The male god of fast wearing has his own acting buff

Chapter 110 Master Picked Up a Little Fox

Chapter 110 Master Picked Up a Little Fox (14)

Le Baishi took a look at Suqing, and leaned over to sniff.

A smell similar to Xia Kucao came over her face... I couldn't help but think of the bowl of medicine that Prunella vulgaris brought me when I just woke up.

She really thought that the inner elixir stayed peacefully in her stomach because Su Yun used her last luck to tamper with the little fox's fate... Now it seems that it is because of this elixir.

"Although the old man doesn't have much friendship with Su Yun, he also knows how her cultivation base came about. As for why she has the attitude of a demon cultivator..."

Su Qing was halfway through speaking, then suddenly turned to Le Baishi, his eyes were full of deep meaning.

"Little fox, do you know something?"

Le Baishi paused, and said with a smile: "If I said that I was entrusted by Master Su Yun on his deathbed to avenge her, would you believe me?"

"I believe."

His answer without hesitation made her heart tremble.

"Aren't you worried that I'm lying to you for answering so quickly?"

He is a fairy, she is a demon, there is no coexistence between a fairy and a demon, and all three-year-old children in this world understand it.

Suqing didn't answer directly, but stared at her for a long time.

After a long while, I lowered my eyes and sneered: "This is an inexplicable and inexplicable intuition. From the moment I saw you, my body couldn't help but want to save you, but there was nothing in my mind. over thinking."

He sighed and shrugged helplessly, "So, even if you really lied to me, I still can't help but choose to believe you. Don't ask me why, I can't answer."

Le Baishi hesitated slightly, raised her small head, and met his bottomless eyes.

There is an indescribable undercurrent in the eyes, and an indescribable sense of familiarity.

But in the next second, all of them disappeared, leaving only a bit drunk.

"The look in your eyes just now is really interesting... After all, are you in love with me?"

Suqing's low laughter, with a bit of teasing, lingered in Le Baishi's ear, pulling her back to her thoughts.

She coughed dryly: "You think too much."

Gently scooping it up with his big hand, Le Baishi's whole fox was wrapped in his arms and stroked gently.

He tilted his head slightly, and leaned over her big fluffy ear and whispered: "Then take it as me thinking too much."


Le Baishi couldn't help shaking, struggling to jump out, but was hugged extremely tightly by him.

"Why run? As a small heater, you should fulfill your responsibility as a small heater."

Suqing knocked on Le Baishi's small forehead, and smiled lightly, "Okay, back to the topic just now, you promised to help Su Yun avenge her revenge, but you couldn't absorb her inner alchemy and lifelong cultivation, that's why you Intruded into my Cangshan faction's library to seek a solution, right?"


Le Baishi nodded.

"Unfortunately, the Library Pavilion will not have the answer you want, but... I know there is another place that can solve your problem."

Le Baishi frowned slightly, the knowledge reserve of Zangshu Pavilion has already gathered the great achievements of the world of cultivating immortals, since decentness has no solution, could it be...

"You mean, the devil world?"

The corners of Suqing's mouth twitched slightly: "There is a kind of flower on the edge of the barren cliff in the Demon Realm, called Seven-leaf Gala. Three plants of Seven-leaf Gala grow at the same time. It takes 1000 years to bud, 3000 years to bud, and 5000 years to bloom. It is the most precious treasure in the Devil Realm."

"Eating this Qiye Jialuo can reshape the spiritual root. If you use it together with external force, you can also obtain the spiritual root attributes you want."

"100 years ago, it was the flowering period of this Seven-leaf Gala. The demon plucked one and gave it to his most powerful general; 80 years ago, another one was inexplicably stolen, and now there is only one left. The Mozun sent heavy troops to guard it."

"If you want, I can get it for you... But there are conditions."

(End of this chapter)

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