The male god of fast wearing has his own acting buff

Chapter 195 Have you ever met the patron who keeps comedians?

Chapter 195 Have you ever met the patron who keeps comedians? (5)

Later, the two fans of the other party and the fans of the original owner started a tug-of-war on the Internet. The original owner accused Meng Chuyi of having no acting skills and culture, and that she knew nothing but being next to Lu Zihao.

On Meng Chuyi's side, there were various photos of the original owner and Lu Zihao alone. Of course, in the photos, it seemed that the original owner was begging for love, and Lu Zihao watched coldly.

While accusing the original owner of being shameless, shameless, and destroying other people's feelings.

The original owner had no choice but to find the Lu family, and wanted to use the marriage contract as evidence. After all, the date of the engagement was before Lu Zihao and Meng Chuyi made their relationship public. With the marriage contract, she could turn around.

But in the eyes of the Lu family, if this matter were reversed, their son would become the next target to be hacked because of two boats.

Besides, Lu Zihao had chosen Meng Chuyi without hesitation in the choice between the two women, so what reason did they have to help the original owner?

The Lu family had no choice but to tear up the paper marriage contract and take action directly to blackmail the original owner to the end.

How could she compete against the Lu family who covered the sky with one hand in the entertainment industry?
This scuffle lasted for a long time, so that in business, investors fled one after another due to the damaged image of the original owner; the circle also withdrew their plan to cooperate with her because of her turmoil.

In the end, the original owner suffered a disastrous end, the entire network was blacked out, and the company went bankrupt. Of course, there were some who couldn't see it, but they were all afraid of the Lu family's power and dared not extend a helping hand to her.

Even the Le family was implicated. Under the threat of the Lu family, the Le family simply announced that they did not have this daughter.

As a result, she suffered from extremely severe depression and spent her entire life in a mental hospital, where she was "taken good care of" by the Lu family.


Le Baishi was taken aback for a while by the bewildering plot.

No wonder Ah Mao didn't even dare to show her face, because she was afraid of being complained to death by her feelings...

Forget it, don't she come here just to cleanse the dog's blood? How can a person not bow his head when he works under the roof...

He opened his eyes and looked at his phone, only 15 minutes had passed, Feng Moli hadn't appeared yet, Meng Chuyi was arguing a lot.

Of course, it is mainly the sissy who is "fighting with reason" with Director Ou.

In the last life, Feng Moli's car was set up by Meng Chuyi, and finally came by stepping on it.

This is also to delay the time, so that the original owner's medicine effect will take effect.

Le Baishi simply stood up, deliberately raised her voice, and waved to the secretary Wen Fei, that is, the little girl.

"Look at the way over there, today's scene can't be filmed, let's go."

"Good boss."

Le Baishi led Wen Fei deliberately swaggering past the group of people, and was very satisfied to catch a glimpse of the surprised expression of Meng Chuyi who had been quietly paying attention to her.

The medicine she gave to Le Baishi should make her drowsy before the attack. How could Le Baishi still walk around so vigorously, and even... want to leave? !
Then the paparazzi she arranged would be in vain!

"Boss Le... wait!"

Meng Chuyi pushed away the people around her, ran towards Le Baishi in a hurry, and grabbed her arm.

Out of her body's dislike for Meng Chuyi, Le Baishi instinctively wanted to shake off her hand, but she held it tightly, unable to move even with brute force.

Subconsciously, she used her ghost power to find out, only then did she realize that there seemed to be a strange energy fluctuation in Meng Chuyi's hand.

It turned out to be a different kind...

She thought for a while, gave up struggling, stopped and looked back at her with a smile.

"What's up?"

"Mr. Le...I, can I ask you for a favor?"

Meng Chuyi's big watery eyes blinked pitifully, and there were strange fluctuations in them that were breathtaking.

 Thank you for the reward of Autumn Allure~
(End of this chapter)

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