Chapter 5
Ao Kuang returned the same way, and when he came out, he saw Lie Yan lying on a rock and fell asleep, standing on the top of the volcano and looking at the sky, it was already evening.I have to go back as soon as possible, the foster father and the others should be worried.Pushing Lie Yan sleeping on the rock awake, he said, "Lazy guy, it's time to go home."

When he was approaching the cave, Ao Kuang saw a big blond man standing on the road leading to the cave, looking at the side of the road, and shouted loudly: "Father, father."

Seeing Ao Kuang come back, Xie Xun hurriedly practiced his light work and came to Ao Kuang in a few breaths, hugged Ao Kuang and asked: "Kanger went there to play, and it took most of the day to even eat lunch. Didn't come back. Don't do this next time. Remember?"

"Father, I went out to hunt, you look at the big sika deer." Ao Kuang pointed to the sika deer in Lie Yan's mouth.Ao Kuang saw this sika deer when he came back, so Lie Yan caught it and used it for dinner.

"You go hunting, I think it's Lie Huan who goes hunting. He's a big kid. Hahaha" Xie Xun said with a smile while touching Ao Kuang's forehead.

These years, Xie Xun really treats Ao Kuang as his own son and treats Ao Kuang meticulously. He can no longer be said to be doting on Ao Kuang, it is simply spoiling him.At the same time, Ao Kuang also sincerely recognized Xie Xun as foster father.Being held in Xie Xun's arms, he pouted arrogantly and said in a somewhat childish language; "Hmph, who said I can't hunt anymore, I will go hunting tomorrow, and I will be responsible for the food I eat in the future. My foster father laughed at me, and I will hunt tomorrow." After the prey that arrives is ready, I will eat the food from my adoptive father. I will not give it to my adoptive father. Hmph."

"Okay, good, don't talk about it, let's not talk about it, our crazy son has grown up and can hunt, let's go, go back to the cave, today the foster father will do it himself, and cook you a delicious meal. Haha." After finishing speaking Holding the arrogance, he walked towards the cave.

When he came to the cave and saw Xie Xun coming with Ao Kuang in his arms, Zhang Cuishan said, "Where did Ao Kuang go to play, but brother has been standing outside the cave since noon, waiting for you to come back. You play for most of the day, kid." , don’t let adults worry, you’re hungry, your second judge is cooking, and you’ll be ready in a while.”

Before Ao Kuang could speak, Xie Xun said first: "Second brother, you don't know that Kuang'er went hunting today. Look at the big sika deer. Let's eat this tonight. I will do it myself. By the way, I'll get some wine ,Ha ha."

"Third Uncle, you can't always pamper Ao Kuang like this. You should teach yourself a lesson if you don't even come for lunch when you go out to play. Otherwise, you won't be crazy when you grow up like this." When Yin Susu heard Xie Xun say this, she couldn't help but worry.His tone was full of concern for Ao Kuang.

"It's okay, it's okay, kid, okay, let's not talk about this, cook and cook." After finishing speaking, he let go of his arrogance and walked towards the sika deer that Lie Yan had brought.

"Come on, Wuji, let my brother hug me. There will be delicious food in a while." Ao Kuang walked towards Zhang Wuji who was on the bed without stopping.

Seeing Ao Kuang like this, a group of adults thought it was funny, so they concentrated on their own business.

At night, Ao Kuang lay on the stone bed quietly thinking about today's discovery, turned over and looked at the second uncle, the second trial, and Wuji who were on the opposite bed, and then looked at the adoptive father beside him.This is family, this is relatives, that's great.Now that I have come to this world, I will not let my second uncle and second judge commit suicide, and my adoptive father will not live alone, and the tragedy in the original book will not happen again, no, never. "Heart Sutra of Wild Flames" Haha.With the warmth brought by my family and the anticipation for the future, I fell asleep proudly and sweetly.

In the next few days, every morning and after lunch, Ao Kuang would go to the volcanic cave to study the "Heart Sutra of Kuangyan Lieyan" carefully, and at the same time let Lieyan hunt around.

On this day, Ao Kuang sat cross-legged on the magma rock at the bottom of the mountain with his upper body, took a deep breath and carefully performed the first gravity method of "Heart Sutra of Kuang Yan Lie Yan".

Today is the first day for Ao Kuang to practice the "Blazing Flame Heart Sutra". Through the understanding of "Heart Sutra of Kuang Yan Lie Yan" in the past few days, Ao Kuang understands that this first-level heart method does not use the eight extraordinary meridians, but only uses the small ones. The meridians absorb a trace of fire energy for body training. After the training is over, this trace of fire energy will automatically dissipate to the limbs to be compatible with the muscles and bones. There will be no traces left in the meridians. The next time you practice, you will have to start all over again.Of course, the deeper you practice this first center of gravity method, the more fire energy you will absorb each time, and the better the effect of tempering the root bones will be.

Beads of sweat kept oozing out from the proud and naked body sitting on the rock, but it was evaporated by the scorching heat in a blink of an eye.Slowly, Ao Kuang's skin turned red, as red as fresh blood.

Hot, painful, burning pain.It hurts so much, this is the only feeling that Ao Kuang feels now.At the beginning, Ao Kuang felt as if he was in a sea of ​​flames, and then when he ran the first center of gravity method in the small meridians, he felt that these small meridians produced a suction force from the depths of the passages, attracting the outside world. The sea of ​​flames entered the passage, and it was here that he felt the burning pain.Because the pain caused Ao Kuang to stop the first focus of his mind, but what he got in return was more intense pain. Feeling such an impact, Ao Kuang had no choice but to run his mind with all his strength.

Enduring the pain and concentrating on running his mind, Ao Kuang slowly seemed to see his own meridian, as well as that trace of fire energy, controlling that trace of fire energy to circulate from the small meridian to the whole body.Wherever the fire energy passed through the meridian, there would be bursts of burning pain in the meridian, Ao Kuang wanted to stop, but a little relaxation resulted in even greater pain, even if he dared not stop, he couldn't stop, stop When he got down, all his previous efforts were wasted, he gritted his teeth and held on, watching the fire energy wandering through the meridians, wandering through the small meridians of the whole body over and over again.As Huo Jin wandered away, Ao Kuang discovered that the small meridians of the human body are so shaped, as if there is a layer of net-woven clothes covering the whole body under the skin.

Ao Kuang found that the fiery energy carried by the fire energy had dropped for the sixth time in the meridians, and at the same time, the small meridians that were originally scorched could feel the gentle warmth melt into the small meridians as the fire energy passed. .Ao Kuang knew that this was exactly what the first center of gravity method described.

Soon, according to the description of the first center of gravity method, as the fire energy walks over and over again, the blazing heat contained in it will be refined little by little.Until the blazing heat is completely refined, you can only feel the gentleness of the fire, and then you can call it a day.

I don't know how long it took, when Ao Kuang couldn't feel the burning pain caused by the fire energy circulating in his meridians, he was ready to withdraw.

"Ah," suddenly Ao Kuang roared, the voice was full of pain, and the body sitting cross-legged twitched continuously.

Pain, bone-piercing pain, although I was prepared for it, I didn't expect the pain to come so fast, so painful. The first center of gravity method in the "Heart Sutra of Kuangyan Lieyan", after the practice is completed, the refined fire energy will be automatically dispersed to the limbs, compatible with the root bones.But in refining, it is also the fire energy, the fire energy of the underground wild flames, and of course it will also bring pain.

The so-called blazing heat in refining is just to take out the harmful part of the fire energy, which is commonly called fire poison.

(End of this chapter)

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