Pride of Heaven and Dragon Slayer

Chapter 42 Situ Zhentian

Chapter 42 Situ Zhentian ([-])

Just do what you say, Ao Kuang ignored the strong zhenqi in Xihuazi's heart, and punched Xihuazi's dantian fiercely with his left fist.I also feel the hindrance of infuriating.Ao Kuang couldn't help being annoyed, now Xihuazi is wholeheartedly preparing to resist Ao Kuang's attack, circulate the true energy in his body, and at the same time observe the direction Ao Kuang wants to hit, and then gather the true energy to Ao Kuang's fall at the first time The place where the punch is fought against the strength of the punch.It's like a tortoise with its head shrunk in its shell, which makes people have nowhere to start.

Seeing that Xihuazi was about to fall to the ground, Aokuang was anxious but could not do anything about Xihuazi, suddenly a light flashed in his mind and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.I thought to myself that my two fists are coming together, one empty and one solid, and I will see if you gather all your internal energy in one place or divide it into two parts.If it is blocked by gathering in one place, I will think of another way.If it is scattered to two places, I don't believe that half of your internal strength can stop me from punching with all my strength.Thinking of this Ao Kuang's two fists came out of his left heart and his right dantian.

It was too late to say it, and the arrogant behavior caught the attention of everyone present.In the blink of an eye, Nakanishi Huako double punched.At the same time, Ao Kuang felt a slight pain in his left fist being shaken by Xi Huazi's true energy, at this time Ao Kuang laughed, it was indeed half of his internal strength.At the same time, the right fist carried all the fire power of Aokuang and met half of Xihuazi's internal strength.

When he saw Xihuazi's terrified eyes, he arrogantly sneered and broke through the obstacles with his true energy, and loosened the three "seven wounds fist strength" in.At this time, Xihuazi had also landed on the ground, and as soon as his legs touched the ground, Xihuazi ignored the strength of the three fists that entered his body, and stabbed Ao Kuang's throat with his index finger and middle finger.At this time, Aokuang has lost his old strength and has no new strength, so he can only retreat.

The two looked at each other, the trace of blood flowing from the corner of Xihuazi's mouth already showed that he had suffered serious internal injuries.And Ao Kuang didn't take advantage of the situation to chase after him, as if he didn't want to take advantage of the danger to prepare for Xihuazi to fight after he recovered.In fact, that punch just now Ao Kuang sent out all the fire force regardless of the cost, in order to seriously injure Xi Huazi.At this time, the body is empty, but fortunately, the recovery speed of the "Flame Heart Sutra" is fast enough, and Xihuazi is also willing to take advantage of this time to heal his wounds secretly.The two sides have no distractions, they both want to recover as soon as possible and give each other a fatal blow.

The field fell into a short-lived calm, and others would have to bear it patiently for a while. After a long time, He Taichong, the head of Kunlun, couldn't sit still. The one who was fighting against Ao Kuang was from his Kunlun sect. Although he lacked his right arm, he still had a few Ten years of internal strength is enough to deal with a ten-year-old child who is seriously injured. It is not difficult for him to see that Ao Kuang is powerless to use any means. He thought that the current situation is enough to make people laugh. The war must not be lost.He Taichong immediately said: "Little benefactor, you have fought with the sect to create the current situation, and now you don't want to take advantage of others' dangers to be honest and upright. In order to thank you, my Kunlun sect would like to present the little benefactor of our sect's secret medicine 'Huiyuan Dan' 'To help the little benefactor recover his depleted true energy as soon as possible. I hope you can accept it." The meaning of these words is not clear.

Everyone in Wudang changed their faces when they heard this, and Zhang Songxi scolded: "He Taichong, you are so shameless."

He Taichong said gloomyly: "Zhang Sixia, why did you say that. I also have a good heart."

"You, good, good, good, I have heard for a long time that Sect Master He often travels in the Western Regions and spends very little time in the Central Plains. Now that I come to the Central Plains, I hope to stay for a few more days. After this matter is over, I will go to the Kunlun School and He The sect masters will learn from each other to prove their martial arts, and I hope that sect master He will give us some advice." Mo Shenggu said coldly.

"Since Mo Qixia invited me, I would rather obey than respectful." He Taichong said.

Regardless of what happened off the field.Xi Huazi's eyes lit up when he heard He Taichong's words.Taking a deep breath, he suppressed the chaotic punch in his body, and rushed towards Ao Kuang, obviously wanting to capture Ao Kuang in the shortest possible time now so as not to have long nights and dreams, and then concentrate on recuperating his injuries.

Seeing Xihuazi approaching, Aokuang had the thought of killing him, and thought to himself, originally he just wanted to maim you so that you could not come to seek revenge.Now you don't know what to do but forcibly suppress the three punches that are based on Huo Jin, if you want to die, don't blame me for being rude.

Seeing Xi Huazi getting closer and closer, Ao Kuang remained indifferent and only waited for Xi Huazi to be careless.Xihuazi came to Ao Kuang, seeing Ao Kuang's unmoved, he was more convinced that Ao Kuang's true energy was exhausted to the point that he was powerless to fight back, he smiled contemptuously and stretched out his hand with the joy of victory to touch Ao Kuang's body Acupuncture.Right now, this is what Ao Kuang is waiting for.Ao Kuang used the "Seven Injuries Boxing Manual" with the momentum of a thunderbolt, directly attacking Xi Huazi's left chest.

The sudden change caught Xihuazi by surprise, but Aokuang didn't care about Xihuazi.According to the experience just now, Ao Kuang understands that he can withstand at most ten blows from Xihuazi in terms of internal strength alone, so Ao Kuang not only uses the moves in "Seven Injuries Boxing Manual", but also stimulates the use of Huo Jin recorded in "Glass Golden Body" Skill.

I saw the sleeves of Ao Kuang's original black gown turned into ashes and turned into short sleeves in a blink of an eye.A raging flame was burning on the exposed arm.Such a strange phenomenon made Xihuazi even more shocked, but the shock was still shocking. At the critical moment, Xihuazi blocked the punch to the left chest. As soon as he touched the flame on Aokuang's arm, Xihuazi felt a burst of burning pain , When he was about to counterattack Ao Kuang with his internal strength, the flaming arm had already withdrawn and then continued to attack him.

Ao Kuang also didn't expect to have such an effect.Surprise is ecstasy, with a layer of flames, Xihuazi can only fight with internal force, and if he wants to use internal force to hurt himself, it will take enough time for him to perform the next move.In the current situation, Ao Kuang is really the one who beats others, as for Xi Huazi, if he doesn't dodge or dodge, he can only be beaten.

With this in mind, Ao Kuang attacked without hesitation. At first, Ao Kuang's moves could not leave Xihuazi's vital points, but then he raised his fist whenever there was a gap.Ao Kuang suddenly thought that Xi Huazi was still suppressing the three punches based on Huo Jin. It would not be a big deal if Xihuazi's skill was used to suppress a cup of tea.But now the flame burning on Ao Kuang's arm is also fierce.Every time Xihuazi fights with Xihuazi, Xihuazi must carefully use his internal force to block these blazing fire forces from entering his body.But what Ao Kuang wants is exactly the opposite, because Xi Huazi originally suppressed the three punches, as long as a trace of fire energy enters his body, the suppressed punches can explode instantly.It is conceivable what the consequences will be waiting for Xihuazi once the fist strength breaks out at this time.

As the saying goes, if you often walk by the river without getting your shoes wet, Ao Kuang does not intend to fight recklessly.It is more suitable to fight a protracted battle with the speed of recovery of the "Flame Heart Sutra" rather than patience.Ao Kuang's style of play at this time is thinking that you can block them all once, twice, or three times. I don't believe that you can block them ten times or a hundred times.

Ao Kuang performed the "Seven Injury Boxing Manual" back and forth several times, it was really heart-warming.Finally, Xihuazi let a ray of fire into his body because of a careless move, and Aokuang sent another move of "seven-style chain". Xihuazi didn't even have a chance to scream, so he was followed by Aokuang's last punch head.

Killing Xi Huazi arrogantly gasped for bloody air.Those so-called Jianghu heroes all looked at Ao Kuang with a look of shock, disbelief, and a little fear.Seeing such a phenomenon, Ao Kuang sneered in his heart, this is the so-called hero, he is really like a barking wild dog, bullying the weak and fearing the strong.

On the other hand, the elderly figures in different sects are not the same. Looking at Ao Kuang's eyes is like seeing a ghost, and his eyes are full of fear. Even Master Kongwen, who chanted sutras and chanted Buddha from the beginning, is the same. Only Zhang Sanfeng smiled Satisfaction, joy and some curiosity.

Ao Kuang didn't understand why they showed expressions of fear, and was wondering.Master Kongwen stood up, and asked in a trembling voice, "Small, little benefactor, no, no, young man, young man. Dare to ask young man, young man, where is your teacher?"

(End of this chapter)

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