The male god of fast wearing has his own acting buff

Chapter 172 Nursery Rhyme Murder Case

Chapter 172 Nursery Rhyme Murder Case (25)

At this moment, the closed door behind him suddenly "clicked" and opened automatically.

Le Baishi frowned, walked over lightly, and stretched out her head to look around.

The two ends are the left and right ends of a long corridor. There are two closed doors at the end on the left, and there is a corner on the right, with light shining through it, and it seems that you can go out.

She tiptoed towards the corner. The corridor was not long, but only a few steps away, but the walls on both sides were covered with unknown paintings.

There are cute animals such as black sheep, bunny and so on.

There are also portraits of people, such as a girl in a blue dress wearing only one shoe, and a little boy eating pudding.

There are even some things she can't understand, such as eggs standing on the fence, nutmeg and pear growing on the same tree...

Le Baishi suddenly realized that there is a whole collection of mother goose nursery rhymes in this corridor...

However, just looking at the childish brushstrokes and bright colors, it should be drawn by a child.

Judging by the texture of the frame, it has also been a few years old.

Continue walking towards the end of the corridor, turn the corner, and in front of you is a large double glass door.

Outside the door is a beautiful small garden. During the time when three or five birds shuttled happily, the flower vines meandered along the towering trees, and the red brick walls were also covered with creepers.

The wall doesn't look very high... Le Baishi didn't think much, just pushed the door out and ran to the wall.

Just as he was about to step up the wall, he froze again.

Although the brick wall was short, the top of the wall was covered with sharp pieces of iron that gave off a cold light.

Sighing, he turned around, and happened to have a breeze, and the fragrance of unknown flowers came with the wind.

Le Baishi suddenly felt that it was difficult to breathe. While pinching his nose, he took out the medicine box and took a breath.

What a troublesome and helpless disease.

"Chirp! Haw!"

A little bird flew over and landed firmly on the back of her hand.

Le Baishi thought it was cute, and stretched out her hand to tease her. The bird was not afraid of strangers, and lightly pecked at her fingers with its small beak.

He also seemed to be interested in the colorful medicine box, so he pecked at it.

But in the next second, the little bird suddenly trembled all over. Before Le Baishi could react, the bird fell straight to the ground, stretched its legs continuously, and spit out black foam from its mouth.

But for a moment, he lost his breath.

Le Baishi's face was stunned, it seemed that she died of poisoning.

Is it her hands that are poisonous, or...

Several images flashed through his mind, no wonder he didn't allow Yu Ma to touch her medicine, no wonder Qu Ling was going to pick up the medicine box that day, but he was the first to do so.

But, in this case, why is she okay?
Just as he was thinking, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Who killed Cock Robin? Is it you, is it me, or is it itself?"

Le Baishi turned around, Li Yuan was standing in front of the glass door, smiling extremely warmly.

In his hand was a plate of fresh red snake fruit, bright red and translucent.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

Le Baishi took two steps back subconsciously, a dull pain flashed across his eyes, but it disappeared quickly.

"We'll talk about these later."

With the tray in one hand, he made a gentleman's salute with the other, "This beautiful lady, I am honored to invite you to have breakfast together?"

breakfast together...

Was she in a coma for one night, or longer?
No, compared to this, she is more concerned about whether this place will be blocked and whether the signal can be successfully sent out...

Even if I want to contact Ah Mao, I can't summon it. There seems to be a strange magnetic field in this place, which interferes with everything.

Could it be that Li Yuan is a different kind?
But that extremely familiar face made her extremely hesitant.

At least subconsciously, she always thought that he and herself should be fellow travelers.

Really hope something is wrong.

 Thank you Autumn Allure, Cai Xukun and his daughter-in-law for the reward~
  There are a lot of mother goose nursery rhymes in this chapter~
(End of this chapter)

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