Chapter 233 Here Comes ([-])

Seeing the sharpness and fiery domineering of Dao Gang.Ao Kuang felt a burst of satisfaction in his heart, and just as he was about to continue transforming the Huo Jin into more knives, Zhang Sanfeng, who was standing by the side, said funnyly: "Enough, stop now. If you continue to use it, this courtyard will sooner or later will be destroyed in your hands."

Hearing Zhang Sanfeng's words, Ao Kuang immediately laughed and said: "Hehe, I'll put it away right away."

Immediately following Ao Kuang's words, those knife gangs circling around Ao Kuang's body suddenly came one after another towards Ao Kuang. It is to run the exercises to bring the flames outside his body back into his dantian.In just a short moment, Ao Kuang no longer had a knife around his body.

At this moment, Ao Kuang walked up to Zhang Sanfeng and said politely, "Uncle Lao has been waiting here." After saying this, Ao Kuang raised his head, looked around and asked curiously: "What about Second Uncle and the others? Why is it gone?"

As soon as Ao Kuang's words fell, Zhang Sanfeng smiled and said: "Haha, I just came today. I saw Cuishan and the others yesterday to see you."

After listening to Zhang Sanfeng's words, Ao Kuang frowned and said, "Today? Just came? Yesterday?"

Seeing Ao Kuang's doubts, Buhui immediately said: "Brother, you forgot the time when you practiced. You have been practicing Gang Qi for three days."

After the words of Bugui fell, Aokuang couldn't help but raised his voice and repeated: "Three days? You said I have been cultivating stellar energy for three days?"

As soon as Ao Kuang's words fell, Xiao Zhao responded: "Yes, son, you have been cultivating Gang Qi for three days. Didn't uncle tell you just now?"

As soon as Xiao Zhao's words fell, Ao Kuang carefully recalled the past just now, and vaguely remembered that after he attacked Zhang Sanfeng with a sword, Zhang Sanfeng praised himself and said: "Good boy, I didn't expect your talent to be so high. In just three days Just cultivate Dao Gang. Thinking of this, Ao Kuang looked at Xiao Zhao in front of him and felt worried for a while, and then immediately grabbed Xiao Zhao's wrist to feel her pulse. After a while, the tense look on Ao Kuang's face eased a little, and he said happily: " It's okay, it's okay. The poisonous gas hasn't penetrated into the heart veins yet." At this point, Ao Kuang blamed himself a little and said: "Why didn't you wake me up. Fortunately, I only practiced for three days, and there is another day left Find the antidote for Xiaozhao's seven insects and seven flowers ointment. In case, in case I don't wake up today, that, that," said the words here, Ao Kuang dare not imagine the consequences behind, and can't continue up.

At this time, Xiao Zhao saw Ao Kuang's self-blame and worry, and immediately said: "It's okay, son, we still have one more day."

Hearing this, Ao Kuang immediately asked Zhang Sanfeng who was beside him expectantly: "Uncle, have you heard from Zhao Min?"

As soon as Ao Kuang's words fell, Zhang Sanfeng sighed and shook his head.Seeing Zhang Sanfeng's behavior, Ao Kuang's heart suddenly became cold.The eyes are full of self-blame and regret.

At this time, Zhang Sanfeng saw Ao Kuang like this, and quickly changed the subject and said: "Ao Kuang, how is your Gang Qi cultivation?"

Hearing Zhang Sanfeng's inquiry, Ao Kuang replied with a little interest: "I just transformed part of the fire energy into stellar qi, and it will take a while to transform all the fire energy into stellar qi."

Immediately following the arrogant words, Zhang Sanfeng said: "It's already very good, you can do this in only three days, much better than I was back then."

At this moment, Ao Kuang couldn't arouse any interest in listening to Zhang Sanfeng's words of appreciation, and opened his mouth to respond: "Uncle, there is only one day left, is there really no news from Zhao Min?"

After the words were finished, Zhang Sanfeng said helplessly: "No, I have sent people to search for Zhao Min's whereabouts with all their strength, but there has been no clue for the past three days. Qingshan County under Wudang Mountain has been searched by Wudang disciples no less than twenty times. But there is still no news about Zhao Min."

After hearing these words, Ao Kuang felt more self-blame in his heart, and at this moment, Xiao Zhao raised the food box in his hand to Ao Kuang's face, and said softly: "My lord, Xiao Zhao cooked for you. My lord You haven't eaten for three days, you must be hungry."

Seeing the gentle and considerate Xiao Zhao in front of him, Ao Kuang suppressed the feelings of self-blame and regret in his heart and responded: "Well, I am indeed hungry. Let's eat first, eat first." At the end of the words, Ao Kuang's words gradually faded away. There was a trill.

At this time, Zhang Sanfeng looked at Ao Kuang and Xiao Zhao at this time, and opened his mouth and said: "Don't worry Ao Kuang, we will definitely find Zhao Min. It's three days before you go back and wash up and get a good sleep. Go ask someone to search Qingshan County."

Hearing that Zhang Sanfeng was going to leave, Ao Kuang hurriedly said expectantly: "Uncle, go slowly, my nephew will not see you off."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Sanfeng patted Ao Kuang on the shoulder, then turned and walked out of the courtyard.After Zhang Sanfeng left, Yin Li and Buhui looked at Ao Kuang's disappointed and depressed expression and they were no longer in the mood to fight, so they said somehow: "Brother, we are going out too. Xiao Zhao My sister must have a lot to tell you after staying here for three whole days."

After seeing the figures of Yin Li and Bu Hui disappearing into the corner, Ao Kuang immediately turned around and hugged Xiao Zhao tightly in his arms, and said with self-reproach: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have wasted three days because of my practice. I'm sorry, I'm useless, and I haven't found an antidote until now. I'm sorry."

As soon as Ao Kuang finished speaking, Xiao Zhao in his arms smiled softly and said comfortingly: "My lord, isn't Xiao Zhao all right now? Besides, even if you don't practice Gang Qi, there will be no news of Zhao Min in the past three days. Instead of I have nothing to do when I'm idle, so it's better for you to practice martial arts to increase your own strength, young master."

Hearing Xiao Zhao's comforting words, Ao Kuang hugged Xiao Zhao even tighter.Quietly sniffing Xiao Zhao's body fragrance without saying a word, just hugging him quietly.After a long time, Xiao Zhao in his arms hesitated and said to Ao Kuang: "Master, let's eat first, you haven't eaten for three days." After the words fell, Xiao Zhao slightly shook his head and said coquettishly in Ao Kuang's ear: "And son, you haven't bathed in three days, and you still hug him so tightly."

At this time, Ao Kuang was a little embarrassed when he heard Xiao Zhao say that, and quickly put Xiao Zhao down and picked up the lunch box that was placed on the stone table beside him.He reached out and took out a steamed stuffed bun and said while eating, "I'm hungry, I'm really hungry."

Seeing Ao Kuang's actions, Xiao Zhao who was standing there immediately smiled and said, "Hehe, my lord, I'm going to prepare the bath water first."

Without waiting for Ao Kuang to respond, Xiao Zhao ran away after finishing his words. Seeing Xiao Zhao's back when he left, Ao Kuang couldn't help thinking that the last day of the toxic attack was due.Thinking of this, Ao Kuang's slightly better mood just now suddenly felt lost and regretful.

At this time, Ao Kuang no longer had the slightest appetite, and just stood silently in the courtyard watching the autumn leaves falling with the wind.The yellow leaves are falling in front of him, and the somewhat bleak scene makes Ao Kuang's mood even more gloomy.At this moment, Ao Kuang only felt a sense of suffocation in his chest, and with a wave of his hand, a knife suddenly came out and cut towards the trees with fallen leaves falling from time to time.

The purple sword cut off the tree trunk in the blink of an eye, and at the same time as the tree was cut, Ao Kuang's clothes were immediately covered with a layer of purple flames, and the moment the flames appeared, they immediately condensed on Ao Kuang's body The knives in the shape of a moon hook, accompanied by a slight shock of Ao Kuang's body, the knives suspended around the body immediately rushed towards the trees that had not yet collapsed on the ground along different trajectories.In the blink of an eye, Ao Kuang watched the knife gang divide the falling and falling trees into sections of wood, and watched the pieces of wood being ignited by the flames on the knife gang.Watching the yellow leaves flying all over the sky be burned to ashes by the fiery waves of fire.

After watching the entire tree burn to ashes under the knife gang for a moment, a one-foot-tall purple fire pillar shot up from Ao Kuang's body, and then these flames immediately condensed into numerous sword gangs, attacking any one in the courtyard. thing.At this time, when Ao Kuang thought that the poison on Xiao Zhao's body would take off in a day, the more he blamed himself, the more depressed and aggrieved.From the day Xiao Zhao was poisoned, he traced all the way to Wudang Mountain.For nearly a month, I didn't even see Zhao Min's shadow, Ao Kuang felt very incompetent, he didn't protect Xiao Zhao well, he was useless.At this time, Ao Kuang just wanted to vent the regret and self-blame in his heart.

With the intensification of Ao Kuang's violent mood, the many knives flying in the courtyard became more and more swift. Raised to a peak, with a low roar, Ao Kuang immediately drew out the long knife at his waist.The "Hundred Fighting Swordsmanship" that was fused immediately unfolded.Ao Kuang held a long knife in his hand and kept attacking everything around him, chopping rocks, rockery, and trees to pieces faster than a single knife.

At this time, the fire in Ao Kuang's body frantically rushed towards the long knife in his hand, a purple blade immediately appeared on the blade, and then Ao Kuang suddenly took three steps forward and walked to the two and a half meter high wall.Leaping forward, the man swung the knife with his bare hands, and following the arrogant move, the knife on the blade condensed even more, and the long knife turned into a purple lightning bolt and slashed towards the wall from top to bottom. After the sound of 'Zi', there was a fleeting sound of friction between stones and steel.The long knife in Ao Kuang's hand left a straight gap on the two and a half meter high fence, through which the scene outside the wall can be clearly seen.

At this moment, Xiao Zhao's worried voice came from behind and asked, "My lord, what's wrong with you."

Hearing this voice, Ao Kuang immediately retracted his saber and turned around to suppress the violence caused by self-blame in his heart, then softly said to Xiao Zhao: "I'm fine, I'm just practicing my saber."

(End of this chapter)

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