Pride of Heaven and Dragon Slayer

Chapter 69 First Battle

Chapter 69 First Battle
Ao Kuang smiled evilly, and taking advantage of the first attack of the medicinal power of the crowd had not faded, Ao Kuang said to everyone: "Very good, from now on, you are the blood blade of 'Blood Blade' that belongs only to me. Remember me Every single word I just said. Now I order you to do one thing." Speaking of this, Ao Kuang pointed to the two groups of people outside the 'Giant Whale Gang' and the government: "Now, you take up your weapons, Go kill everyone there, remember not to let anyone go. Do you hear me clearly?"

As soon as the words fell, Xue Ren said in unison: "Yes, master." After finishing speaking, he picked up the weapons on the ground and walked out step by step.

When he came to the two groups of people, Xueren still stepped forward without stopping.With the arrogant ears, some members of the 'Giant Whale Gang' can even be heard saying to the Blood Blade crowd, "Dezi, what's wrong with you. Who is that person inside?" "Xiao Li, why do you have such an expression? It's your uncle." "Ah Li, tell uncle who the young man inside is."

Hearing this, the members of the Blood Blade remained unmoved. When the Blood Blade and members of the 'Giant Whale Gang' were mixed together, the complexions of all Blood Blade personnel changed, no matter in their expressions or in their eyes, there was a hint of nakedness. murderous desire.At this time, all the blood blades roared "Kill." Along with the sound, there were weapons in their hands, and each blood blade greeted the vital point of the person closest to him.

The members of the 'Giant Whale Gang' never imagined that someone who was originally a brother in their gang would kill themselves and others without hesitation. The "Giant Whale Gang" never imagined that there were a total of 41 blood blades, and more than [-] people succeeded. These blood blades were all beheading the people in front of them without exception.

All of a sudden, two-foot-high blood columns splashed from the necks of more than thirty headless corpses, and went straight into the air like a bloody fountain. The famous blood blades are all scarlet bloodstains all over their faces, and with Chang's eyes full of killing intent, they look even more ferocious, making people daunting.

The people of the 'Giant Whale Gang' were stunned, and the officials were stunned.But the blood blade didn't stop, they only knew how to kill and abuse, and dozens of heads fell to the ground with the knife in their hands, accompanied by dozens of blood pillars soaring into the sky.

It wasn't until then that the members of the 'Giant Whale Gang' came to their senses and resisted one after another.The scene instantly fell into a melee, which can be said to be a one-sided massacre.These blood blade personnel were originally obtained from Liu Yaoli's meticulous training over the years.As for the 'Giant Whale Gang', although there were three to four hundred people here, most of them were mobs, not to mention that there were not many first-rate masters, and there were not many second-rate masters.As for the people in the government, that's even worse. They are all full of fat, and those with some real skills are just a few second-rate masters.

Ao Kuang was like this, sitting at the dining table by the window, watching the massacre outside.In just one stick of incense, there were at least 200 corpses lying on the ground. The ground was stained red with blood, and the bloodstains gathered in the gutters on both sides of the street. At this time, it was drizzling, and the rain mixed with the bloodstains to form a stream. A stream of blood melted into the gutters on both sides of the street, forming a river of blood.

Smelling the smell of blood coming to my face, looking at the fighting figures outside, I heard some people's screams of fear and fear before they died.The arrogant heart also aroused the long-buried nature.

Think about when I left the orphanage in my last life, relying on a knife for my life.I don't know how much suffering I have suffered to become a big brother.Now that I have come to this world, I have been forbearing my nature. In front of my foster father, second uncle, second trial, aunt Wang, Wuji, etc., I just forbear it, but why should I suppress myself now that I am alone.

Think about it, in the last life, I had feuds with other gangsters, but I found an opportunity without even frowning, and led a group of men, shot and killed 380 of them, and then the corpses were mixed with cement. Dig into the ground to make the foundation of the building.Another time, a group of more than 400 people from outside was burned up without blinking.It's ridiculous that watching the blood blade's one-sided fight just now, he was a little soft-hearted.Ridiculous, really ridiculous.

Thinking of this, Aokuang rushed into the rain, using "Liuyunbu" to transform into a lightning-like speed, and punched the heads of the 'Giant Whale Gang' and the government's two gangs one by one, watching them burst open one by one. His head, blood and yellowish brain matter scattered in the air.Ao Kuang vented the grievance in his heart to his heart's content.

In a short while, Aokuang beheaded hundreds of people, and there were hundreds of corpses with broken heads on the ground.At this moment, Xue Ren saw Ao Kuang's appearance, and each of them silently put away their knives and stood quietly behind Ao Kuang.

Seeing that there were only 60 to [-] people left in the two gangs, all of them looked at him in fear, Ao Kuang remained silent, and let the raindrops fall on him with his face up.At this time, Ao Kuang's heart had vented just now, and after finally returning to calm, there was only one thought left, I, Ao Kuang is still Ao Kuang, still the arrogant and arrogant Ao Kuang.

With this thought in mind, Ao Kuang said to the remaining two groups of people: "Go back and tell the people behind you, just say, what happened today was caused by me Ao Kuang, feel free to do anything similar. Now get out of my sight immediately. "

Hearing Ao Kuang's words, those who survived by chance returned quickly one by one. In a hurry, many people tripped over the corpses on the ground, and then they didn't even stand, and crawled to the distance with hands and feet.

Ao Kuang looked at bloodstains, broken limbs and dead bodies all over the place.Slowly let out a breath, as if at this moment, Ao Kuang let go of the suppression that he had imposed on himself these years.

Turning around to look at the Blood Blade people behind them, I saw that although everyone was scarred, none of them was dead or disabled.41 people are still maintained.Seeing this, Ao Kuang thought, the first attack of 'Li Hun San' took about a stick of incense, and it was time to calculate it.It seems that the effect of "Lihun San" is really good. Now "Lihun San" still has 70 to 100 people left, which means that I can have [-] to [-] dead soldiers who are second-rate or all are first-rate masters.Thinking of the situation where he will bring more than [-] first-class masters to stir up the rivers and lakes and the court in the future, Ao Kuang can't help but be full of anticipation, so that life will not be boring.

Sure enough, when Ao Kuang was thinking about this, Liu Yaoli, who was the first to react, was away from those four first-rate masters.I saw that their eyes changed from frenzied murder to stupid, and then became clear, looking at the blood stains and mutilated corpses on the ground.

Their eyes were inconceivable in the clear, and then they pointed at Ao Kuang and shouted crazily: "You devil, what have you done?"

After listening, Ao Kuang said coldly: "Ask me? Don't you remember how they died at your hands? Have you also forgotten how you killed them?"

(End of this chapter)

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