Chapter 281
"Is there any hidden weapon?" Chen Gong raised his head and asked.

Taking a deep breath, Ao Kuang had no choice but to respond helplessly: "Concealed weapon kung fu is rare, and it has never been revealed to others. I do know a lot about hidden weapon kung fu, but none of them is superior. Everyone has practiced the hidden weapons since they were young. After passing on the skills, you will not be able to improve your martial arts in the future. If you are practicing the hidden weapons, then, "

Before Ao Kuang finished speaking, Hu Qingniu on the side lowered his head and said in thought: "I know a martial art about hidden weapons, the name is "Deadwood Needle Gang". One kind, but what is cultivated is stellar qi."

"Gang Qi? How could it be possible to cultivate Gang Qi in the first place?" Ao Kuang exclaimed and asked.

"I don't know why it is so contrary to common sense, but it is indeed Gang Qi. I have learned this kung fu for almost 30 years, but I still don't understand its fundamental principle." Seeing Ao Kuang's increasingly suspicious expression, Hu Qingniu trembled Shaking his shoulders, he said: "Don't look at me like that. The Kungfu introduced at the beginning of the chapter, "The Dead Wood Needle Gang" is a martial arts master in the Tang Dynasty. Because he was hunted down by his enemies, he had no choice but to enter the palace to avoid the pot of killing him. Only in his later years did he create this martial art. The first sentence of the chapter is 'gathering energy to condense a needle, take the shape of a needle, purify the body to die, and live without roots.'."

"Okay, it's just right." Ao Kuang said immediately after listening.

"It's really suitable, hehe, it's been almost 30 years, I really want to see how it can let people practice stellar energy first. To be honest, if I didn't see the eight characters of pure body for death and rootless birth, I want to try it myself.”

Watching Hu Qingniu silently writing cheats while listening to his nagging words.After Ao Kuang took the 'Wen Mai Pill' to Chen Gong, he waited for Hu Qingniu to watch him write out "Withered Wood Needle Gang" word by word.

After he finished writing, Ao Kuang also understood the general characteristics of this kung fu.There is no merit other than Gang Qi, and the only way to use Gang Qi is to gather Qi and condense needles.Although there are many disadvantages, it is extremely simple.In other words, as long as a eunuch is not too stupid, he can practice.No matter how this kung fu works, there is no danger of going crazy.Because the exercise route of "Withered Wood Needle Gang" only uses eight main meridians and fourteen subsidiary small veins.There are two main meridians in each of the four limbs of the human body, which are used for the circulation of qi and daily practice. The ten small veins correspond to the ten fingers of the left and right hands respectively. The sensitivity of watching the six roads and listening to the eight directions.

At this time, Ao Kuang held the paper full of handwriting in his hand, and asked with some uncertainty: "Old stubborn cow, are you sure you remember correctly?"

"Huh, nearly 30 years ago, this bastard came to my Butterfly Valley to seek medical treatment, but he used force to force me. Fortunately, Nangu arrived and poisoned him to death, otherwise my life, Hu Qingniu, would have died 30 years ago. .And the Kung Fu "Deadwood Needle Gang" was found on his corpse. Do you think I will remember it wrong?" Hu Qingniu responded angrily, and then added: "Because of some things, I really This will only happen if the Qi is exhausted, otherwise, I can slap him to death."

"Hahahaha, haha, I just now know why you would rather spit blood out of your anger than say a word to Aunt Wang loudly. The reason for this, apart from your love and life-saving grace, is actually because of Aunt Wang's kung fu." Taller than you. Old stubborn cow, old stubborn cow, I still remember that you taught me very sincerely in Butterfly Valley, telling me, 'Women are like flowers, with a variety of styles. They are meant to be loved and cherished by men. Women Like water, soft and beautiful, it is for men to take care of and care for them.' So you must be magnanimous, patient, and accommodating to women. Now it seems that although these words are true, they have successfully deceived me. In vain At that time, I had a lot of admiration for you, so it turned out that you just made an excuse to make me treat it as reasonable."

Hearing Ao Kuang's complaint, Hu Qingniu's face turned red suddenly, but Wang Nangu pinched the soft flesh around his waist, and said in a bad tone: "If I remember correctly, Kuanger didn't know anything until he left Butterfly Valley. More than ten years old. Since he started studying medicine with you, he only respected you for a while in the second year. Did you have nothing to teach at that time? Taught him these things, the way of courting a daughter."

Seeing Hu Qingniu and his wife who were having trouble again, Ao Kuang turned his head with a smirk and pulled Chen Gong aside.After carefully reading the secret book in his hand again, Ao Kuang forcibly shattered many unusable meridians with his strong qi.After waiting for a while, when the effect of the medicine fully took effect, after realizing that Chen Gong's dry meridians were rapidly expanding with resilience, Ao Kuang's own gangster energy was continuously poured into Chen Gong's meridians like a flood breaking a bank Go, after watching those stellar qi circle around the eight main meridians in the limbs and return to the dantian, Ao Kuang became more and more cautious, controlling the input speed of the stellar qi, lest the stellar qi would burst the meridians when the effect of the medicine dissipated broken.

When teaching the exercises, everything is calm and simple, just like pouring water into a cup without any difficulty. All I care about is not to let the water overflow from the cup.

However, after half a stick of incense, an unexpected change happened. The stellar energy that Ao Kuang injected into Chen Gong's body quickly changed its nature due to unknown reasons.The arrogant stellar qi was originally refined from fire energy, its hot and domineering characteristics are ten times stronger than fire energy, but at this time, it is only half a stick of incense, and some small amount of stellar energy in the dantian has turned soft and dead.It is as decayed and lifeless as a dry and dead tree, giving people a gloomy feeling.When Ao Kuang discovered this change, it was only a small amount, and after feeling it subtly, he was shocked to find that the changed stellar energy was eating away at the stellar energy he had input at an extremely fast speed.The speed was so fast that Ao Kuang couldn't pay attention to it.

After finding out the reason, Ao Kuang had to admit that the person who created the skill of "Withered Wood Needle Gang" is a genius, the five elements of the sky are wood, fire, earth, metal, and water.Human's five internal organs liver, heart, spleen, lung, kidney.The kidneys belong to water. Men purify their bodies without roots. If the water is blocked, they will die. If they use stagnant water to nourish trees, even if they are alive, they will die.But all ordinary people abide by the principle of the five elements, and although this kung fu is also based on the mutual generation and restraint of the five elements, it is fundamentally different.The Tao of the five elements is infinitely mysterious, one death leads to five deaths, and there is no life without birth.Ao Kuang didn't understand why there was such a change in the clean body and no roots, but he was sure that this was the key to directly reaching the stellar qi.

Thinking of this, Ao Kuang pulled out his mind and shouted to Hu Qingniu, who was being teased by Wang Nangu: "Old Stubborn Niu, don't you want to know why you directly cultivate Gang Qi? If you want to know, connect your true Qi with me, and feel Chen Chen carefully." Changes in stagnant water in the uterine kidney."

"Still water? That's right, it is indeed stagnant water if you are clean and rootless. But what's the matter?"

"Don't talk nonsense, if you miss this opportunity, you may never know it for the rest of your life. To be honest, although I can feel the changes, I don't understand the reason."

After listening, Hu Qingniu and Wang Nangu looked at each other, and stretched out their palms together on Ao Kuang's back.

Feeling two strands of external zhenqi entering the body, Ao Kuang's heart tightened, thinking that the new meridians connected to the twelve orthodox meridians might be discovered by the two of them, so they immediately used their minds to draw these two strands of zhenqi into Chen Gong's meridians.

In order to buy enough time for the two to observe and feel, Ao Kuang tried his best to slow down the transmission speed of the stellar energy.

An hour later, Ao Kuang and Hu Qingniu got up and looked at each other.Then Ao Kuang ordered the two blood blades to arrange a guest room to carry out Chen Gong who was transforming his qi.

After finishing these, Ao Kuang looked at Hu Qingniu's excited eyes, and questioned: "You don't really think about it, do you?"

"Indeed, with my martial arts aptitude, it is impossible to cultivate Gang Qi in this life. There is an opportunity in front of me, why don't I try it." Hu Qingniu said a little excitedly.

Hearing this, Ao Kuang winked at Wang Nangu who was on the side, wanting to help him persuade Hu Qingniu, but suddenly found that Wang Nangu's eyes were as excited as Hu Qingniu's.

Spreading his hands, he said arrogantly and helplessly: "You are crazy. Chen Gong was forcibly eunuched by the enemy, so it is suitable for him to practice "Deadwood Needle Gang", and you are completely normal people."

"It's okay, we can use gold needles to seal part of the meridians, so that the kidneys will also turn into stagnant water. It will reach a state of purifying the body and dying." Hu Qingniu said while thinking arrogantly, while writing and drawing on the paper, A meridian map was drawn with a few strokes.

Thinking about the possibility and success rate in his heart, Ao Kuang admitted that he could indeed have a 100% chance of winning according to this method, but he opened his mouth and asked: "Are you going to seal the meridians at the Yang Hee for the rest of your life? Be a eunuch for the rest of your life? If you do this I think I suggest you just cut it and forget it, at least that's [-]% success."

"Asshole, you can make fun of this kind of thing. I'm so mad."

Looking at Hu Qingniu with a livid face, Ao Kuang understood that his stubborn temper had come up.No matter how you usually tease, play, and joke.Hu Qingniu wouldn't really hate himself, so he could argue with him and contradict him wantonly.And what Ao Kuang is most afraid of is his stubborn temper. Hu Qingniu who is on fire can do anything. Seeing him like this, Ao Kuang is scared, really scared.

After being helpless, he had to compromise and asked: "If it is really effective, how do you want to solve the sealed meridians?"

"Simple, it's in vain that you have learned medical skills from me for so long. After condensing into stellar qi, it won't be long before you untie the sealed meridians. Could it be that the stellar qi can still dissipate? Besides, I didn't say anything We must practice "Deadwood Needle Gang". According to the review just now, plus the theory I deduced in the past 30 years, we can use a roundabout method to grow without roots. From the beginning to the end. The five elements of the human body are infinitely changing...With the mind-blowing method of "The Great Shift of the Universe", my theory is at least [-]% feasible." Hu Qingniu looked at Ao Kuang with a tone of complacency and anticipation.

Ao Kuang didn't say a word for a long time, staring blankly at Hu Qingniu after he finished a series of theories.Suddenly overturned the table in front of him, and shouted at Hu Qingniu: "Crazy, you are really crazy. Theory, theory, can you come up with some factual basis, let's talk about your damn theory. From ancient times to the present, Which martial art is not perfect? ​​How many lives do you have to try? I admit that your medical skills are good, but can your medical skills bring back the dead? Ah, talk. You only have one life, don’t take yourself Bet your life on your so-called theory."

"Kanger, don't get excited, there is "Qian Kun,"

Before Wang Nangu finished speaking, Ao Kuang continued to roar: ""The Great Shift of the Universe" is a bird. With it, can it guarantee your safety and protect you from danger? It's just a martial art that uses yin and yang and five elements upside down. It’s not omnipotent, in a word, I will never let you take risks without a basis. Unless I die.”

For the first time in many years, Ao Kuang yelled at Wang Nangu angrily, causing Hu Qingniu and his wife to stare blankly at Ao Kuang's flushed face due to anger, at a loss for what to do.Hu Qingniu was just unbelievable, but Wang Nangu was sad and heartbroken.

Slightly calmed down, recalled his attitude just now, sat arrogantly and powerlessly on the ground, shook his head with a wry smile and sighed: "Crazy, you are really crazy. Is a set of theories worth your life to fight for? The five elements of the old stubborn cow , the theory of chaos first and smoothness still has traces to follow. Aunt Wang, your five elements are reversed, yin and yang are reversed, but it is a powerful and unconstrained antelope hanging horns. Don’t you really know how dangerous it is? I beg you , just let this idea stop in your stomach."

After half a ring, there was no response.He looked up at the same curiosity and confirmation in the eyes of the two of them.Ao Kuang felt fear in his heart, fearing that they would do some crazy things without telling him.

Turning his head to the side of the blood, he said, "Take someone, go outside and find ten men and ten women. Remember that it is best to be in their 50s and have never practiced martial arts from the Yuan Dynasty."

After hearing Ao Kuang's words, in the figure of Xue Yi and [-] Blood Blade personnel leaving, Wang Nangu said: "Kanger, what are you doing? You want to experiment with them? They are innocent, if you want to try, you should ,"

Before she finished speaking, Ao Kuang said: "Aunt Wang, I'm sorry, I apologize. I didn't mean to yell at you just now, but it was too dangerous." Looking at her somewhat rosy eyes, Ao Kuang continued: "I It is indeed to use them to test your theories first. I don’t care what you think, there is no basis for things. Unless I die, none of you will try to do it. Moreover, if there are only twenty people, if you The theory works, not only will they not die, but they will also get some benefits."

"How can you think so. No, I don't agree with this approach." Hu Qingniu retorted immediately after Ao Kuang's voice fell.

"What's wrong with doing this? First, it can prove the theory; second, it can add some experience to me; third, it can make me feel at ease." Ao Kuang said with full confidence, only talking about the benefits.

(End of this chapter)

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