Chapter 60

Guiyuan glanced sideways, just now the anger was still clogged in his chest, and there was nowhere to go. Seeing Zixuan standing at the door with half of her face blushing, she said coldly: "I used to play tricks on my Yuanqing Palace. , would this be hypocritical?"

Zixuan never wanted others to expose her faults. Hearing what Guiyuan said, she walked up to him and pushed him: "Who is lying?"

Guiyuan gave her a blank look, and continued to pretend to be asleep, Zixuan was puzzled, and simply pulled up a chair and sat in front of Guiyuan: "I'm still relying on it today!"

This made Bai Ze burst out laughing, picked up the pills on the table and threw them to Zi Xuan: "Then Gui Yuan taking the medicine, I will trouble you."

Before Bai Ze left, he still didn't forget to blink with Zixuan, and then there were only Zixuan and Guiyuan left in the room, Guiyuan continued to pretend to be asleep, but Zixuan couldn't get angry, and poked him: "Hey, hey..."

Guiyuan hid himself and opened his eyes: "I don't have a name or surname? Is it interesting to come and go?"

Zixuan rolled her eyes angrily: "Careful! Isn't Luo Zhi coming to marry me, who will show her face?"

Guiyuan leaned on the soft bed, and it took a long time before he said: "Are you really stupid or fake?"

Zixuan blushed again, and straightened her clothes: "Well, then you also, never said..."

"What did you say?" Guiyuan wished he could knock open Zixuan's head to see what kind of junk was inside. What she meant just now was true, but she still didn't realize it because she was staring at her head in bewilderment.

Zixuan was shy for a long time, her eyes rolled and she saw the two pills lying quietly on the table, and she held them in her hands: "I can take your medicine, if I really paralyze on the bed, I'm still afraid that the emperor of heaven will come to find me." Settle the bill!"

Guiyuan smiled: "Even if you are paralyzed, it is because of Bai Ze standing outside. What does it have to do with you, Zixuan? Will you be rewarded for your kindness?"

Zixuan's face turned red again, and she simply threw the medicine on him: "Huh!"

Guiyuan picked up the medicine, and seeing her angry little face, couldn't help but smile: "Still angry, it's so ugly!"

Zixuan pushed him hard: "You always said that I was ugly since I was a child, how could I be ugly? Look at Luo Zhi, who also said that I am good-looking, and you will come to Jiuchongtian to marry me!"

Guiyuan paused, and the atmosphere became more and more embarrassing. Zixuan rolled her eyes a few times. Seeing that Guiyuan still didn't respond at all, she pushed him because she couldn't bear it. Guiyuan raised her head. Seeing the shallow reflection of himself in his eyes, he was a little embarrassed, his eyes rolled around, Guiyuan looked at her expression and smiled slightly: "Does your heart still hurt?"

"Eh?" Zixuan was stunned for a moment, seeing Guiyuan staring at her chest, and then leaned back on the cat's body, with a blush on her face, "Why doesn't it hurt? Why don't you gouge out some of your heart, you Does it hurt?"

Guiyuan frowned, thought for a while, stretched out his hand and pulled Zixuan, Zixuan hid back, Guiyuan whispered: "Let me see how the wound is healing?"

"What's so interesting?" Zixuan muttered in a low voice, but Guiyuan smiled and said nothing, she still used some hand strength to pull her body, and carefully opened the skirt, and saw a three-inch-long gash on the left breast , with scars, against the tender white complexion, it looks more and more ferocious, Guiyuan's heart ached, and he gently rubbed the wound with his fingertips, Zixuan dodged back, threw his hand away, and held it tightly Closing the skirt, Guiyuan raised his eyes to look at her fixedly, and gently pulled her into his arms, Zixuan's little face blushed again just in time.

In other words, nesting in Guiyuan's arms is a job I do very often, and I even do things like sleeping together. Somehow, it's just a thousand-year-old situation, and I feel a little awkward. Isn't it just Zi Zi who is awkward? Xuan, together with me outside the illusion, are also tense awkwardly.

I'm afraid that any woman will not be happy when she sees her man hugging someone else's affectionately.

I lowered my head and thought about it, as if I were Guiyuan and Zixuan, oh no, that off-key episode in Yinhu and Lian's tens of thousands of years of reincarnation, no matter what, the affection was long and the pillow was spent together They are like flowers in the water, the moon in the mirror, I feel a little redundant.

I got up and stretched my arms and legs, my stomach was so hungry, the fragrance of fairy fruits offered in the hall was wafting, I ate my heart full after holding the fairy peaches, and the affection in the illusion faded one by one as I gobbled it up, I couldn’t even eat and drink enough. Forgot to take a nap.

It's dark and dark to be able to sleep with my husband's ex-love, counting, only I, Wang Chuan, can do such a thing in Jiuzhongtian.

In the dream, it was Gui Yuan who was standing in front of me with a smile, his palms were warm, and my heart was trembling from the heat, I nestled in his arms aggrieved, crying profusely.

What made me cry was that I didn't meet him in his Silver Fox life.


After waking up from crying, I straightened my body, and the illusion continued.

My Emperor Ziwei and the Emperor of Heaven are sitting in front of the hall, and those kneeling below are Guiyuan and Uncle Luozhi.

Oh, I forgot to mention that Uncle Luo Zhi was a bit evil when he was young, which made me dislike him. I looked around, but I didn't see Zi Xuan.

Feeling curious, he heard the Emperor of Heaven open his mouth and said: "Guiyuan and Zixuan have been engaged since they were young, how can the words of the two emperors be trifling? Luo Zhi should come back quickly." The Emperor of Heaven turned sideways again, facing Zixuan Emperor Wei: "Although Zixuan's cultivation level is still low, my little four doesn't have the ambition to be a heavenly emperor, and she doesn't need Zixuan's cultivation level to be a queen. Long nights always have many dreams."

Emperor Ziwei stroked his beard and nodded with a smile. Before the Emperor of Heaven could say anything grandiose, he heard my uncle Luo Zhi say: "If we talk about this marriage contract, Zixuan must be willing to do it."

Guiyuan sneered, and reminded him in a low voice: "Luozhi's management is a little too broad."

Luo Zhi raised the corner of his robe and stood up, snorting: "His Royal Highness Guiyuan is still worried..."

"In my opinion, the marriage will be on the third day of next month. If His Royal Highness Luo Zhi is free, come to Ziwei Palace for a glass of wedding wine!" My Emperor Ziwei interrupted, saying that the marriage is certain, so Luo Zhi couldn't say anything more , angrily thanked the gift and left the hall of Tiangong, Guiyuan stood up and stood, if I read the expressions of the two emperors correctly, the expression was a bit heavy.

And the illusion later on finally made me understand where this heaviness came from. Unexpectedly, the battle between immortals and demons when I was young started with the fact that my husband wanted a bright matchmaker to marry Zixuan, and Uncle Luo brought a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers from the demon world Break into the nine heavens.

Zixuan was like an ignorant baby, standing on the Nantianmen in a daze, watching the blood flow into a river.

Uncle Luo Zhi's eyes turned red, and he stood against the wind with Gui Yuan.

"I said, I will marry Zixuan!" Uncle Luo Zhi's expression was fixed, and the sword in his hand tightened again.

Since then, Guiyuan's body has not been as good as before when he was fighting with Qiongqi. Luo Zhi's sword dodges and hides, but it is still a few inches away, and a blood hole the size of a bowl is exposed on his shoulder.

"Guiyuan!" Zixuan exclaimed, and staggered down the Nantian Gate, Guiyuan protected her behind her, "Didn't I tell you to stay in the palace honestly, why didn't you listen?"

Zixuan's crying broke my heart, I closed my eyes slightly, but heard another muffled groan, the familiar one made me sad, I half opened my eyes, and saw Uncle Luozhi's sword resting on Guiyuan's neck , Zixuan went over and tugged at the corner of Luo Zhi's clothes: "Luo Zhi... Luo Zhi... why did we fall in love with each other when we were young, but now we have to turn against each other?"

"Guiyuan!" It was the voice of the Emperor of Heaven, probably just arrived, Xiangyun was a little unsteady, followed by my Emperor Ziwei.

"Let me go!"

Luo Zhi snorted coldly: "Okay! But..." Luo Zhi looked down at Zi Xuan, and said softly, "I'll take Zi Xuan away!"

"No!" Gui Yuan Dingding's voice came.

The gods went back and forth to play games, but they didn't notice Zixuan who was kneeling at Luo's feet. Zixuan took out a sharp weapon from her bosom and stabbed it straight in the heart. Emperor Ziwei shouted in shock: "Zixuan!"

"Zi Xuan!" Luo Zhi dropped the sword in his hand, and hurriedly hugged Zi Xuan in his arms, "Zi Xuan!"

Guiyuan's expression was in a daze, but Zixuan said in a low voice: "Now, it's all settled..."

Guiyuan was like a violent lion, with blue veins on his forehead exposed: "How can we be clear?"

Luo Zhi hugged Zixuan tightly in his arms: "Don't talk, I'll take you back to the Demon Realm..."

A smile appeared on the corner of Zixuan's mouth: "Luo Zhi, I'll go with you..."

"Zixuan!" Emperor Ziwei fell from the cloud, and when he approached Luo Zhi, Zixuan's complexion became paler, and Emperor Ziwei snatched Zixuan from Luo Zhi's hand: "Silly are... What is this picture!"

A bit of confusion.

The Emperor of Heaven was a little unkind, and took the opportunity to arrest Luo Zhi.Zixuan stayed in bed for a while, my husband was by my side all day, serving tea and feeding medicine, the wedding was put on hold because of Luo Zhi's disturbance.

A few days later, the Devil Emperor came to the Heavenly Palace. Hundreds of thousands of demon heavenly soldiers surrounded the Jiuchongtian. The Heavenly Emperor was panicked. Bai Ze had the ability to predict the future, and pointed out a clear path for the Heavenly Emperor. I can only marry Zixuan to Luo Zhi, Emperor Ziwei is unwilling in every possible way, Bai Ze sips some tea and says: "Emperor Ziwei can also occupy the astrology, how can you not know that the fate of the mortal world is controlled by the heavens, and the fate of the gods?" But it’s not enough for one day?”

Emperor Ziwei couldn't do it, on the day he sent Zixuan away, he confined Guiyuan in the Ziwei Realm, and formed a barrier around it.

The imperial concubine and the emperor couldn't help crying, Zixuan in Ziwei Palace was in a daze, when Bai Ze came to visit, Zixuan moved her dumb eyes: "Take care of Guiyuan..."

It was this exhortation that made Bai Ze and me in the fantasy world shed tears.

Fantasies, before I complained about Zixuan, whether it is Luozhi or Guiyuan, there is always a clear belonging, why bother to fall in love with one of them, and make the other obsessed?
But I don't understand that what Zixuan wants is the fulfillment of both sides, the love of Luo, the meaning of returning to Yuan, and the affection of the childhood sweethearts of the three of them when they were young.

That day, in the secluded small courtyard, the kapok was swaying and the branches were alluring. Qing Wu, who had known me when I was young, stared blankly at the kapok, neither eating nor drinking.

Guiyuan lost his voice in pain in Ziwei Realm.

Zixuan knelt to bid farewell to the Emperor of Heaven, Emperor Ziwei, and concubine, without mentioning Guiyuan, but walked to the gate of Nantian, whispered a few words to Luo Zhi, and then went straight to the harem of Emperor Ziwei, where Emperor Ziwei arrived At that time, I saw Zixuan standing under the kapok, standing there blankly for a while, the Emperor of Heaven turned around and couldn't bear to look any more, Emperor Ziwei walked forward, Zixuan said to herself: "Father, this kapok It's so beautiful." Zixuan caressed the mottled branches of the tree, and laughed in a low voice: "Father, do you think Guiyuan is a bit stupid? If it wasn't for Jinxiu who came to see me yesterday, I wouldn't know, Guiyuan I went to the mortal world to look for this flower, and I knew that I like this kind of kapok here... There is a courtyard in Luozhi, and there are thousands of kapoks in the courtyard, but it is no match for this incense..."

I was crying badly, thinking that when I was young, whenever I could climb a tree to pick this bewitching flower, I would often see Gui Yuan standing under the tree and smiling blankly. It turned out that through my nonsense, what he looked at was Zi Xuan, with all kinds of feelings in her heart that have not yet begun in the future, is Zixuan who left with Uncle Luo Zhi because of caring for Guiyuan's immortal root.

Zi Xuan followed Luo Zhi to the Demon Realm, and thousands of years passed in a flash.

The Demon Realm is far less peaceful than the Nine Heavens. Uncle Luo Zhi is busy dealing with the intrigues and power struggles in the Demon Realm, leaving only Zixuan sitting in the palace, watching the flowers fall in front of the court, and the past of hundreds of thousands of years has passed. .

There are even those goblins serving in the palace, laughing at Zixuan's immortality for thousands of years.

Heavenly Demon is always a different way.

Luo Zhili's concubine is considered a major event in the Demon Realm, but due to the disputes among the many forces in the Demon Realm, there has been no conclusion. At that time, Luo Zhi would sneak into Zixuan's palace, hold her in his arms, and say in a low voice: "Zixuan, wait for me, it won't be a few days..."

These few days seemed to last for thousands of years.

Until the top of Zhaoyao Mountain in the Demon Realm wanted to marry her daughter to Luo Zhi, Zixuan escaped from the Demon Realm with a small trick, but she didn't dare to return to Jiuchongtian all the way, so she had to use magic to hide her fairy roots. Living in the mortal world, it is only because of what Bai Ze told me when he left the heaven, that there will be a catastrophe in Guiyuan after 3 years, and this catastrophe is himself.

A hundred years in the mortal world is just one day in the heaven, and Zixuan is counting the days, thinking about it. On the hilltop guarded by the mortal world, her hair turns white and then turns white again, going around and wandering around for a long time.

Until I met Guiyuan who had come to the mortal world for a long time.

Zixuan was a little happy.

After returning to the Yuan Dynasty, he forgot the previous love, and only remembered the many experiences in the mortal world when he returned to the throne. Fortunately, Zixuan knew him.

In the first life, Zixuan was a down-and-out scholar in Guiyuan, and Zixuan helped him every day, roughened her hands, washed clothes and cooked meals, and lived next to him.Guiyuan guards the affection in his heart, even though he crosses the Naihe bridge and drinks Mengpo soup, and doesn't know Zixuan's soul, but falls in love with Zixuan's affection that stays with him every day. They have been together for 60 years. Although they have no children under their knees, they are full of affection.

In the second life, Guiyuan was born in the emperor's family, and the six kingdoms fought. Guiyuan stood on the city wall and saw Zixuan picking up her parcels and running away in a hurry. A smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she begged Zixuan to be a princess, but her life was short. He died in the year of his brother's mutilation, Zixuan sadly gave away his soul, turned into a breeze, and waited for another 20 years in the mountains.

In the third life, Guiyuan passed on the scriptures and preached, and Zixuan transformed into a little novice monk. She made a bed for Guiyuan all day long, poured tea, wiped wooden fish, and felt consummated just by guarding close to her.


After ten lifetimes of calamity, in the last lifetime, Zixuan buried Guiyuan with both hands, and sat in front of the grave blankly: "Guiyuan, will you remember me?"

I was in the realm of illusion, crying so hard, I saw Zixuan push open the gate of the monastery, shaved and practiced.

For centuries and thousands of years, there have been one host after another, but Zi Xuan is still stubbornly watching and listening to the scriptures, repeating the scriptures over and over again, year after year.

Although time will not urge immortals to grow old, I see that the corners of Zixuan's eyes are filled with sorrow that I don't understand, yes, what can I do if I become an immortal?But it is not as real as the world of mortals from life to life, whether it is love or pain, or understanding life and death.

My husband is also stubborn like a fool. When the primordial spirit returned to the position, he used a profound spell to probe Zixuan's primordial spirit, but he didn't know that Zixuan was concerned about the catastrophe that would happen 3 years later. On the day he escaped into Buddhism, he hid his immortal roots, planted a seal for himself, and lost his cultivation for a thousand years.

All searches are empty.

I suddenly realized that if it was a catastrophe, how could Guang Zixuan escape by hiding?

Emperor Ziwei went down to the world to preach and preach, and it was connected by blood. Even though the seal was planted, Emperor Ziwei still knew Zixuan's primordial spirit. There are many enchantments in the world, and only Qing Wu, who has a good relationship with me, stays with me day and night.

If not, Qingwu will have a warm look on his face when Guiyuan mentions Zixuan.

But there is a reason for this.

3 years is easy to say, but it is sad in every way. Bai Ze often appears in the Yuanqing Palace, and sometimes he leans against the pillars to watch Guiyuan painting in the hall, and my heart tightens.

If a woman stares blankly, if she is not stupid, then she will show some affection. My husband, even in the fairy class, can't find a few immortals who are so upright and affectionate, Bai Ze It's not surprising that I love her, but it's a pity that my stupid husband only thinks about Zixuan.

Sometimes Bai Ze sarcastically arranges how Zi Xuan and Luo Zhi love each other, Gui Yuan just looks up at her, then smiles without saying a word, love and hate can make people crazy.In the past, Bai Ze had the idea of ​​fulfilling Zixuan and Guiyuan, but it was only more than 2 years ago, so he came up with such unreasonable thoughts, nestled in the Yuanqing Palace every day, and even begged the Emperor of Heaven thick-skinned.

The Emperor of Heaven said: "If Guiyuan agrees to accept you as a concubine, it will be good."

If it is neither serious nor serious, neither side should be offended. Speaking of which, I am afraid that no one in the heavens has the ability to be a heavenly emperor.

The moonlight in the Guanghan Palace was thick and shadowy. Guiyuan stood in the palace and looked at the little moonlight. It seemed that the ten generations of companionship were still in front of his eyes. Bai Ze was holding the wine and shaking the wine in the cup. After drinking, he laughed and laughed, and when Bai Ze climbed into Gui Yuan's arms, Gui Yuan breathed out in her ear and said, "You know, my nine-tailed fox family is born with charm skills, and this aphrodisiac is probably Bai Ze's." Ze Shangshen wasted all his efforts..."

Bai Ze was embarrassed, and he said for a long time: "I'm afraid at this time, Luo Zhi and Zi Xuan's children are all running around, you only know what you can't ask for..."

"Bai Ze," Gui Yuan interrupted her, and gently pushed her away, "You can't ask for more from me, Gui Yuan, okay?"

Bai Ze was taken aback.

After a long time, he said bitterly: "Don't regret it." He shook his sleeves and walked away.

After that, many things happened, which made me feel a little bit epiphany.

Bai Zegui is a god, and he can calculate Guiyuan's catastrophe as Zixuan, but he can't calculate his own catastrophe.

Bai Ze Demon Realm and his party did not see Zixuan, but figured out that Zixuan was hiding in Ziwei Realm, Luo Zhi rushed to break the barrier, Zixuan was dragging her cheeks in a daze.

Luo Zhi went over to gently hug her, shedding tears: "Zi Xuan, follow me back to the Demon Realm..."

Zixuan looked at him and smiled, 3 years is not just a flick of a finger, the sharp blade of time will change many things, Zixuan caressed Luozhi's weather-beaten face: "Luozhi, that day, I went back to the Demon Realm with you, and I planned to live a peaceful life with you." Tears fell down, causing Luo Zhi to panic, "But, Luo Zhi, you ask your heart, I, Zixuan, really have you in the Demon Realm." Is your right important?"

Luo Zhi's lips moved, and Zi Xuan gently pushed him away, "Thinking that I have no relatives and no reason, after ten thousand years..."

Luo Zhi hugged Zi Xuan tightly: "Zi Xuan..."

My Husband Guiyuan entered the Ziwei Realm and saw the scene of Luo Zhi embracing Zi Xuan. He was so angry that he wanted to start a prairie fire. He hurried over and struck Luo Zhi on the back of the head with his palm. He murmured: "Guiyuan..."

Guiyuan snorted: "I can't wait to be affectionate, Zixuan, my Highness really underestimated you!"

Bai Ze stood not far away, folded his arms, and looked at Zi Xuan with a slight sneer. Zi Xuan was about to speak, but Gui Yuan said to Luo Zhi coldly: "Is the Heavenly Realm a place where you can come whenever you want?"

After finishing speaking, she pinched the tactic, layers of silk tied Luo Zhi tightly, Zixuan went over and touched, pulled and pulled, and turned to look at Guiyuan, only to see fierce flames burning in his eyes: "Let go of Luo Zhi first."

Guiyuan snorted: "Hiding in Ziwei Realm and forgot the rules? Seeing His Highness but being rude?"

Zixuan was taken aback for a moment.

Turning her head to look at Luo Zhi again, she knelt down in front of Gui Yuan, lowered her head and said in a low voice: "His Royal Highness Gui Yuan, Zi Xuan begs you to let Luo Zhi go..."

Seeing her kneeling obediently, Guiyuan became angry again, and mocked coldly: "My Highness is blind to the love of ten generations!"

After speaking, he tugged on Luoshang Xiangyun, Zixuan wanted to say something but didn't say it, Bai Ze walked up to her, helped her up, and said with a half-smile: "You know, no one will be here in the original place." waiting for you..."

Zixuan's heart cracked a little bit. After all, after nearly 3 years, she was no longer a green child. From Bai Ze's eyes, Zixuan understood that little bit of affection. It would be great if it could be fulfilled.

Thinking of this, Zixuan knelt down in front of Bai Ze: "Luo Zhi hasn't hurt me at all, please God Bai Ze, save Luo Zhi..."

Bai Ze played with his cuffs: "A life for another, are you willing?"

Zixuan's heart ached, and before she could say anything, Bai Ze said to herself: "Zixuan, I have taken care of Guiyuan for you for 3 years, and since the day you left, I have told you However, our Bai Ze family has the ability to predict the future, Gui Yuan's cultivation base of nearly 10 years, and a first-class immortal root, would you like to see him die like this?"

"What's more, the Heavenly Emperor prefers these four sons. Back then, he kept the stability of the Heavenly Realm and Guiyuan, so he discussed with the Devil Emperor to marry you to Luo Zhi. How is it different now from then?"

I was in the realm of fantasy, seeing clearly, my mind was shaking again and again, my brain was pounding, and I realized the cause and effect clearly, the light dream I had in the Dragon Palace that day came one after another.

On that day, Zixuan stripped her sword and slashed at Nantianmen, so it was so.

(End of this chapter)

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