Chapter 33 Xie Xun

Before he finished speaking, he saw a figure flashing out of the jungle, and stopped in front of Ao Kuang in the blink of an eye.Seeing the iconic blond hair on this man's head, he said arrogantly, "Father, why are you here?"

Xie Xun said: "Kanger, you are very good. You have performed very well these days. Hahaha." After speaking, he laughed and looked at Ao Kuang with admiration.

Hearing Xie Xun's words, Ao Kuang asked tentatively: "Father, what did you say just now, have you been by my side all the time?"

"Yes, I have been following you all the time. I have been following you since I received the news that 'a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy was riding a golden lion to hold Princess Shaomin and fled all the way'. Originally, I I wanted to rescue you right away, but I changed my mind when I saw that you were calm and sophisticated in your actions. I just didn’t expect you to make it this far. It’s not bad, not bad. Especially when you killed Liu Tao, the methods you used were not at all what a child should have The scheming and the city are beyond my expectation." Xie Xun said in admiration.

After hearing all this arrogance, I finally understood.Ao Kuang thought that this adoptive father's education method was really different, curled his lips and said to Xie Xun: "Father, it is true to say that if you can't cut a jade, you can't make a weapon, but it's very dangerous. I almost won't report my life."

As soon as Ao Kuang finished speaking, Xie Xun said boldly: "It's not that serious, who can take your life if I'm around. Well, you just stay on the sidelines later, and leave the rest to the father-in-law." .”

After speaking, Xie Xun changed his kindness just now.Pointing at the people around him, he said sharply: "You are very good, now I am here to play with you. And Cheng Kun, you killed my family of thirteen people back then, and now you lead people to chase and kill my son. You hate us both old and new. Let's figure it out today." Every time Xie Xun uttered a word, the murderous aura on his body became stronger, and after he finished speaking, the murderous aura seemed to be overwhelming.The scene fell into an eerie calm.

At this moment, Ao Kuang saw Zhao Min's face turned pale and trembled.Hastily dragged Zhao Min to the side.

This arrogant move broke the peaceful atmosphere.At this moment, Cheng Kun behind him pointed at Ao Kuang's Achilles' heel with a 'Phantom Yin Finger'.Seeing such a situation, Xie Xun roared angrily, "Dare." He raised his fist to meet him.Ao Kuang saw Cheng Kun rushing to attack himself and kicked Cheng Kun's dantian.Ao Kuang knew that if Cheng Kun didn't want to take a punch from Xie Xun, he would miss this kick.

Sure enough, Cheng Kun didn't want to, so he changed his tactics halfway to avoid Ao Kuang, and started fighting with Xie Xun.Ao Kuang took this opportunity to leave the battle circle quickly.Ao Kuang looked at the two fighting and said to Zhao Min: "You are not."

Zhao Min was still in shock and said: "The one with the golden hair is your adoptive father, the 'Golden Lion King' Xie Xun? It's really scary. Phew."

Hearing this, he arrogantly said: "That's still false, as for being terrible, you're wrong. The adoptive father is very kind and kind."

Zhao Min rolled his eyes and said to Ao Kuang: "Amiable? Kind? You are right. Can a kind and kind person have a murderous aura so thick that it scares people to death."

Ao Kuang was really speechless when he heard this, Xie Xun was indeed very kind and kind to himself, although it was only towards himself.Ignoring Zhao Min, Ao Kuang concentrated on watching the battle between the two.

Looking at Ao Kuang, he found something strange. Xie Xun has never used the dragon-slaying knife on his back, nor has he used the "Seven Injuries Fist".Instead, he used the same "Hunyuan Kungfu" as Cheng Kun's, and it was extremely dangerous to see the tricks.

After dozens of tricks, Cheng Kun said: "My good disciple, my kung fu has improved a lot these years."

Xie Xun responded: "Cheng Kun, you beast with a human face and a beast's heart, today is your death date." After speaking, his moves changed.

Seeing that Xie Xun switched to "Seven Injuries Fist", Ao Kuang truly realized the power of "Seven Injuries Fist". "Seven Injuries Boxing" has seven styles and 49 strokes.Seeing that Xie Xun used it really smoothly, there is no trace to follow. The 49 strokes can be disassembled and combined at will, and the connections are seamless.Only a dozen moves forced Cheng Kun to be at a disadvantage.

Cheng Kun was punched on the left shoulder and shouted: "I don't want to help you yet." As soon as the words were spoken by the elder Xuanming, the four men in black joined the battle circle.

At the beginning, Xie Xun seemed to be able to handle it with ease, but after the seven of them got familiar with each other's moves and formed some tacit understanding, Xie Xun didn't even have the chance to draw his sword.

Seeing that Xie Xun was getting more and more dangerous, Ao Kuang at the side began to worry.Just when he was at a loss what to do, Ao Kuang saw Zhao Min who was watching the fight in disbelief.With a wicked smile, he stretched out his hand to wipe Zhao Min's lips.Immediately, Zhao Min said "Ah.": "What are you doing, teasing me again. You damn annoying guy." Seeing that the result he wanted had been achieved, he wanted to concentrate on watching this rare duel between masters.Ao Kuang pressed Zhao Min's dumb acupoints and vital acupoints all over his body, making him stand there speechless and unable to move.

The situation on the field changed instantly following Zhao Min's yell just now.Cheng Kun and Xuan Ming were slightly distracted when they heard Zhao Min's shout, Xie Xun took advantage of this opportunity.Resisting the eunuch's palm, at the same time, he hit a man in black in the heart, causing him to fall out of the battle circle with serious injuries.Then he drew out the dragon-slaying knife he was carrying, and with a flash of light, everyone quickly retreated.Taking advantage of the space left by the crowd, Xie Xun swiped the Dragon Slaying Saber across, obliquely, and vertically, moving back and forth around the vital points of the six people.The danger in the arena is even more dangerous. Facing the vigor of the six people's attack, Xie Xun's palm force Xie Xun will not leak the dragon sword dance, let him continue like a river, and I will be as free as a rock without being disturbed or shaken.The Dragon Slaying Knife seemed to be made for Xie Xun. It was as flexible as ten fingers in Xie Xun's hands. Every blow was just right, no more, no less.I saw the light of the knife flickering, fluctuating, unpredictable, and occasionally one or two gorgeous blood flowers bloomed, against the white blade.

After a stick of incense, Xie Xun fiercely unleashed his killing move, and he slashed off the eunuch's left arm with a palm behind his back.Taking advantage of the situation, he slashed across the throat of a man in black next to him, then stepped forward, slashed obliquely, and pointed the blade at Cheng Kun.Seeing this oncoming knife, Cheng Kun hurriedly backed away.Taking advantage of this, Xie Xun followed closely, and finally left a long mark from Cheng Kun's left shoulder to his right waist.Ignoring Cheng Kun's tragic situation, Xie Xun rushed to Ao Kuang, hugged him in front of his chest, performed light kung fu and fled towards the forest.

Seeing Xie Xun's arrogance, he hurriedly turned his head and said to Lie Yan who was beside him: "Lie Yan, hurry up and follow. Hurry up."

Although Aokuang's reaction was fast enough, it was of no avail. The people who followed Xie Xun joined hands to block Lie Yan as soon as they saw Lie Yan trying to escape.At this time, Zhao Min has also been unlocked by Cheng Kun, and as soon as he was free, Zhao Min said: "Don't hurt this lion." Then he shouted in the direction where Ao Kuang left: "Damn guy, from now on this lion will It's mine, and it's the price you have to pay for flirting with me."

(End of this chapter)

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