The male god of fast wearing has his own acting buff

Chapter 146 Master Picked Up a Little Fox

Chapter 146 Master Picked Up a Little Fox (51)

As for Elder Su Qing, since the Xiangshan School's battle, he and his Taoist companions rarely showed up again.

Some said that he was seriously injured and went to retreat to recuperate, and some said that he was tired of being an elder and went on a tour with his Taoist companion.

But this third rumor is half right, the two of them are indeed no longer in the world of cultivating immortals.


Demon world, barren shore.

On the embankment full of exotic flowers and plants, there is a small green and fresh bamboo house.

The bamboo curtain was shaking slightly, and the woman in red sat quietly at the small bamboo table, reading a letter with one hand, and caressing her slightly protruding belly with the other.

This is a letter from the world of cultivating immortals. The head and wife of the head who claims to be an old aunt routinely reported safety in the letter, and by the way mentioned some trivial matters in the world of cultivating immortals.

For example, her husband erected a tomb of Su Yun in Xiangshan because of his mother's affection.

For example... She was conceived spinelessly after being demanded by a certain little fresh meat master every night, and she is currently laughing at herself as an advanced mother.

After reading the letter, Le Baishi couldn't help laughing.

Folded the letter paper, put it in a small box, got up awkwardly, and walked out of the house.

Suqing clamored to find food and drink, and went up the mountain to hunt game by herself. In the yard, only Prunella vulgaris was still working hard...well, cooking with fire.

Hearing the movement behind him, he turned his head and smiled and said, "Master, are you hungry? The meal will be ready soon!"

"Leave the rest to me."

Le Baishi took the big spoon in Prunella vulgaris's hand, looked at the two little shadows crawling among the flowers beside the embankment, and tapped Prunella vulgaris on the head with an ambiguous expression.

"You two little lovers are here."

"We are just friends!"

Prunella curled her lips, well, the little girl didn't seem to think so when she said she was a friend...

How could even he have a peach blossom robbery!Still two!

Seeing Prunella running over with a sad face, Le Baishi smiled helplessly and shook her head.

These two little girls have been following Prunella vulgaris since he came to the Demon Realm. What's even more funny is that one is called Mulberry Leaf, and the other is called Chamomile...

Well, enough to make a pot of Xia Sangju.

"What dish do you cook? It's so delicious!"

While thinking about the dog-blood triangle drama of Prunella vulgaris, there were a few rustles behind her, and a certain animal that went up the mountain to hunt came back.

Throwing the prey casually, restless hands circled around his waist, and Le Baishi slapped it off vigorously.

"It's dirty!"

"Let me touch my precious son!!"

A certain one was coquettishly howling behind him, Le Baishi turned around speechlessly, suddenly remembered something, stroked her belly, and sighed exaggeratedly.

"My poor son, some people keep saying that they love you, but they don't even give you his true colors, and you have to see and see."

Ever since one time when chatting with the old Mozun, the old man mentioned that his son didn't look like this before he ran away from home and went to the world of cultivating immortals. curiosity.

There is also a stomach full of displeasure!Why, she let him see her true colors, but he still kept hiding her!

Suqing listened to his daughter-in-law mentioning his original shape in a strange way, with a helpless face: "My original shape is too ugly, what should I do if I accidentally disturb your fetal gas?"

"Hmph, just desperately make excuses, I've decided, after the baby is born, I'll go back to the Cangshan School to find Senior Sister Suyue..."

"Okay, okay, I've changed, I've changed to the head office, right?"

Hearing that a certain one finally let go, Le Baishi immediately blinked her big eyes and stared at him.

Suqing sighed, and silently recited the formula.

(End of this chapter)

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