The male god of fast wearing has his own acting buff

Chapter 182 Nursery Rhyme Murder Case

Chapter 182 Nursery Rhyme Murder Case (35)

"My grandma has a quarter of the blood of country Y, and those nursery rhymes... are actually the enlightenment readings she gave my father."

Le Baishi thought of the paintings on the corridor, were they all drawn by his father, no wonder they looked so old.

"That basement was originally his library, and he came up with the design of the music box elevator...Unfortunately, it was defiled by me."

Li Yuan laughed softly.

"Until he married his mother and gave birth to me, he lived here all the time. Later, for some reason, he and his mother divorced, and my mother went away, so she came back to see me once a year."

Le Baishi was slightly stunned, indeed, in the memory of the original owner, Li Yuan had mentioned his mother many times.

She was also a strong woman. Before immigrating to country M, she was still the top entrepreneur in city G. Even in country M, her achievements were still good.

"Shortly after my father and mother divorced, considering the convenience of my study and life, the three of us, grandparents and grandchildren, moved from here to the urban area."

Although she knew it a long time ago, Le Baishi still deliberately asked: "Is this the suburb of the city? It feels like a paradise."

Li Yuan nodded: "Well...well, we are the only family living on this mountain, the original old house is behind, so let's say this one is newly built."

old house!
Le Baishi immediately grasped the point, could that alien be in the old house?

She had to find a way to find out.

Li Yuan didn't notice the change in Le Baishi's expression, and continued to narrate.

"Later, my father got seriously ill and passed away when I was ten years old. My grandmother and I depended on each other for life. For my father, I also decided to study medicine."

"And then, that happened..."

Seeing his face suddenly dimmed, Le Baishi felt a little pain in her heart, and subconsciously hugged him a little tighter.

Sensing her actions, Li Yuan's heart warmed slightly, and he helped her up, facing him.

" answer me seriously, people like me, selfish, dark, unreasonable,, can you really accept it?"

He seemed a little nervous in his tone.

Le Baishi suddenly wanted to laugh, he knew himself quite well.

She didn't answer, just climbed onto his shoulders and held his cool thin lips.


She tossed him all night, and used all the tricks she should use.

It wasn't until the white belly appeared in the east that Li Yuan was finally taken out... Well, he was exhausted and fell into a deep sleep.

And Le Baishi herself called out the ghost power in the soul ring to adjust breath and regulate qi, and jumped out of bed after regaining her spirit.

——If the father who is far away in the underworld knows that her ghost power is used in this way, and he doesn't break her dog legs...

Sneaking out of the room, she began to silently recite the formulas for dealing with aliens, perceiving them carefully.

Although the supernatural ability dissipated unwillingly last night when he couldn't attack her defensive shield for a long time, it was probably because of forcing him to go all out. There were still some residual energy left in the house.

Fortunately, as she expected, these remaining breaths had a general direction, Le Baishi followed all the way, and soon caught up to a high wall in the backyard of the villa.

Just as he was thinking about how to get out, he suddenly heard an extremely slight rustling sound outside the wall.

Le Baishi raised her vigilance subconsciously, there was a very faint aura outside.

But it doesn't look like a human.


Following a few soft and extremely familiar cat meows, coming through the crack in the wall, Le Baishi's eyes widened suddenly.

"A Mao? Is that you, a Mao?!"

She knocked hard on the wall, hoping to give her another response from outside.

"...Le, Le..."

Ah Mao's voice sounded extremely weak, "Call quickly, call...Zhen..."

 Thank you Nuannuan, I miss your reward~
  Today's update is a bit late, sorry, good night~ continue to ask for tickets~

  The big president article of this friend, "Cute Wife Online: The President's Love Addiction", author: Tang Xiangnuan.

  After waking up ten years later, Tang Xiangnuan wanted to cry for her handsome husband Xia Jie, because this man's physical strength was really terrifying.

(End of this chapter)

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