The male god of fast wearing has his own acting buff

Chapter 103 Master Picked Up a Little Fox

Chapter 103 Master Picked Up a Little Fox (7)


Old color embryo!
Le Baishi stared hard a few times, broke free from his clutches, and jumped out of the bamboo house.

Before she could take two steps, a thunderbolt the size of a small snake suddenly fell less than five inches in front of her, forcing her to brake suddenly.

A faint murderous intent rushed towards her face, she raised her head subconsciously, and there stood a tall, tall man with an extremely cold demeanor among the falling leaves.

"Little monster, Cangfeng, my forbidden place, can you get your hands on it?"

The man's cold voice just fell, and a purple light gathered in the palm of his hand again.

Le Baishi took a few steps back subconsciously, she doesn't have any head-to-head skills now!

"...Master Su Ming, be merciful!"

Prunella vulgaris ran out staggeringly, opened her hands to protect Le Baishi, "Master Su Ming, Lele is not a bad monster! Please let her go!"

"You little monster, where do you have the qualifications to talk to this deity!"

The man called Su Ming's eyes froze, and the purple light in his hand had no intention of taking it back, and Prunella Kucao's legs were so frightened that her legs went limp and she trembled again and again.

"Brother, you are so fierce, you won't please the fairies."

With a flash of white light, Suqing stood in front of the two goblins with a smile.

Su Ming withdrew his hand unwillingly, and snorted coldly: "Junior brother is addicted to adopting monsters, be careful to be bitten back one day."

"That's old-fashioned freedom."

Suqing threw away the empty wine jug in his hand, turned around and picked up Le Baishi again, hugged her into her arms and stroked it.

"Finally, why are you looking for the old man?"

Suming glanced at the little fox with complicated eyes in Suqing's arms, and the shivering Prunella vulgaris squatting behind his feet, pulling at the hem of his clothes, and remained silent.

Suqing smiled helplessly, but her tone became a little colder.

"If senior brother doesn't like disciples like Lao Shi, there's nothing I can do about it. Senior brother, please go back, lest this demon-filled Dian Cang Peak dirty your clothes!"

Turning around calmly and going back to the room, Su Ming behind him paused for a moment, and finally said:
"Master asked you to go back and discuss the Xiangshan sect's junior sister Su Yun."

When Le Baishi heard this, she felt happy. The Cangshan faction, who had always been a neutral faction, was also quietly discussing Su Yun?
"Didn't Junior Sister Su Yun be defined as a demon cultivator a long time ago, and she was escorted to Zhanxiantai for the death penalty?"

Suqing turned her head and glanced at Suming, raised her eyebrows lightly, "Is there anything else to discuss?"

"Junior brother doesn't know something. Junior sister Su Yun escaped from prison, and her whereabouts are unknown now."

Su Ming said, "After all, she is a demon cultivator, and she is a big hidden danger to our world of immortal cultivation. The various sects are discussing a collective search and encirclement..."

"If love is suppressed or not, what does it have to do with old age?"

Su Qing waved his hand lightly, and a jar of wine fell on his palm. He bit off the cloth Gaier and drank a few gulps, completely ignoring Su Ming who was frowning.

He had a good drink, then brought the wine jar to Le Baishi's mouth in his arms: "Little stove, let's take a sip to warm up."

Le Baishi secretly rolled her eyes, put her head into her tail and played dead.

"Cut, it's boring."

Su Qing muttered, but Su Ming couldn't see it, and said softly: "Junior brother, don't be so unruly anymore, haven't you caused enough troubles after drinking all these years?"

Su Qing lazily sat down against the bamboo hut, put the wine jar casually, and said with a light smile: "Yes, yes, yes, this old man has made many unforgivable mistakes, which have tarnished the reputation of the Cangshan School."

"It's better to drive away the rat shit than to keep the old man, isn't it?... Hey, look at my memory, why did I forget that you keep me, it's just because of my Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Realm, In the future, there will be a good knife for fighting and so on..."

"For example, to catch that junior sister Su Yun who is also in the realm of Nine Heavens Profound Immortal, right?"

 Lele: No way, who told you to call Su (Su) Qing?
(End of this chapter)

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