A different kind of love of the dumb scholar

Chapter 303 Want to go to Wanhua

Chapter 303 I want to go to Wanhua (fourth update)
Yesterday, no matter in Wanhua private school or in Wanhua villa area, what Yang Qingqing remembered most clearly was Shui Qianqian's appearance when she was a child, and what Shui Qianqian said with such an immature face had a great influence on her. deep words.


Shui Qianqian looked at Yang Qingqing upon hearing the sound, just in time to catch her looking over, "Yes." There was only one word, nothing else.

"Don't you want to go back and have a look? I heard from the neighbors nearby that you haven't been back for many years." In a villa area, there are always a few people who know each other, such as the owner of the restaurant where Shui Qianqian often goes to eat.

Asking this question, Yang Qingqing actually thought about it for a long time.

Avoidance will never solve the problem. Only by facing it directly can the problem be solved well.Some things, the more you don't want to face it, the more you have to face it, so that it will become a thing of the past.

Just like her, she always thought that Bai Jing held a lot of weight in her heart, and after knowing what happened to Shui Qianqian and Bai Jing, she even avoided seeing them.

When I saw her later, she let her walk out quickly.

Yang Qingqing knew that Wanhua's area had a great influence on Shui Qianqian, and Shui Qianqian had been reluctant to set foot in that area, so why was it not a kind of escape?

Shui Qianqian glanced at her, but said nothing.

The atmosphere is a little subtle.

Several people looked at each other, and Zhou Xue hurriedly smoothed things over, "I went with Qingqing yesterday, and the environment there is really good. But Jiangcheng is only so big, and Qianqian's family is here, so it's not the same when you want to go to see it? You say yes Come on, Qingqing." As he spoke, he bumped Yang Qingqing's shoulder.

Zhou Xue and Yang Qingqing went to the Wanhua villa area together. They not only visited the Wanhua private school, but also visited the Wanhua villa area. Naturally, it was who Yang Qingqing met and who she also met.Although I can't say I fully understand Shui Qianqian's past, at least I can already figure out that in the dormitory that day, Shui Qianqian's sudden loss of control may be related to her childhood experience.

Sensing Bai Jing's cool gaze sweeping over, Yang Qingqing hurriedly said: "Yes, yes."

"Qianqian, did you study in Wanhua?" Bei Lele asked with a smile, ignoring Xiao Qing holding her hand under the table to remind her.

On the face of it, it looked exactly like she was just curious.

Before Shui Qianqian could answer, she said again: "I heard that Wanhua is the only noble school in our Jiangcheng, and I have always been very curious about what the noble school looks like. If you have time, can you take me to see it?"

"I'm also curious, but not everyone can enter there, so I haven't had a chance to see it." Xiang Su also said.

Under the table, Bei Lele pinched Xiao Qing who was trying to stop her from speaking, still smiling harmlessly, "That's not the case, anyway, everyone has a holiday, today's participation in the teacher's wedding is over, tomorrow Qianqian you will take us To open your eyes?"

"They said that, and I'm quite curious. I'm worried that I have nowhere to go tomorrow. If you want to go, can you take me with you tomorrow? I went to your Jiangcheng No. [-] Middle School yesterday, but it's a pity that I couldn't enter the school. Take a look at the other schools in Jiangcheng as well." After speaking, Su Huanhuan's mood was obviously depressed.

Shui Qianqian's sense is naturally keen, and she felt it immediately.

He looked up at Su Huanhuan.

He Fangang wanted to stop her and tell her not to mess around with her.He could tell that something was wrong with the atmosphere, he didn't believe that Su Huanhuan didn't see it.

But when he heard the second half of Su Huanhuan's words, he suddenly didn't want to say more.

Yesterday was Jiangcheng No. [-] Middle School where he accompanied Su Huanhuan.

After failing to enter the school, Su Huanhuan stood at the school gate in a daze for half an hour, then squatted on the ground and watched Jiangcheng No. [-] Middle School from the school gate for nearly an hour before they left.

As long as Su Huanhuan stayed there, he was with her for as long as possible.

Neither asked nor disturbed.

"I really want to see it too." It was one of the four people who were walking in who said.

It was none other than Xiao Heng.

As soon as he finished speaking, he was kicked by someone, who glared at him and said in a low voice, "Why are you joining in the fun!" Then he looked at Shui Qianqian, "Cousin, I'm coming too."


When going out in the morning, Shui Qianqian didn't call Han Ru, and Han Ru said that they were all their classmates, so she didn't come to join in the fun.But now they came over, and at a glance, they knew that it was Xiao Heng who called.

Shui Qianqian looked at Xiao Heng and the two people beside him, "When did you arrive?"

Xiao Heng pulled up a stool and sat down, "Hey, don't mention it, the plane just arrived in Jiangcheng an hour ago. It's all my fault for the old man, who just guarded me and didn't let me go out. Don't you know, or I secretly called Shi Yan to let me go out?" He helped me buy an air ticket, and sneaked out early in the morning before my old man got up." It was true that Shi Yan bought the air ticket, and it was true that he sneaked out, but it was not that old man Xiao stopped him from going out, but that old man Xiao wanted to follow him go out together.

When the old man was old, Xiao Heng really didn't want him to run around, so he used him not to go out to prevaricate.

As for why Xiao Heng came to Jiangcheng, and why the old man followed, it was because Xiao Heng knew about Zhu Zhuohua's illness from Han Ru and that Han Yanyu had gone to the capital to find Shui Qianqian.Shui Qianqian returned to Jiangcheng again, Xiao Heng was really worried.

He said that because he didn't want Shui Qianqian to think too much.

"So I ordered two more." It was Shi Yan who came in together, wearing a hat, mask, sunglasses and fully armed.

Shi Yan went to Jiangcheng No. [-] Middle School for a few days to attend classes. Everyone knew that he was Bai Jing's cousin. Now that Xiao Heng mentioned Shi Yan's name, almost everyone present knew who it was.

Qi Qi stared at Shi Yan who was fully armed.

There are many fans of Shi Yan here, a few girls were so excited that they almost screamed, Shi Yan made a "shh" gesture to them, "Hush, low-key, low-key, I'm also here to attend the teacher's wedding, if anyone finds out, I don't have to play anymore."

The excited girls calmed down.

Fortunately, they have all met Shi Yan and know the relationship between Shi Yan and Bai Jing, otherwise Shi Yan's words really wouldn't have much effect.

Seeing that everyone was quiet, Shi Yan greeted Bai Jing Shui Qianqian, "Cousin, classmate Shui Qianqian."

Shi Yan was a little afraid of Bai Jing, and he also slipped out of the house without saying hello.

"Since you're here, be quiet, call home first, and ask your assistant to take care of your work." Shi Yan usually spends most of his time at school, and this is the time when he receives the most announcements. Bai Jing knows all this .

Shi Yan heaved a sigh of relief when he was not scolded, "Of course, I will fight right away. I don't want to stay too long, just play for two days, and then go back to work after two days of playing. I have read it all, and the work of these two days is fine. If you push it, you don’t need to pay liquidated damages.”

Shi Yan's coffee position is there, and he thinks that the jobs that can be dismissed are usually those that the other party comes to match his time.

"By the way, where did you just say to go?"

"Wanhua, the private noble school in Jiangcheng, we can't get in, I want Qianqian to take us to open our eyes." Bei Lele is a loyal fan of Shi Yan, although sometimes she feels that Shi Yan and her idol The difference is a bit big, but apart from other things, Shi Yan's business ability is still very strong.

She hasn't taken off her fans yet. At this time, the idol has a question, and she answers it very positively.

Xiao Qing felt sore in his heart.

"Noble school? I did hear that there is a noble school in Jiangcheng. In the past, the Bai family almost sent my cousin there, but my aunt did not agree to enter the ordinary school. Is this the case, cousin?"

Bo Jing almost went to Wanhua to go to school?
Shui Qianqian was a little surprised, this accident, the little emotion in my heart just now disappeared.

Looking at Bai Jing with a little surprise, he asked, "Really?"

Bai Jing glanced at Shi Yan, Shi Yan took away his sunglasses and winked at him.

Bai Jing retracted her eyes without a trace, looked at Shui Qianqian, "Yes."

"In other words, we almost went to the same school so early?" Wanhua didn't have many students, and there were only forty or fifty students in the kindergarten.If Bai Jing had been in Wanhua at that time, they might have known each other a long time ago, even earlier than when she met in the hospital.

"Well." Wanhua is a real estate company, and the Bai family's main business is also real estate. The two are competitors. How could the Bai family send him to Wanhua.

However, although it was Shi Yan's nonsense that the Bai family wanted to send him to Wanhua, it was true that he could have known her earlier.

The friend his mother wanted to take him to see on the day his mother died was actually Mr. Shui.

Prepare to take him to apprentice.

After Shui Qianqian went to Shi's house, the old lady Shi accidentally mentioned it, and Bai Jing only knew about it.

"But it's not my mother who objected, it was the rest of the Bai family who disagreed. Wanhua and the Bai family are competitors." Bai Jing knew Shui Qianqian better than others, and since he wanted to lie, he had to tell the truth.Otherwise, with Shui Qianqian's intelligence, she would soon find out.

"It turns out that's the case. What a pity. I could have known you earlier."

Bai Jing smiled, "It's not too late now."

"Since it's a pity, classmate Shui Qianqian will take us to see it tomorrow? Otherwise, you can take my cousin alone. My cousin has never been to Wanhua."

Even Xiao Heng gave Shi Yan an appreciative look.

Bei Lele nodded secretly, not bad, not bad, worthy of being an idol, his mind is smart, and he knows how to use the god of learning as an example.

Look, Qianqian's expression is not as cold as before.

Bei Lele knew that the Shui Family Villa was in Wanhua, and saw Shui Qianqian's reaction when Yang Qingqing mentioned Wanhua, so she followed suit.

Her thoughts are the same as Yang Qingqing's, and escaping cannot solve the problem.

Shui Qianqian pursed her lips and was silent for a moment, then asked Bai Jing: "Do you want to go and see?"

(End of this chapter)

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