The male god of fast wearing has his own acting buff

Chapter 166 Nursery Rhyme Murder Case

Chapter 166 Nursery Rhyme Murder Case (19)

In this way, the relationship between Cheng Qiu and Le Jianhua seems to be connected.

So here comes the question... What exactly is in the video that will cause Cheng Qiufa to be banned from major social platforms?

Since it is mentioned that it is related to G University...

Robesy opened the search engine and entered the year ten years ago, keywords "G big" and "video".

Just when she was about to hit the Enter key, a dull beep sounded from the computer speakers, and then a dialog box appeared in the middle of the screen.

——"If you touch my things without authorization, you will have to pay a price."

Le Baishi's heart sank suddenly. There was a signature in the lower right corner of the dialog box. She had seen this signature when she decompiled the anonymous mailbox.

He turned out to be a master hacker too!
Le Baishi suddenly became interested, and replied with a light smile.

——"Don't do bad things, don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door!"


——"With a clear conscience."

After sending these four words, Le Baishi suddenly felt that the icons on the computer desktop were in a state of confusion, and a small progress bar popped up in the lower left corner, slowly increasing.

Eyes narrowed slightly, good guy, is this going to attack her computer?

She immediately turned on the defense mode of the hacker program, but the opponent's attack frequency was extremely ferocious, and even her defense wall only slightly slowed down the speed of the progress bar.

Meet the strong!

Robesy double-opened the hacker program and switched to attack mode.

Fortunately, although his attack was crazy, the defensive wall didn't seem to be very good. Le Baishi hacked in without any effort, directly captured the opponent's virtual address, and searched.

There is another small progress bar in the lower right corner of the screen, and the retrieved bar is much faster than the speed of the attack.

Le Baishi couldn't hold back her excitement, whistled triumphantly, and typed in the dialog box.

—— "Guess, will you crush me first, or will I know your identity first?"

Being provoked by her like this, the opponent's anger obviously burned more vigorously, and even the frequency of attacks became more fierce.

It's a pity that she couldn't penetrate the defensive wall of Le Baishi. Instead, she took advantage of the unpreparedness and directly cut off the connection between the destroying program and the virtual address, and enclosed the entire program in her own defensive wall.

No longer paying attention to the attacks from outside, she called up a backlash program to deal with the destruction program.

The turtle in the urn, the solution is only a matter of time, Le Baishi smiled and entered a string of codes.

Just when she was about to hit the Enter key again, her vision went dark, and the sound of the roaring machines in the room stopped instantly.

……power failure? !

There was a power outage at such a time... Well, at least that person can no longer attack.


Uncle Zou's shout came from outside the door.

"What happened, why is there a power outage?" Le Baishi asked.

"It's all my fault. I drove that old lawnmower that seemed to have a problem, and it tripped..."

"Don't worry, the maintenance worker has been contacted, and it will be dealt with immediately!"

Mama Yu also yelled downstairs.

Le Baishi shrugged, and pulled the chair to the window to look at the stars by the moonlight.

Although it is a metropolis, it has done a good job in environmental protection. Even in the urban area, you can see a little bit of stars, twinkling in the night sky.

——It’s much better than the underworld where birds don’t lay eggs!

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he seemed to catch a glimpse of an unusual light. Le Baishi looked down and couldn't help frowning.

There seemed to be a small blue light spot on the mobile phone on the table, flickering very regularly.

The prompt light of the original owner's mobile phone only has three colors: red, green and white. What's the situation with blue?
 Thank you Thirteen for your reward~
(End of this chapter)

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