would hug a meat pier!
Still a meat pier covered in fat.

Thinking of the two bowls of chicken soup she just drank, she now wants to spit it out.

Bo Zhongye looked down at her, and the girl blinked, probably imagining how she weighed 150 catties.

"No matter how many catties, as long as you dare to eat, I will hug you."

150 jin, 110 jin is the limit of this girl, it looks like 1.6 meters five is not low, in fact, the little girl has a very small frame, no matter how fat she is, she can't get too fat.

Feng Qinqin pouted, dissatisfied with his answer.

Shouldn't it be said that no matter what she is, he will hug her?

Realizing her own thoughts, Feng Qinqin didn't say it in time, really, she was becoming more and more unreasonable.

The next morning, Bo got up and tidied up and planned to go to the third brother to ask him to go to the doctor with her, but the third brother had already left.

It turned out to be out of town.

Thinking about it, I guess I secretly went to see Yuqing again.

During the meal, Bo Weiwei felt nauseous more frequently than before.

Thinking that everyone is very busy, and the second brother doesn't know where to go, it's better for her to go by herself.

Noticing her reaction, Feng Qinqin narrowed his eyes and asked.

"Gently, what's wrong with you?"

Why does she feel that she has been slightly disgusted once or twice?
this reaction...

She has a bad feeling, is Wei Wei...pregnant?
Bo patted her chest lightly and gave her a comforting smile.

"Sister-in-law, it's okay. Maybe it's because of my irregular diet and overeating. My stomach is always churning."

She herself was quite puzzled when she said it.

Looks like I really need to see a doctor.

Zuo Yao and the others were a little far away from here, they didn't hear what the two of them said, and thought it might be just chatting between little girls, so they didn't care.

Although Feng Qinqin had some guesses in her heart, she didn't dare to say it.

However, thinking about it, even if he asked lightly, Yi Zuo is not an unsteady person, right?

It should be that she guessed wrong, and I hope she guessed wrong, otherwise the family will really be uneasy.

After the meal, Feng Qinqin frowned when she learned that Qingqing was going to see a doctor.

She was very worried.

When she was pregnant, I went with her lightly, and she might be the only one who knew the truth, so I had to accompany her to see it.

"Gently, I seem to have forgotten to ask Dr. Xu something, let's go together later."

This morning, both Bo Zhongye and Yi Zuo will go to meet with clients to discuss matters related to Rose Villa. When it comes to the last moment, the two CEOs will naturally be there.

This should be the reason why Yizuo didn't accompany Qingqing to the hospital.

Bo Qingqing really thought that someone could go with her, she wished for it.

"Okay, sister-in-law, change into warmer clothes."

Feng Qinqin went back and changed clothes, the two girls were about to go out, Zuo Yao saw her daughter and daughter-in-law going out together, she was so frightened that she quickly warned her.

"Gently, take good care of your sister-in-law, and I will never end with you if something goes wrong!"

Bo Qingwei: "... Got it!"

Those who didn't know thought she picked it up?
Bo sighed softly, took Feng Qinqin's arm, and complained.

"Sister-in-law, you are talking about your daughter, but you can't be at home. You see, I only have one sister-in-law, and my mother will not take me seriously. After that, there will be two more sister-in-laws, and there will be no place for me at home." .”

This is only said on a good relationship, otherwise I have to worry about whether her words will cause my sister-in-law to misunderstand.

Feng Qinqin laughed, raised her hand and nodded her head.

"You, I think you are not satisfied!"

Bo shook his head slightly, the two got into the car, and the family driver drove.

"Actually, I'm not worried. Now, the second brother's girlfriend has not been confirmed. Yuqing and I grew up together, so I don't think I will have a sister-in-law problem."

It's just that the second brother should not marry a dominatrix and come back.

Feng Qinqin was also puzzled by Bo Zhongqing.

"Gently, tell me, all the men in the Bo family are so dedicated, why did they change when they came to your second brother?"

"Actually, my second brother was not like this before. Although my second brother had many girlfriends before, he never stopped at kissing. Maybe it was because he was cheated so badly. Ever since he was designed into bed by a girl, second brother It seems to have changed."

She became irritable, and she remembered that day seemed to be the girl's birthday, and on that day, the girl drugged her second brother's wine glass.

After the incident, the second brother woke up in the girl's bed early the next morning, and in anger, he broke up the girl's company, and soon the girl was also deported abroad by the second brother.

 A big turning point is coming, from now on, Qingqing is no longer that girl with low self-esteem, and she is no longer that girl who wrongs herself in everything, she will change a lot.

  Well, okay, I still ask for a monthly pass, hehe.

(End of this chapter)

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