The male god of fast wearing has his own acting buff

Chapter 133 Master Picked Up a Little Fox

Chapter 133 Master Picked Up a Little Fox (38)

Not far away, Ji Chenyi froze for a moment, walked over silently, and called Ji Siyun to his side.

"I know that you concealed it because of your own difficulties, but Ke Siyun is your biological son, why don't you even give him a straight look!"

"Do you still have a conscience!"

He hung his head and growled.

"Father, she..."

Ji Siyun looked at his own father, then at Le Baishi, his fleshy little face was full of contradictions and entanglements.

Father loves mother so much, if he expresses his intuition, it will destroy his last hope for mother...

"Elder Ji, it's not up to you to criticize whether this deity has a conscience..."

With a slight ironic smile on the corner of Le Baishi's mouth, she took two steps forward, "I would like to ask you a question, where is your conscience?"

As soon as the words were finished, Le Baishi raised her hand, and a burst of immortal power hit Ji Chenyi's right arm.

He dodged subconsciously, and the celestial power just hit his long sleeve.


Something fell to the ground and collided with the paving cobblestones, making a crisp and abrupt sound.

It is the imperial magic mirror.

Seeing this, Le Baishi laughed even more wantonly, she walked to Ji Siyun, who was already sluggish, and stroked his little head: "Little baby, if this deity is really your mother, Master Su Yun, this mirror must have already reflected on it." On the deity."

"Let's not talk about whether this deity is a so-called demon cultivator. The magic mirror of your Xiangshan School does not distinguish between enemies and friends after casting spells. This deity has only a thousand years of cultivation. I am afraid it will be discounted by it."

Ji Siyun felt a severe pain in his heart as if being stabbed by a needle, and raised his eyes in disbelief to look at the flustered Ji Chenyi.

"You, you spitting blood! The magic mirror is just carried by the deity for self-defense. Don't provoke our father and son!"

Ji Chenyi grabbed Ji Siyun's chubby hand, but he shook it off vigorously. The little baby staggered a few steps and almost fell down. Seeing this, Suyue, who was watching the play, stepped forward to help him in time.

"Only the head of the Xiangshan School is eligible to use the Imperial Magic Mirror, and all the dolls in the school who are younger than me know it!"

Ji Siyun was crying, his big watery eyes were full of tears, his appearance was extremely pitiful and distressing.

He sniffed, wiped away his tears, and said coldly, "Father, I ask you, if Master Le is really the mother, would you use the magic mirror to deal with her!"

"What do you mean if she is, she is really your mother..."

"Please answer the child's question directly!"

Ji Chenyi was silent for a while, but in the end he didn't answer, he stepped forward again, and forcibly hugged Ji Siyun into his arms.

"Come back with me, don't quarrel in front of outsiders."

Ji Siyun still resisted fiercely, but Ji Chenyi sighed, and actually recited the confinement spell, directly trapping him.

Slightly turned his head and glanced at the two of Le Baishi, then left in a flash.

Le Baishi's heart ached for no reason. Although she was not the original owner Su Yun, she had her lifelong cultivation and memories of thousands of years, so she would inevitably feel the same.

The breeze blew, and the cheeks gradually cooled.

Suyue at the side turned around, saw Le Baishi's appearance, and exclaimed in a low voice: "Lele, why are you crying? That's not your son..."

"It was she who was crying."

Le Baishi took a deep breath to calm down the emotion.

"Let's go back."


Su Yun, who was crawling on the top of a certain temple, had a panoramic view of Le Baishi's expression.

The cruelty was evident on his face, Le Baishi, Le Baishi, if you weren't Su Yun, why are you crying?
Sure enough, family affection is your Achilles heel!
Su Yun's smile gradually became crazy, and even the demon soul lurking in her body was a little uneasy.

If she doesn't restrain herself, even he can't predict the consequences...

 The score dropped by 0.1 again, and the smile gradually collapsed...

(End of this chapter)

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