Chapter 64
Seeing that the two had made a promise, Hu Qingniu let out a long breath, and finally he didn't have to worry about the situation of fighting each other.Hu Qingniu felt quite relaxed for a while, it couldn't be better if the matter was settled like this.The grievances were resolved, Hu Qingniu picked up the tea on the table a little leisurely, and slowly savored it.

At this time, Ao Kuang jokingly said to Hu Qingniu: "Old Stubborn Niu, don't worry this time. But to be honest, it's really powerful, and the majestic 'Zishan Dragon King' has to have a good talk with you If you are invited to seek medical treatment, your Hu Qingniu's signboard of "willing to die" will be even more resounding when this matter is told."

As soon as Ao Kuang's words fell, Hu Qingniu said casually with some complacency: "Do you think that everyone who comes to seek medical treatment is like your father's old lion and you..." After finishing speaking , Hu Qingniu realized that it was not good, and hurriedly shut up.

As soon as the words finished, Dai Qisi said to Ao Kuang: "Ao Kuang, you will not be the same as Brother Xie, to Mr. Hu, that's it."

Seeing Dai Qisi's guessing eyes, Ao Kuang reached out and made a fist gesture.Following Ao Kuang's gesture, Dai Qisi laughed coquettishly, and Wuji and Wang Nangu also recalled all the past that Ao Kuang and Hu Qingniu had only seen happened in these years, and also laughed.

All of a sudden, everyone in the room, except Hu Qingniu who had an ugly face and the two little girls Yang Buhui and Yin Li who didn't know why, all laughed loudly.

In this way, time passed, two months later.

At this time, Han Qianye was sitting in the medicine jar that Ao Kuang used to use, soaking in the medicine bath.At this time, Ao Kuang walked to the medicine vat and poured the medicine juice from the medicine can in his hand into the medicine vat.Then he asked very strangely: "The real healing of your injury is much more troublesome than imagined. For the past two months, I have been using fire force to expel the cold in your body every day. The initial success of the treatment is considered. I wonder how you have survived to this day."

As soon as the words fell, Han Qianye said: "This unknown cold snake survives on the 'Spirit Snake Island' where I live, and I rely on this kind of snake gall and snake blood to survive until now."

Hearing Han Qianye's words, Ao Kuang turned his head to Hu Qingniu, who was sitting aside reading medical books, and said, "Old Stubborn Niu, do you know this kind of snake?"

As soon as the words fell, Hu Qingniu said slowly: "The snake that can help his injury. If I'm not wrong, it should be the 'cold bone blue snake'. This kind of snake has blood red eyes and a flattened snake head. Triangular shape. Most of the scales are silvery white. Only the back has blue scales. Overall, it looks like there are blue snake bones covering the snake body from head to tail. The snake blood of this kind of snake is somewhat resistant to cold effect, while snake gallbladder has the effect of warming up the body and activating the blood."

As soon as Hu Qingniu finished speaking, Han Qianye said: "Mr. Hu, you are really skilled in medicine and well-informed, what you said is exactly right."

As soon as the words fell, Dai Qisi came with two crutches in her hand, and said as soon as she entered the door: "What are you talking about?" Then she asked Han Qianye with concern: "Qianye, how do you feel? Was yesterday better?"

"It's much better." Han Qianye said.

As soon as Han Qianye finished speaking, Ao Kuang continued: "Don't worry, this disease is no longer fatal. Today's medicine bath is the last time. After today, the medicine is useless. The rest is to use It’s enough to recuperate the internal strength.” Speaking of which, Ao Kuang walked up to Dai Qisi, took out some papers from his bosom, handed them over and said, “At this time, I wrote the Wudang School’s Nine Suns Manual silently. Wuji's illness is different. Wuji's internal strength is not enough, and the palm power of the "Xuanming God's Palm" is very pure, so the Wudang School's "Nine Suns Manual" can only save life, but cannot eradicate it. Although uncle has a lot of cold air in his body, it is quite mixed, and it is expected that by practicing Wudang's "Nine Suns Manual" with profound internal strength, the disease can be eradicated for at most three years."

As soon as Ao Kuang finished speaking, Han Qianye said: "Ao Kuang, you can't. This is the unique skill of Wudang School, how can I practice it. If so."

Before Han Qianye finished speaking, Ao Kuang said: "It's okay, don't worry. Wudang sent Daoist Zhang to be open-minded, and I call him uncle. As long as you don't pass this kung fu on to others, I think uncle will I will blame you." After saying this, Ao Kuang's voice changed.Taking the two crutches from Dai Qisi's hand, he said: "Auntie, these two crutches were forged when you went to the market a month ago and asked the blacksmith to melt your original crutches?"

Hearing Ao Kuang's words, Dai Qisi said: "Yes, there will be no more 'Golden Flower Granny' in Jianghu, and it's useless to leave a cane. And I have been using a cane all these years, and now I have [-]% of my kung fu. On the crutches. Simply let people melt the original two 'Spirit Snake Staff' and 'Dragon Pattern Staff' to make again. Look at these two crutches."

Hearing Dai Qisi's words, Ao Kuang carefully measured the two crutches in his hand.I saw the 'snake staff' about 1.2 meters long and two centimeters in diameter.The whole body is mostly silvery white. At first glance, there is a blue snake bone hovering above it. After a closer look, it is found that it is the "cold bone blue snake" just mentioned. It hovers from the tail to the top, and the snake head opens its mouth on the top. Showing two fangs, spitting out the snake's breath.Appears lifelike.

And the 'Dragon Pattern Staff' is about 1.7 meters 1.3 in length, just at the same level as Dai Qisi.About the thickness of a baby's wrist.Carved with purple dragon patterns, it hovers from the tail, and when it reaches a distance of about [-] meters, it directly presents a [-] to [-] cm curved dragon body, and the top is the dragon head that looks up to the sky and sings.No matter from which angle you look at it.They are all very much like a living dragon flying in the sky.

After seeing the two crutches, Ao Kuang asked curiously: "Auntie, you did a good job. By the way, what material are these made of?"

Listen to Ao Kuang asking this.Dai Qisi said: "In the sea area around 'Spirit Snake Island', there is a kind of coral. These materials are extracted from that kind of coral. I call it 'Coral Gold'. Although 'Coral Gold' It can’t be compared with black iron such as Dragon Slaying Saber and Yitian Sword, but it is also very tough and similar to black iron. No matter how arrogant you are, are you interested in using ‘coral gold’ to make weapons.”

As soon as the voice fell, Ao Kuang said: "No, I'm just curious. Besides, I prefer to use fists rather than weapons. Besides, I have never learned kung fu with weapons."

As soon as Ao Kuang finished speaking, Dai Qisi and Han Qianye said in surprise in unison: "What, you don't know how to use weapons."

Seeing the surprised looks of the two, Ao Kuang walked aside and took a knife for cutting medicinal herbs, and said to Dai Qisi: "It's true, I don't know how to use weapons. I haven't thought about using weapons, and I don't need them. I practice a kind of kung fu for body training, it can be said that my body is my weapon." After finishing speaking, Ao Kuang stretched out his palm, put his thumb against the blade, and his index finger against the back of the blade, using force with each other.The blade of the knife that cuts the medicine quickly dented.

When he took off the knife, he saw that the blade was dented, but Ao Kuang's fingers were not damaged.At this time, Ao Kuang said: "My body training kung fu is called "Glass Golden Body". There are three levels from low to high, namely 'iron', 'rigid' and 'unbreakable'. I have only cultivated to the level of 'steel' now. I believe that one day, once the "Golden Body of Glass" is completed, there will not be many weapons in the world that can hurt me."

After Ao Kuang finished speaking, Han Qianye agreed and said: "In this way, you really don't need weapons. I think once this kung fu is mastered, even an eminent monk who cultivates Shaolin's 'King Kong Indestructible Body' will To be beyond reach."

"That's right, I've never heard of any kind of body training kung fu that can do your finger-twisting blade like this." Dai Qisi followed closely.

Just when Ao Kuang was about to respond, he saw Yang Buhui walking towards him crying.Walking in front of Ao Kuang, Yang Buhui said: "Brother, the spider bullied me." Hearing these words, Ao Kuang felt a headache.

After two months, Yang Buhui has gradually left, the grief brought about by Ji Xiaofu's death.Although sometimes I wake up crying in my dream, but I always have the heart of a child, and I continue to laugh innocently after crying.Now Yin Li (Luo Er), who happened to come with Dai Qisi and Han Qianye, fights together all day long.These two little girls fight all day, no matter who suffers in the end, they always cry and ask Ao Kuang for comment.

Hearing Yang Buhui's words, Ao Kuang hugged her up and said softly: "Tell me, how did the spider bully you again?"

"Aunt Wang, all the sweet-scented osmanthus cakes I made were taken away by the spiders." Yang Buhui said aggrievedly.

After listening, before Ao Kuang could speak.Then I saw the spider running towards Yang Buhui and said, "She lied. We originally agreed that whoever snatches the sweet-scented osmanthus cake will get the sweet-scented osmanthus cake. If she didn't snatch it from me, she ran here crying, shameless." " After finishing speaking, as if deliberately annoyed Yang Buhui, he reached out and took out a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake. Under Yang Buhui's wanting eyes, he took a hard bite, looked at Yang Buhui proudly, and squeaked Chewing loudly.

Sure enough, seeing such a situation, Yang Buhui immediately lay down in Ao Kuang's arms and burst into tears.Ao Kuang looked at Dai Qisi frantically, but got a helpless look.

In the end, Ao Kuang had no choice but to make an osmanthus cake by himself.Unexpectedly, as soon as Ao Kuang made it, the two little girls got into an argument again, wanting to monopolize the osmanthus cake made by Ao Kuang. In the end, Yang Buhui took the osmanthus cake made by Ao Kuang contentedly Smiling and eating.Yang Buhui was happy, and smiled happily, but Zhu'er was crying, just like this, he finally calmed down the fighting between the two little girls, and it was already dinner time.

Had dinner.At night, Ao Kuang lay on the bed tossing and turning, unable to sleep.I began to secretly think about where I should go in the future, is it just for wandering in the rivers and lakes?Ao Kuang asked himself, even if his current martial arts skills are enough to rule the world, if this life is just wandering around the world, would it be interesting?Is this really what you're interested in?
After thinking hard for a long time, finally when the bright moon was in the sky, Ao Kuang fell asleep peacefully with a smile on his lips.

(End of this chapter)

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