Pride of Heaven and Dragon Slayer

Chapter 11 7 Injuries on Martial Flames

Chapter 11 Seven Injuries On Martial Flames ([-])

Hearing that they were going to learn martial arts, they were arrogant and arrogant, and Wuji and Wuji stopped their business one after another, and stood aside to watch.

After Zhang Cuishan took the branch thrown by Xie Xun.The two just stood there looking at each other, at this moment Zhang Cuishan changed, he was no longer the gentle and gentle second uncle in Ao Kuang's impression, but like a half-drawn long sword, sharp but hidden.It makes people feel that they need to be cautious and quick to fight against this person.

On the other hand, Xie Xun is quite different. In front of him, you can only feel that you are being stared at by a lion king who is preparing to fight and hunt prey on the grassland. In his eyes, you are not an opponent but a prey. At most, you will fight back. ability prey.The majesty is so majestic that people dare not act rashly.

At this time, Xie Xun suddenly moved forward and crossed the three-meter distance between the two of them in the blink of an eye. Using the branch in his hand as a knife, he slashed towards Zhang Cuishan's neck with the momentum of thunder.If the Zhang Cuishan just now was a half-drawn sword, then now it is a sharp sword with a flickering cold front and full of determination.

At this time, Zhang Cuishan moved a step to the right and at the same time the branch in his hand pierced Xie Xun's throat.Seeing the sword coming towards his throat, Xie Xun advanced instead of retreating. He pressed down with his right hand to block the sword, following the approaching trajectory of the sword, the flat saber slashed forward.Seeing such an unexpected sword move, Zhang Cuishan had no choice but to retreat, because of this retreat, Xie Xun took advantage of the situation and pursued him, his sword never leaving the vital point, like the waves of the Yangtze River, one sword after another.Zhang Cuishan had no choice but to hold on to his vitals, trying to fight back.

Ao Kuang next to him felt that Zhang Cuishan was like a ship sailing upstream, unable to resist the big waves one after another, even though he would occasionally counterattack with one or two unexpected moves, he couldn't recover from the disadvantaged situation.

Not long after, the two fighting in the field stopped, and saw the branch in Xie Xun's hand lying across Zhang Cuishan's neck.

"Brother, I didn't expect your kung fu to improve so much. When we first came to Binghuo Island, we could fight for a stick of incense, but now it's only for a cup of tea." Zhang Cuishan said helplessly.

Xie Xun took back the branch that was lying on Zhang Cuishan's neck and responded: "I, Xie Xun, have enemies all over the world. I am worried that in the future, the enemies will come to the door and end up dead. So in these years, I have not neglected martial arts for a single day."

"Back to the Central Plains? Brother, we have been here for almost ten years, can we really go back?" Speaking of this, Zhang Cuishan couldn't help but think of his master Zhang Sanfeng, who raised him since he was a child. I can't serve in front of my body. It's been ten years. I don't know how the master is doing now?She looked at Xie Xun with some dejection and some expectation, quietly waiting for Xie Xun's answer.

Seeing Zhang Cuishan's expression, Xie Xun said: "During the past ten years, I have been observing the direction of the wind, and I believe that I will be able to return to the Central Plains in a short time."

"Really, can we really go back? How long? When?"

"Cuishan, don't worry. I'm not sure when it will be, but it shouldn't be far away. I guess it will be a year at the latest," Xie Xun said.

"One year, haha, I can go back to the Central Plains hahaha." Zhang Cuishan laughed happily when he heard that he would be able to return to his hometown in one year.

"Fifth brother, why are you so happy, I heard your laughter from a long way away." At this time, Yin Susu raised her voice as she walked towards here.

"Susu, why are you here? My elder brother told me just now that I can return to the Central Plains in one year." Zhang Cuishan echoed.

"Fifth brother, what did you say? You just said that you can return to the Central Plains in another year? Third uncle, is this true?" Yin Susu asked Xie Xun.

"Yes, there is still one year left. By the way, what are you doing here?"

"Third Uncle, it's already noon, don't you plan to eat?" Yin Susu said in a slightly joking voice.

Xie Xun looked up at the sky and said involuntarily: "Before you know it, it's already noon, Kuanger, Wuji went back to eat."


"Broken." Ao Kuang was practicing "Seven Injuries Boxing Manual" and suddenly punched a rock beside him on a whim.

Standing with his fists closed, he let out a breath of foul air slowly, then turned to look at Xie Xun who was at the side.And at this moment, Ao Kuang used the "Seven Injuries Fist". "The rock hit by it slowly produced a crack. As time went by, there were more and more cracks on the rock. When the last crack appeared, the whole rock was covered with traces like spider webs.

"Okay, I punched out without making a sound, and the fist force was directly transmitted into the rock, causing damage from the inside out, shattering the entire rock, but keeping it in its original shape, the strength was not too much, really You can send and receive freely. Haha, Kuang'er didn't expect you to practice the "Seven Injuries Fist" for the third time in half a year. When Ao Kuang had such a powerful punch just now, he praised without hesitation.

It has been eight months, and during these eight months, Ao Kuang has followed Xie Xun to practice "Seven Injuries Fist" with concentration. When I finally got my reward, I couldn't help but be happy in my heart.Although "Seven Injuries Fist. "The achievements on" are very gratifying, but I think that I have already cultivated to the peak of the first level in "The Heart Sutra of Madness and Flames" eight months ago, but it is still the peak of the first level. The second level is very easy, as simple as piercing a piece of paper with a sharp sword, but every time the internal force moves to this point, it turns into an iron wall again. This feeling is really distressing.Ao Kuang also tried to break through the level with all the methods he could think of, but he was still unable to break through to the second floor.Every time I think of this, I can only smile helplessly.Simply let it go.

Suppressing the disappointment in his heart, Ao Kuang walked up to Xie Xun and said to Xie Xun: "Father, Kuanger needs your advice."

"What's the matter? Tell the adoptive father, and let the foster father analyze and analyze it for you."

"Father, do you think Lie Yan can practice martial arts? I mean internal strength." Ao Kuang asked Xie Xun cautiously.

"What did you say? Lie Yan, you want that lion to practice internal strength? Kuanger, your idea is really too fantastic." Hearing what Ao Kuang said, Xie Xun asked in surprise.

"No foster father, listen to me, what I want to ask is that a few days ago, out of curiosity, I injected some true qi into Lie Yan's meridians, and later I found that these true qi were actually in several meridians of Lie Yan's body. The main meridian is running by itself. I wonder if it will cause any damage to Lie Yan?" Ao Kuang asked back.

"What? What you said is true? Didn't you joke with foster father? Go and call Lie Yan, let me see, I, Xie Xun, have lived for so many years, this is the first time I've heard of such a strange thing." Xie Xun expressed a kind of doubt Said in an unbelievable tone.

"Lie Yan, come here." Hearing Xie Xun's words, Ao Kuang immediately called Lie Yan who was yawning under a nearby tree.

Before Lie Yan arrived in front of Ao Kuang, Xie Xun rushed over, and then pressed Lie Yan's head with one hand, and pressed the other hand against Lie Yan's back.Obviously, he was using his skills to check the true energy in Lie Yan's body.

After a long time, when Xie Xun's hands left Lie Yan's body.Unbelievable written all over his face.At the same time, there is a deep sense of curiosity.

Seeing the curiosity on Xie Xun's face, Ao Kuang believed that if Xie Xun knew biology, then he would definitely vivisection Lie Yan.

Ao Kuang at the side asked cautiously: "Father, is Lie Yan okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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