Pride of Heaven and Dragon Slayer

Chapter 203 Under the Wudang Mountain

Chapter 203 Under the Wudang Mountain
As soon as Ao Kuang finished speaking, Xue Shisi, who was driving the carriage, raised his voice and responded: "Yes, Young Master Kuang."

Hearing this, Ao Kuang gave a "haha" and said to Lie Yan who was running beside his horse: "Leave Lie Yan, come rush up with me and tear a path."

After the words fell, Lie Yan responded to Ao Kuang with a cry of excitement.At this moment, Ao Kuang looked at the officers and soldiers who were on full alert 150 meters ahead, with a sneer of disdain on the corner of his mouth.

Such Ao Kuang urged the horses to run faster, and as the horses accelerated, the distance between Ao Kuang and the officers and soldiers in front became closer and closer, and at the same time, the indifference to life in Ao Kuang's eyes became more intense.

Gradually the distance between Ao Kuang and those officers and soldiers gradually shortened, 120 meters, 100 meters, 70 meters, 60 meters, when the distance was still 50 meters, Ao Kuang's legs stepped on the stirrups vigorously, and his figure immediately flew into the air At this moment, Ao Kuang volleyed his body, tapped lightly on the head of the running horse, and then Ao Kuang's body immediately flew towards the officers and soldiers on the opposite side.

The arrogant figure directly appeared in front of these officers and soldiers across a distance of 50 meters in the air.At this time, a leader-like officer standing at the forefront raised the blade he had been holding tightly in his hand, pointed at Ao Kuang who was approaching three meters away, and said loudly: "If you come, stop, if you dare to step forward, then, "

Before he could finish the following "kill without forgiveness", Ao Kuang had already rushed in front of him.At this moment, Ao Kuang looked at the commander with a sneer of disdain.Approaching this person, Ao Kuang's right hand fist directly burned with a purple flame, the moment the flame just rose, Ao Kuang directly punched this person's heart without hesitation.With this person's martial arts at most reaching the first-class level, he had no room to dodge under Ao Kuang's punch, and was directly hit by Ao Kuang's punch and flew backward into the orderly crowd behind him.

From when Ao Kuang came to him to when he punched the man back, it was just a matter of lightning and flint.After the man flew upside down into the crowd behind him, all the officers and soldiers came to their senses. At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded among the officers and soldiers: "Brothers, kill this imperial court invader." This sentence broke out completely, one by one raised the weapons in their hands, and slashed directly at Ao Kuang.

And Ao Kuang just after repelling the leading officer and soldier, that is, at the same time as the voice sounded just now, he tiptoed to the ground, and rushed towards the crowd after the commander who was knocked out by himself.At this time, the commander who was beaten into the air began to burn, and wisps of purple flames burst out from under the armor on his body.Seeing this haughty figure, he moved a little faster and arrived in front of the burning corpse in an instant.It was another punch that went straight out, this time the target was changed from the heart to the abdomen, and this punch directly exploded with seven times the attack power.At this time, the burning corpse had already touched the person in front of the crowd. At this moment, the punch of Aokuang had already attacked the corpse. Under the seven times explosive power, it had already been burnt very crisply by the fire. The corpse, together with the armor on its body, exploded in all directions.

A thin layer of purple flame was more or less wrapped on the fragmented corpse and armor that exploded in all directions.As the corpse exploded in the dense crowd, the flames on it immediately ignited everyone who was hit, and the purple flame instantly ignited the clothes on the surrounding people.As the flames ignited, the first reaction of these officers and soldiers was to extinguish the flames on their bodies, but all this was in vain.

At this time, Ao Kuang looked at the more than 20 officers and soldiers in front of him who were panicking and wanted to put out the flames. After sneering, he urged the fire force with all his strength, so that his body was immediately covered with a layer of purple flames, and then his toes touched the ground for a moment. Rush into the depths of the crowd.

As soon as he rushed into the crowd, Ao Kuang swung his fists again and again, and there was no need for subtle moves to deal with these little characters Ao Kuang.Relying entirely on the speed of his shots, he violently exploded his fire power.Ao Kuang directly threw his fists within the reach of his fists and knocked away the people standing around him one by one.Ao Kuang injected enough fire power into each punch, and those officers and soldiers who were hit by Ao Kuang all spit blood and flew upside down and hit the people behind them, and at the same time, the burning flames on their bodies naturally infected the people behind them body.

And all the people behind can do is to block these burning corpses with their weapons, so as to avoid being contaminated by the flames.Seeing what these people did, Ao Kuang had to say that their reactions were quick enough, but all of this was only able to delay the time of death in front of Ao Kuang who shot with all his strength.

At this time, Aokuang in the crowd didn't care about the situation of everyone, but focused on urging the fire to attack the people around him, igniting them, and then using their upside down to make the surrounding officers and soldiers burning with flames more and more more.

After Ao Kuang cleaned up the left and right sides of his body, Ao Kuang's steps began to rush forward directly and brutally without fancy, using the same method, the same simplicity and directness.Ao Kuang moved forward quickly and swiftly like an arrow that has been drawn from the string.Wherever Ao Kuang went, those officers and soldiers either retreated or flew backwards after being ignited by Ao Kuang.Following Ao Kuang's pace, Lie Yan, relying on his huge body, tore apart the officers and soldiers who wanted to surround Ao Kuang one by one. At this time, Lie Yan showed the ferocious nature of the beast to the fullest.Compared with Lie Yan's huge and majestic body, they are so fragile. Lie Yan uses both mouth and claws. As long as the sharp claws of the forelegs are caught on the officers and soldiers, they will grab a large piece of bloody flesh. If the bone is broken, if it hits the vital point, it will definitely die.When Lie Yan attacked officers and soldiers with his claws, he didn't forget to bite at the same time. Lie Yan's teeth were extremely sharp and hard.At this time, Lie Yan bit the shoulder of an officer and soldier beside him, and the teeth in his mouth immediately penetrated his flesh. When the mouth closed, there was a sound of 'crack' and 'crack' bones breaking and shattering.At this time, Lie Yan stretched out his front paws and directly attacked the man's abdomen. Under the action of the sharp claws, Lie Yan's forelimbs directly penetrated the man's abdomen, and then Lie Yan threw his head forcefully.The person's body was as fragile as a scarecrow and was torn in half by the flames.

After finishing all this, Lie Yan opened his mouth indifferently, allowing the twitching corpse in his mouth to slide to the ground.Then immediately bit and killed another officer and soldier.

At this time, Ao Kuang opened the way in front, followed by Lie Yan to tear apart the officers and soldiers who wanted to close.Ao Kuang moved forward with every step, Lie Yan (raging flames) behind him followed suit.At this time, Lie Yan, following Ao Kuang's pace, rushed into the crowd, and the officers and soldiers on both sides were about to join forces to besiege Ao Kuang and Lie Yan.Xueyi and the others, who were some distance behind, also rode horses and drove vehicles.At this time, their speed did not slow down, and they rushed directly into the gap that was too late to close. Xue Yi rode in front, swiping the steel knife in his hand to the left and right to kill the officers and soldiers who wanted to close, and then the Blood Blade guards on the left and right sides of the carriage also quickly The officers and soldiers who blocked the attacking carriage.At the same time, on the windows at the left and right ends of the carriage, an extremely beautiful girl's face appeared respectively. At this moment, they raised their hands to sprinkle a handful of poison into the crowd outside the window.Seeing that all the officers and soldiers who were exposed to poison were either in a coma or screaming.

Immediately after the first carriage, the second carriage also rushed in. It was no different from the first carriage except that no one was swaying poison out of the window.The formation thus formed was Ao Kuang at the head, followed by Lie Yan, followed by Blood, followed by the first carriage and the second carriage.Everyone lined up in a straight line, like a spear, sharp and unstoppable tore through the officers and soldiers.

At this time, Ao Kuang cleared the officers and soldiers very quickly. From the beginning of killing the commander of the officers and soldiers to rushing out of the officers and soldiers' defensive formation to block them, it only took a few breaths of time.Ao Kuang who rushed out first did not go straight forward, but turned around and attacked the officers and soldiers on both sides with Lie Yan.With Ao Kuang's help, this group of officers and soldiers had no ability to step forward to block the carriage behind them.

Under such circumstances, the carriage behind him easily rushed out of the officers and soldiers, and galloped on the official road to the distance again. Seeing the carriage leave, Ao Kuang greeted Lie Yan, and then Ao Kuang kicked his feet to the ground. Stamping, shaking up many broken stones on the ground, Ao Kuang drew a circle with both hands in front of him at this time, those stones that were lifted up seemed to be pulled by an invisible force, and gathered in front of Ao Kuang.At this time, Ao Kuang supported the sphere composed of many broken stones in front of him with empty hands.Quickly enter fire energy into it.Seeing that Lie Yan had already run behind him, Ao Kuang sneered at the officers and soldiers in front of him and threw out his palms together. The stone ball in his hand immediately attacked in the direction of all the officers and soldiers. At this time, Ao Kuang immediately clenched his right palm into a fist Directly burst seven times the attack power and hit the stone ball.The stone ball originally composed of many crushed stones immediately scattered under Ao Kuang's fist, and the scattered stones fanned towards the officers and soldiers who came towards him.

After doing all this, Ao Kuang returned the fire energy to his dantian, watched the stones wrapped in flames penetrate the officers and soldiers with horrified expressions, and watched their bodies form bloody holes under the attack of the stones , Watching them being turned into ashes by the fire little by little.

At this time, after a wave of attacks, some sixty or seventy officers and soldiers were struggling and screaming on the ground with burning flames on their bodies, while the rest of them looked at them tremblingly, and looked at Ao Kuang standing in front of them in horror.Seeing the appearance of these officers and soldiers at this time, Ao Kuangfeng lightly shrugged his shoulders, then leaped on Lie Yan's back, and chased Xiao Zhao and others on the road ahead.

After catching up with Xiao Zhao and the others, Ao Kuang saw Xiao Zhao sticking his head out of the window and looking back.As soon as he saw Ao Kuang approaching him, Xiao Zhao asked with concern: "My lord, are you alright?"

Hearing Xiao Zhao's words, Ao Kuang just wanted to open his mouth to respond, when an unrepentant voice came out from inside the carriage and said, "Brother's martial arts are so high, what can he do against some officers and soldiers. If you care about it, you will be confused. Look at me, how much?" So confident and steady."

The words of no regret reached Ao Kuang's ears, Ao Kuang really didn't know what to say, so he could only chuckle depressingly.As soon as Buhui's words fell, Yin Li teased in a weird tone: "Of course you are confident and steady. Because you are heartless and don't care. Ha ha,"

After Yin Li finished speaking, Buhui immediately shot back: "Little girl, you...."

At this moment, Ao Kuang listened to the two girls who were making noise again, smiled comfortingly at Xiao Zhao and said, "Xiao Zhao, it's very windy outside, you've been poisoned and your body is weak, don't freeze, stay in the car and sit properly." .As Buhui said, it doesn’t take much effort to deal with some officers and soldiers, they are easily dealt with, don’t worry.”

After hearing Ao Kuang's words, Xiao Zhao immediately complained, and then sat in the car with some reluctance.Seeing Xiao Zhao's expression, Ao Kuang certainly understands Xiao Zhao's thoughts, anyone else would feel uncomfortable just staying in the carriage during the 20-day non-stop journey.But although the poison on Xiao Zhao's body will not cause any harm for the time being, it just cannot see the wind.When you see the wind, you will definitely suffer from the wind and cold.Ao Kuang didn't want Xiao Zhao to suffer from the wind and cold again during the tiring journey.

At this time, Ao Kuang looked at Xiao Zhao's complaining expression, although he couldn't bear it, he still withdrew his gaze, and urged Li Lie Yan to go towards Zhou Dian, who was driving the car in front.

When the person arrived, Ao Kuang opened his mouth and asked Zhou Dian who was driving the car for Xiao Zhao and the others: "How long will it take for Zhou Dian to arrive at Wudang Mountain? We chased Zhao Min all the way here. But in the past 20 days or so, we have suffered a lot. Ambush, blocked a lot, but I didn't even see Zhao Min's shadow."

As soon as Ao Kuang's words fell, Zhou Dian, who was driving the car, immediately responded: "Young Master Kuang, according to my estimation, there are still four to six days to arrive at Wudang Mountain."

At this time, Ao Kuang heard Zhou Dian's words of four to six days, and suddenly asked strangely: "Why is there such a big time difference in the middle? How do you calculate the difference of two full days?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Dian immediately turned his head to look at Ao Kuang and said with some embarrassment: "I did take this road to Wudang back then. But I didn't have any urgent matters at that time, and I just played while walking. There is no other way to go to Wudang Mountain. Now we are in such a hurry, and it has been many years. I can only guarantee that we will be able to reach Wudang Mountain within six days at most."

Hearing Zhou Dian's words, Ao Kuang sighed speechlessly and said to Zhou Dian: "Hurry up."

After saying a word, Ao Kuang made Lie Yan run faster and came directly to the front of the crowd.At this moment, Ao Kuang felt a little heavy, and when he thought of the poison on Xiao Zhao's body, he felt a little nervous.It has been 21 days since Xiao Zhao was poisoned, and I can only suppress the poison on Xiao Zhao for a month with all my strength.If it takes another six days to reach Wudang Mountain, that means there are only three days left to find the antidote for Xiao Zhao.Ao Kuang felt a headache when he thought that there were only three days left.Don't say whether you can reach Wudang Mountain after six days, even if you reach Wudang Mountain, there is no guarantee that you will find Zhao Min within three days, let alone get the antidote from her.

(End of this chapter)

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