Pride of Heaven and Dragon Slayer

Chapter 1 Past life, this life depends on the sky?

Chapter 1 Past life, this life depends on the sky?

Painful, very hungry, very tired.This is all the feeling Ao Kuang feels after waking up.Opening his eyes, he found himself lying on the beach, with a dense jungle in front of him, and from time to time, waves with a fishy smell hit his numb body.

"What's going on here? Didn't I die? How come I'm here? What kind of place is this?" Ao Kuang uttered the question in his heart, and then there was a burst of baby whining sounded into his ears.

"Who? Is there anyone?"

"Woooooooooo" Ao Kuang's opened eyes were full of confusion, surprise, and panic.He stared blankly at the hand in front of him, is this his hand?Ao Kuang asked himself over and over in his heart.The hand in front of him was white and fleshy. It was clearly a baby's arm.Open, hold tight, extend thumb, index finger, middle finger.Looking at the baby's hand in front of him, he completes the action he imagined.Ao Kuang had to admit the fact that it was his own hand.

"What's going on here? Who can tell me? Why did I become a baby?" He said over and over again and howled, but the answer to Ao Kuang was only a whining sound.

I don't know how long it took, maybe 10 minutes, maybe 10 minutes, maybe an hour, until the throat was still unable to make a howling sound.Ao Kuang looked at the sky with empty, ashen eyes, lying quietly on the beach, quietly searching for the memory in his mind.

Ao Kuang, an orphan, lived in an orphanage since he was sensible, until he left the orphanage at the age of 12 and lived on the streets, thus starting his 17-year career. July 2011, 7.Negotiate a baifen deal with a bunch of gringos on the high seas on your own private cruise ship.Unexpectedly, this turned out to be a trap against him, a trap jointly designed by his most trusted brother and his life-and-death enemy.At the moment of knowing the truth, I understood, I was defeated, I was completely defeated, there was no chance of getting back the original, nor any chance of revenge, even if it was the chance of dying together.Maybe God took pity on me and caused this cruise ship to encounter a tsunami. Haha, the waves hit the cruise ship one after another. Standing on the deck and listening to these bastards screaming in fear, how happy it is, there is So many people buried me with me, it was worth it, haha!Suddenly a wave of waves came oncoming, and then I felt like I was flying, and then there was a sharp pain and darkness.

When he woke up again, he found that he had turned into a baby lying naked on the beach somewhere.What happened and why did it happen?

At this moment, out of the corner of Ao Kuang's eyes, he saw two figures walking towards his direction.hope?hope!Ao Kuang raised his right hand with all his strength, and at the same time let out a hoarse "ah ah" sound.Near, near, I'm here, here.Ao Kuang looked at the approaching figure with hopeful eyes.Very tired, really tired, as if all the actions just now used up all the remaining strength in my body, I really want to sleep.sleepy.

"Fifth brother, look there is a child" A clear and sweet sentence like an oriole came into Ao Kuang's mind before he fell into a coma.

When I opened my eyes, I saw a young couple snuggled up next to the fire.She was so beautiful. Although the woman was wearing a strange style of coarse cloth and her face was bare, it did not hinder her fairy-like appearance, cleverness, willfulness and elegance at all.As for the man, he has a bronze complexion, an unshaven beard, dressed in leopard skin and paired with piercing eyes, showing a masculine masculinity.After giving the evaluation to the two, he looked around with the help of the firelight, and found that he was lying on a stone bed in a cave. Not only was his body covered with a layer of animal skin, but the bed was also covered with a thick layer.And the stomach doesn't seem to be very hungry, it seems that these two people took advantage of their unconsciousness to feed themselves.It's so warm, not only physically, but also in the heart.

"Fifth brother, tell me how this child came to this ice and fire island." It was her, and it was this clear voice like an oriole.Wait, Ice Fire Island?It's so hot, where did you hear it?Before Ao Kuang could think about it, the man said: "I don't know. Susu, we have lived on Binghuo Island for more than a year and haven't found any other traces of people. Besides, I searched the island just now and found no ships. However, I found a cheat near the place where this child was found, but there are no boats and no one else on the island surrounded by sea, the origin of this child is really strange!"

"Cheats? From that sect? What kind of cheats?" the woman named Susu asked.

"I don't know which sect it is from, but the name of the secret book is "Ha Toad Art". Susu, do you know which sect's secret book it is?" the man echoed with some doubts.

"Fifth brother, with your Wudang Zhang Wuxia knowledge, you don't even know. How can the little girl know. Zhang Wuxia, don't you think so?" Before the man could answer, the woman named Su Su laughed.

"Okay, you actually teased me" After finishing speaking, he hugged the woman and rubbed his beard against the woman's face.

"Fifth brother, I was wrong, don't do this, hehe, it's so itchy, uh, I was wrong. Fifth brother, let's talk about that cheat book, shall we?" The woman leaned against Fifth brother's chest.Said softly.

The man straightened up the woman, and there were some messy bangs on his forehead.Said softly: "I have read this cheat book. Although the name is weird, it is a set of very advanced inner strength methods." "

"Sophisticated? Let Zhang Cuishan, one of the Seven Heroes of Wudang, praise you as a profound internal skill. It must be among the best kungfu in the martial arts world. Otherwise, fifth brother, you should practice first, and wait for you to complete this book "Toad You don’t have to be afraid of Third Uncle any more if you read the secret book of Gong, Fifth Brother, do you think it’s okay?"

'Having said that, this cheat book is not mine after all, how can I, Zhang Cuishan, as a Wudang disciple learn other martial arts secretly. After finishing speaking, Zhang Cuishan's face was already a little angry.

The woman named Susu got up and looked at Zhang Cuishan and said, "Fifth brother, on this Ice and Fire Island, there were only you, me, and my third uncle Xie Xun. When the third uncle went crazy, there were me and me You team up to deal with Uncle Three. But now I am seven months pregnant, and I can only use [-]% to [-]% of my kung fu. If Uncle San goes crazy, I will help you, and Brother Fifth, your kung fu is not as good as Uncle Third. Now, a baby (Aokuang) and a book of profound martial arts suddenly appeared on this ice and fire island. Brother Wu, I beg you, even if you don’t think about ourselves, you still have to think about this baby and us before we were born. For the sake of my child. Besides, this cheat book might be something that has no owner, Fifth Brother." Zhang Cuishan said helplessly: "Susu, let me think about it again. "

Two flowers bloom, each representing a branch.Let's look at our hero again.Ao Kuang quietly listened to the conversation between Zhang Cuishan and Su Su on the bed.Got a shock guess.

Ice Fire Island?Wudang?Zhang Wuxia?fifth brother?Susu?Third uncle?Xie Xun?
This, isn't this, the plot of Jin Yong's Yitian Tulong.If this is true, then I have time-traveled.

Time travel, what a wonderful word.Unexpectedly, I, Ao Kuang, would travel through time one day.ha!ha!ha!

When Ao Kuang calmly accepted the fact that he had crossed.So he started to curse.Although he can still only make whining noises, the voice that Ao Kuang made can be understood as: "You goddamn god, if someone else has time-traveled, it's either a lot of martial arts cheats, or a lot of panacea, or a lot of magical weapons. Kind of like that. Crazy young, I am a good and promising young man in society. You made a new moon baby, and left behind a cheat book. I bought it from a tomb robber for a lot of money in my previous life. God, don’t read it. The face of the monk looks at the face of the Buddha, he is a fucking man, you don’t want to shiver me so much! Even if you don’t give cheats, medicines, artifacts, etc. I didn’t ask you to mess with you, as for making me into a full moon My little brat. My God, I can only respond with two words for your behavior this time, me! Plus a mouthful of spit."

The arrogant "whoooo" sound attracted Yin Susu's attention, and also awakened Zhang Cuishan who was in deep thought.

Zhang Cuishan ran forward, hugged Ao Kuang in his arms and opened his mouth to ask, "Son, how did you get to this Binghuo Island? Where are your parents? What's your name?"

Yin Susu next to him smiled and said, "Fifth brother, this child is just one month old at most, how do you ask him to answer you?"

After being told by Yin Susu, Zhang Cuishan finally realized what a ridiculous thing he did just now, and then his bronzed face turned red.

Ao Kuang in Zhang Cuishan's arms kept gesticulating with his hands and whining.

Zhang Cuishan didn't think about the meaning of Ao Kuang's actions, and said self-sufficiently: "Now there are only three adults on this island, and this baby, and our child who is about to be born. We don't know where we will be on this island. How long does it take to stay here, we can't let this child have no name or surname, why don't we give him one, Susu, do you think it's okay?"

"Okay, I think this child has been carved with jade at such a young age. When he grows up, there will be countless women in this world who will be dreaming of him. Why don't you give him a softer name, okay?" Let him remember when he grows up, don't let down the woman who has feelings for him. Fifth brother, what do you think of this?"

"It's up to you, but what's the name? Let me think about it." Said Zhang Cuishan and fell into thinking.

tenderness?What a joke, in my previous life, I was not only tender, but also affectionate, and merciful to women in my previous life.Do you still need to teach me this?But in this life, I don't even need to have a name that gives people an obvious feeling of tenderness. In that case, how can I go out to meet people?

Ao Kuang in Zhang Cuishan's arms kept beating Zhang Cuishan's head with his fleshy little hands.After knocking a few times, I heard Yin Susu say to Zhang Cuishan: "Fifth Brother, this kid is a bit strange!"

"It's strange, it's strange there, I think this child is too naughty." After speaking, he put Ao Kuang on the bed and straightened his hair.

And Ao Kuang took this opportunity to draw on the animal skin on the bed with his fingers.Under the surprised eyes of Zhang Cuishan and his wife, he painted over and over again.Finally Yin Susu said: "Fifth brother, this child seems to be writing."

Zhang Cuishan smiled: "What kind of characters can such an older child write?"

"If you don't believe me, you can see for yourself. These are clearly two words." Yin Susu said with a little anger.

Hearing Yin Susu's words, Zhang Cuishan opened his eyes wide, staring blankly at the traces scratched by the arrogant little hand on the animal skin. "Two words? This is, Ao Kuang. It really is two words, the word Ao Kuang."

After hearing Zhang Cuishan's words, Ao Kuang stopped, clapped his hands, stretched out his right fist, gave a thumbs up, and pointed to himself.

"Ao Kuang, Ao Kuang, can this child understand what we say? Well, we will call you Ao Kuang from now on." Yin Susu said.

(End of this chapter)

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