The male god of fast wearing has his own acting buff

Chapter 414 My Wife Is the Richest Man in the Server

Chapter 414 My Wife Is the Richest Man in the Server (End)
After thinking about it, Le Baishi took out the teleportation scroll and moved directly to Azure Dragon City.

The fire tree and silver flower show started at Xu time of the game time, that is, two hours later. Even so, the entire Azure Dragon City was crowded with a bunch of players, who came ahead of time to wait.

The whole Azure Dragon City is also different from the past, red lanterns and various festive decorations are hung everywhere, even the main road is covered with a big red carpet, extending from the west gate to the east gate.

The corners of Le Baishi's mouth twitched, this is a fire tree and silver flower show owned by some rich player, and it looks like a wedding.

She followed the crowd of players and walked slowly towards the center of the city. She was walking around leisurely, when she suddenly heard a familiar voice.

"Boss Egg!"

Following the prestige, I saw Xiaobi from the Jewelry Shop of Suzaku City standing in front of the Jewelry Shop of Qinglong City, waving to her...

Beside her stood Boss Zhou with a faint smile on his face.

Le Baishi was taken aback, all the NPCs from Suzaku City came to Qinglong City to watch the excitement? !
When she looked carefully at the shops on both sides of the street, she was even more surprised.

Standing in front of each shop are their NPCs from Suzaku City!All dressed in festive clothes, talking and laughing kindly...

Le Baishi was so scared that she opened the map and double-checked that she was indeed in Qinglong City right now.

Fortunately, after a while, the NPCs in Azure Dragon City also came out of their shops one after another, greeting and chatting with the players.

Le Baishi suddenly realized that these Vermillion Bird City NPCs should have been specially invited... If the friendship with the NPCs is high enough, this kind of operation is indeed possible.

She couldn't help but sigh again for the generosity of the players who bought tonight's Huoshuyinhua show, how rich it is!

"Boss Egg!"

Following Xiaobi's call again, Le Baishi's body suddenly stopped, and her arms were held by two pairs of small hands.

Looking sideways, I saw Xiaobi and Xiaozhu from the clothes store in Qinglong City rushed into the player group at some point, dragging her out...

Le Baishi was dragged to the clothes store in a daze, and the two little girls stopped.

She wondered, "Do you have anything to do with me?"

Xiaozhu stuck out her tongue playfully: "It's not us looking for you, it's my boss looking for you!"

"The imperial court entrusted me to design a new palace uniform. Although it is ready, there is no one to help me try it. I heard from Boss Zhou earlier that Boss Egg, you are a generation of young heroes who are willing to help others. Would you like to do me this small favor?"

Shopkeeper Luo, the proprietress of the clothes shop, twisted the waist of the water snake, and walked over with all kinds of charms, and at the same time took out a hidden scroll from the water sleeve.

The corners of Le Baishi's mouth twitched again, oh my god, is her lucky value already high enough that the hidden mission came to her on her own initiative...

Just trying on clothes, but the reward is 10 taels!
The court's money is really easy to earn.

Accepting the task without any hesitation, Xiaobi Xiaozhu immediately pushed her into the fitting room, and started her hands up and down.

"All right!"

After a while, Le Baishi changed her clothes, but when she looked at the full-length mirror beside her, she was stunned.

...This bright red cross-neck skirt embroidered with auspicious clouds and phoenixes in gold thread, and the phoenix hairpin on the head that looks more and more strange, it is not so much a palace dress, but more like... a marriage!Clothes!good!!

Le Baishi suddenly smelled a hint of conspiracy, and was about to ask questions, but several hands pushed her directly behind her, pushing her out of the clothes shop and onto the main road.

The group of crowded players spontaneously squeezed on both sides of the road, holding various flower baskets in their hands, and constantly sprinkled rose petals on the road.

Looking closely at the crowd, the Jueying couple, the Junhua Adventure Group, Duan Zhengchun... her former friends were all present.

Even Xing Jiali pretended to be Princess Rakshasa, stood beside Boss Zhou, and waved to her.

And not far ahead, a magnificent scholar in a bright red wedding gown, was riding a tall horse, slowly coming towards her.

When he passed by her side, he leaned slightly, took her hand, and directly lifted her onto the horse's back.

Deafening cheers erupted all around, and at the same time, the Fire Tree Silver Flower Show officially kicked off.

The colorful fireworks illuminated the misty night sky, and Le Baishi sighed in her heart.

Her single night just ended early...

【Eighth Plane·End】

 The next plane...well, the Republic of China~
(End of this chapter)

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