The male god of fast wearing has his own acting buff

Chapter 143 Master Picked Up a Little Fox

Chapter 143 Master Picked Up a Little Fox (48)

Hearing that the Demon Lord came, all the immortals turned pale with fright, and they all sacrificed magic weapons and waited in full force.

It seems that the last time the demon king left the demon world was nearly 5000 years ago... All the immortals suddenly felt uneasy. Could it be that he came to provoke the third war between immortals and demons?
The Demon Lord landed slowly, calmly stood on the open space where the demon soul released the magic formation before, and looked around at the surrounding immortals with disdain.

All the immortals did not dare to act rashly, but that is the Supreme Demon Realm who has been cultivated for tens of thousands of years. In the world of cultivating immortals, he is a figure of the level of Immortal Venerable.

In such an emergency, it is impossible to immediately invite the elders who have already ascended to immortality...

"Look at all of you, tsk... This deity is not here to provoke trouble today!"

Mozun stroked his beard and turned around, and smiled coldly at Su Yun: "You madman, you colluded with my demon traitor and stole my Qiye Jialuo, are you guilty?"

Qiyejialuo? !
The younger immortal friends were at a loss, but the elderly elders were shocked when they heard about it.

According to the rumors, only three plants of Qiyejialuo, the treasure of the devil world, can be obtained in 5000 years. It is a treasure of the purest and the most spiritual.

It is said that the Demon Lord would send generals to guard the forbidden area where the seven-leaf galore grows every year. Unexpectedly, someone could steal it away?

"You spit out blood!"

Ji Chenyi, who had already rushed to Su Yun's side and held her in his arms to protect her, said angrily, "Yun'er has never even been to the Demon Realm, how could she steal your Qiye Jialuo!"

"If you don't believe it, there's nothing I can do about it."

The old man Mozun recited the mantra silently, a cloud of black mist drifted out from his sleeve, and gradually condensed into a black mirror.

The fairies in this mirror looked familiar, and it seemed to be exactly the same as the one sacrificed by the monster yesterday...

The mirror floated into the air and became bigger and bigger. After a while, it really reflected a strange image just like yesterday's mirror.

What was shown in the mirror was the scene of Su Yun and the devil stealing Qiye Jialuo on the barren shore of the devil world.


Seeing that Ji Chenyi seemed to want to refute, Mozun waved his hand impatiently: "Okay, I know what you want to say! If you don't believe me, just use your Xiangshan Sect's imperial magic mirror to see!"

As soon as this remark came out, the surroundings immediately became lively, some asked Ji Chenyi to quickly take out the magic mirror to prove his innocence, and some thought the matter was too mysterious and had heated discussions.

Ji Chenyi's face was full of contradictions, he wanted to refuse but couldn't find a suitable reason, facing the eyes of all the immortals, especially the six elders of the Xiangshan School, he had no choice but to take out the imperial magic mirror.

Seeing this, Su Yun immediately became flustered. She wanted to use the remaining celestial power in her body to stop Ji Chenyi's movements, but Su Wenyong, who was sharp-eyed, noticed her. The Royal Magic Mirror.

"This old man will give you an explanation on behalf of Xiangshan Sect!"

Su Wenyong activated the magic mirror, and several golden lights shone on Su Yun. She was originally a demon cultivator, and she must have been in great pain after being illuminated by the golden light of the magic. Layers of faint shadows.

That phantom is a bright red blood-like flower with seven black leaves dotted at the bottom of the petals.

The seniors who had heard the ancient legend exclaimed: "This form... seems to be Qiye Jialuo!"

"What else do you have to argue about?"

The Mozun snorted coldly, and an extremely cold black iron chain appeared in his hand.

"Hehe...hahahaha...very good!"

Su Yun laughed heartily a few times, and suddenly pinched Ji Chenyi's lifeline to death with his backhand, glaring at everyone.

Le Baishi, who was watching the play, couldn't help but frowned, and there was a very unusual but familiar energy fluctuation on Su Yun.

Could it be that her abilities are starting to wake up?

 The book review area swallowed up a lot of cute comments, I saw them all in the background, thank you all for your support here ~ ok~
  And there are no accidents in this plane, it will end tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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