The male god of fast wearing has his own acting buff

Chapter 178 Nursery Rhyme Murder Case

Chapter 178 Nursery Rhyme Murder Case (31)

Le Baishi took a nap for a while, and went straight into the afternoon.

Although the mobile phone is still in the pocket, but there is no network or signal, it is really boring.

She thought for a while, got up, sat in meditation, and concentrated on reciting the formula for summoning Ah Mao silently again.

Still no reply.

Speaking of which, when she approached Li Yuan just now, she deliberately detected his breath.

There is no so-called alien ability, he is just an ordinary person.

But that weird magnetic field induction is getting stronger and stronger. Is there anyone else in this house?
Full of doubts, Le Baishi continued to hop around the house, looking for clues.

Needless to say, the hacker he dealt with before must be Li Yuan.That being the case, there must be a computer in this house.

The door of the empty room upstairs is open, and there is nothing inside; the living room is even decorated in a retro style, and there is no TV or anything.

Only Li Yuan's room and the locked room facing him are left to be investigated.

Le Baishi quickly ran out of the small courtyard, walked around to Li Yuan's window, and looked inside.

Plain white walls, plain white cabinets, tables and chairs, plain white sheets and bedding.

Extremely monotonous.

There is a small desk next to the cabinet full of medical books, and the things on it make Le Baishi's eyes shine.

a laptop!

I was thinking about how to get it secretly, when there was a dull sound of a heavy object falling to the ground in the room.

Looking at the sound, I saw the quilt rolled into a ball, rolled off the bed.

There is a slightly wet head in the quilt, Le Baishi can only see his profile from this angle.

A flush.

"A Yuan!"

Thinking of the back of him who had doused himself with water inexplicably and ran past just now, Le Baishi's heart trembled suddenly, and he slammed on the window desperately.

It's a pity that the person in the quilt seemed to be burnt out and couldn't hear at all.

Le Baishi bit her lower lip, looked around, and finally found a hoe at the bottom of the wall.

Without thinking too much, he smashed the window to pieces, turned over and jumped in, and pulled out the unlucky boy in the group.

"A Yuan? Are you okay?"

Le Baishi hugged the hot head in her arms and patted his flushed cheeks.

Only then did Li Yuan wake up, and opened his hazy eyes.


Le Baishi quickly pulled him back to the bed and covered him with the quilt.

"The medicine is in the cabinet..."

Li Yuan muttered in a daze, and Le Baishi rushed to the cabinet, rummaging through it.

Fortunately, there were not many of them, and the most complete range of medicines... Le Baishi quickly found all the medicines, and the moment she closed the drawer, something in the drawer caught her attention.

A postcard that looks a bit dated.

His eyes tightened suddenly, this postcard was deeply impressive in the memory of the original owner!

If I remember correctly, it should be an overseas postcard sent by Le Jianhua in the year she graduated, on which the postmark of City S is faintly visible.

I thought this postcard was lost before the original owner returned to China, but it turned out that Li Yuan picked it up.

With a slight movement in her heart, she put down the medicine bottle and picked up the postcard.

Flipping to the back, he almost exclaimed.

The back is full of traces of correction fluid, the original content has long been covered, replaced by countless densely packed, her name.

Some strokes are gentle and gentle, while others are so fierce that they almost tear the paper.

You can see how many struggles and contradictions there are in his heart.

Robesy sighed, and put the postcard back in the drawer.

Poured a glass of water, sent it to Li Yuan's bedside together with the medicine, stuffed it with water.

Seeing the handsome face whose flush gradually faded after taking the medicine, Le Baishi was a little speechless.

She was kidnapped, and she actually took care of patients here.

Or "kidnappers"...

 Good night~Tickets~
  Thank you for the reward of Autumn Allure and Passion~
(End of this chapter)

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