Chapter 30

Qing Wu's eyes were bright, as if he had thought carefully for a while, he approached Gui Yuan, rolled his eyes for a long time before saying, "Fourth Highness, what do you want to exchange this time?"

Guiyuan smiled, looked at me, and flicked the table with his slender fingers: "Aifei, what treasure do you have?"

This guy!I took a deep breath in my heart.She tilted her head and thought about it, and then remembered how many fetishes she had when she was married, so she smiled and replied: "There are many treasures, Xuanyuan Sword, Kunlun Mirror, Waterproof Pearl, which one does Your Highness want?"

Anyway, these few things are all at Guiyuan's place, and I won't lose them if I exchange them or not.

Qing Wu picked up the hair on my forehead, played with it for a while, and said, "Then Kunlun mirror." Then he looked at Guiyuan, and said in a deep voice: "The Kunlun mirror can lock the spirit. I put my heart and soul into protecting the soul of Princess Zixuan, if you find the chance, this Kunlun mirror is a good thing to bring back the soul, and if you find Princess Zixuan, it will not be in vain for Your Highness to save my blue bird clan."

Gui Yuan smiled loudly, bowed his head and squeezed a chess piece to land on the chessboard: "It used to be difficult for the sea to be water, except that Wushan is not a cloud, can you still not let it go if you don't fight?"

I feel a little depressed. Although Princess Zixuan passed away tens of thousands of years ago, Fang heard that Guiyuan used his heart and soul to protect her soul, but there was still a bit of bitterness in my heart. I glanced at him, but saw Guiyuan smiling Looking back at me, I hurriedly lowered my head and twisted the corner of my sleeve, listening to Qingwu and Guiyuan talking about the old things that made Ben Shangshen very unhappy.

I didn't know that Qingwu was also in love with Princess Zixuan. If I didn't know my marriage contract with Guiyuan from a young age, I would make a mockery of it. I tilted my head to look at Qingwu. There are not many people like Cheng Qingwu, seeing me staring at him, Qingwu patted my head: "Why, aren't you used to Fourth Highness telling me to stop fighting?"

I rolled his eyes at him, I don't care if Guiyuan told you to fight less or more, "I've been sitting for a long time but I didn't see you preparing the meal, Qingwu is really stingy!"

"Borrow something from me, and you want me to take care of the food?" Qing Wu blinked, "Cooperate with your husband and wife and don't make a loss-making business!"

Qing Wu turned around and joked with Gui Yuan again, "Who in the heaven knows that Wang Chuan is so stupid, marrying the Fourth Highness, opened the mind of the Fourth Highness, and took advantage of me?"

Guiyuan shook the corner of his robe, and said with a shallow smile: "Don't fight for less, don't think that she has a good brain. You and her have been friends for tens of thousands of years. Don't you know that she has always been a foodie!"

Qing Wu laughed loudly, I got anxious, got up and threw the chess piece heavily on the board, lifted the corner of my skirt and walked out, only to hear Qing Wu biting the root of his tongue behind him: "When Wang Chuan gets angry, his nose becomes more and more constricted. Smaller, if not, Fourth Highness always says she is ugly, really ugly, extremely ugly."

I turned around, and just about to use the spell, I saw Guiyuan swaying over, holding my hand, and the smiling, trembling face was magnified several times in front of my eyes, and I gave him a hard look.

Guiyuan took my hand as if nothing happened, and walked slowly in the winding scenery of Ziwei Realm, "Less arguing is just a few jokes, why can't my concubine listen?"

I pouted, and said sourly: "Do you think that all the fairies of the Jiuchongtian look like Princess Zixuan? Don't say that your lofty Highness Guiyuan is thinking about it, even that damn kid Qingwu can't forget it. What's more, there is that deeply affectionate Luo Zhi..."

Gui Yuan looked at me from the side, frowned slightly: "Luo Zhi? Did Jinxiu tell you?"

(End of this chapter)

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