The male god of fast wearing has his own acting buff

Chapter 403 My Wife is the Richest Man in the Server

Chapter 403 My Wife is the Richest Man in the Server (62)

I really want to take a look in Mimiao to see if the items in her auction house have been sold, if the prices have changed recently, and if the trading market without her control will deviate from her track...

It's a pity that Ji Xiyan hid her identity chip somewhere!

After struggling for several days, Le Baishi decided to "fool" Ji Xiyan tonight.


"Shishi, I'm back."

In the evening, when Ji Xiyan came home from get off work, he opened the door of the house, but he didn't see the cute girl who would always come up to him immediately and hug his arm.

There was no sign of her in the living room where she usually stayed.

Frowning slightly, Ji Xiyan asked the butler beside him: "Where's Miss Le?"

The housekeeper was also at a loss. He remembered that Miss Le had been staying in the room.

"Has any of you seen Miss Le?"

The butler opened his throat, shouted angrily, and called out all the servants in the room.

The servants were stunned, "Miss was watching TV in the living room 10 minutes ago..."

"Did Miss really go out..."

A little maid who was personally serving Robesy spoke abruptly, but suddenly realized that she had said something wrong, and immediately covered her mouth.

Unfortunately, the sharp-eared Ji Xiyan heard him, his eyes froze, and he pointed at the shivering little maid.

"What did you just say?"

"Master, Uncle Housekeeper..."

The little maid swallowed her saliva, walked forward tremblingly, lowered her head and said, "At noon, Miss Le's cat, disappeared... She, she kept saying that she was going out to look for it..."

Before the words were finished, Ji Xiyan had already rushed out of the door and ran out of the house.

After the butler regained his senses, he quickly summoned all the servants to search for it.

Ji's mansion is located at the foot of the mountain, a single-family house, surrounded by beautiful mountains and rivers.

The more Ji Xiyan ran, the more frightened she became. For the first time, he felt that the color of this landscape was so obtrusive, because it might make her lose her way!

He shouted frantically, but there was only his echo in the valley.

"Master, Master!"

The butler rushed to Ji Xiyan with a tablet computer, pointed to the location display on it, "Miss put on the location watch before going out, she is here now!"

Ji Xiyan grabbed the tablet and stared at it for a long time, the direction of the flashing green dot seemed to be on the other side of the mountain.


Bored, she squatted on the branch of the tree and licked the cat's paws, while she glanced at Le Baishi lying under the tree with her eyes closed and meditating comfortably.

Depressed in my heart, this guy actually recruited him to act in such a pitiful scene in order to play games.

It's a pity that I don't have any memory, otherwise he will still have good fruit in the future?

The cat's ears trembled suddenly, hundreds of meters away, the sound of a car engine getting closer.


Di picked a fruit from a tree and threw it at Le Baishi, "Here comes the man."

Le Baishi jumped up like a carp in an instant, picked up the small stick she had prepared earlier, and waved it in the direction of her body once and for all.

He sighed heavily, and reluctantly cooperated with her performance.

When Ji Xiyan arrived under the tree, the heart hanging in his throat completely relaxed.


He was angry, anxious and distressed, he hugged Le Baishi into his arms, tightened his arms suddenly, but relaxed immediately, worried that it would hurt her who had not fully recovered.

"What are you doing here!" He whispered in her ear.


Le Baishi pointed to the cat on the tree, pursed her mouth, and said "innocent" and "worried", "A cat dare not come down from the tree."

(End of this chapter)

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