The male god of fast wearing has his own acting buff

Chapter 121 Master Picked Up a Little Fox

Chapter 121 Master Picked Up a Little Fox (25)

Le Baishi closed her eyes, and silently recited the formula.

In fact, the little fox's true face is yellow and thin, dry and malnourished, and Le Baishi originally wanted to use this appearance to piss off Su Qing's eyes.

But for some reason, with a slight movement in her heart, she temporarily changed the formula.

Suqing saw that the woman in front of her was once again enveloped in red light. Gradually, her figure became a little slimmer, but she was also exquisite and had everything she should have.

The scarlet gauze long skirt has also changed from Su Yun's women's skirt style to a girl's cross-collar style.

The red light dissipated, and the girl's bright and delicate face stood in front of her eyes, her almond eyes slightly opened, and she stared at him intently.

The moist cherry lips are full and clear, and the corners of the lips evoke a narrow arc.

Suqing felt her breathing was slightly suffocated, and the hands holding her slender shoulders couldn't help trembling slightly.

It's really her.

Even though she, who is a fox now, has a bit of a coquettish look on her face, but he is almost sure that she is the girl in the dream.

"Does it look good?"

Le Baishi bit her cherry lip and asked softly.

It was the first time to show her true face in the small world, although she didn't know what the consequences would be... But she didn't want to think about these things.

The man on the opposite side didn't answer, but just held her tightly in his arms, so tight that she could hear the rapid heartbeat in his chest.

His arms trembled slightly, and his breathing was a little short, Le Baishi was amused in his heart, as for being so excited...

"I didn't wait all these years for nothing."

An inexplicable whisper in the ear made Le Baishi a little confused.

wait for her?


"Although it sounds flattering, I still want to tell you."

Suqing raised Le Baishi slightly, and pressed her cool forehead against her forehead.

Peach Blossom pupils drooped slightly, and the slender eyelashes that were close at hand fluttered like butterfly wings. He said softly, "For thousands of years, you have often appeared in my dreams, wearing strange clothes and dressing up strangely."

"It's me in the dream, the most important existence in my heart."

After hearing his lies-like exposition, Le Baishi was quite surprised.

It didn't seem like he was deliberately trying to please her, but his intuition told her that he was telling the truth.

Strange clothes and dressing up... I felt a sudden pause in my heart, could it be?

The next second, he deprived her of the chance to think, stretched out his big palm to the back of her head, pressed it lightly, and pressed his thin lips tightly against hers.

Xu is a unique instinctive reaction of the fox clan, all parts of his body immediately seemed to be ignited, Le Baishi whimpered, his hands could not be controlled, and he tightly clutched his front.

If she hadn't tried her best to suppress it, she might have already pulled it off...

"You are patient."

His lips were empty, he raised his eyes and stared at her cautiously, "But I overstepped?"

"In the middle of nowhere..." isn't great, is it?

There was no sign of rejection in her tone, Suqing was overjoyed, leaned over slightly, and pressed her to the ground.

"What does it matter, besides this kind of thing, do you want Prunella vulgaris to see it?"

... Well, she really didn't want to abuse the children either.

Looking up, the eyes of the man above were full of confusion, unlike the past when he was drunk, there was a bit more indescribable meaning.

At this moment, the deep panting became the deadliest weapon, lingering faintly in her ears, making her distracted.

Suqing leaned down, prostrated herself and whispered in her ear: "You were the one who performed the charm first, I'm not Liu Xiahui, I can't stand it."

Le Baishi was suddenly a little speechless. It turned out that the instinctive reaction just now was, yes, was it a charm...

 It's very hot at noon, is it really okay for me to be like this?

(End of this chapter)

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