The male god of fast wearing has his own acting buff

Chapter 419 Women are like flowers, flowers are like dreams

Chapter 419 Women are like flowers, flowers are like dreams (5)

After a while, Deputy Manager Qian from the Metropolitan Ballroom came out with a smile, nodded and bowed to the man: "Commander Xia, please come with me."

The door opened, and Xia Junting led the troops to file in. Before reaching the ballroom, he heard a melodious voice humming along with the ethereal piano music.

Xia Junting paused for a moment, he had never heard this voice in the Metropolitan Ballroom.

"Are newcomers coming to your ballroom?" He asked Deputy Manager Qian with a sideways glance.

Even Deputy Manager Qian looked confused: "Well, the recent turmoil, how can we find new people? But this voice is quite familiar..."

When Xia Junting and the others walked into the ballroom, Le Baishi just sang the last verse.


I've loved more than I knew, I've been drunk, I've known how to drink

The flowers bloom and wither, but they are empty

Fate does not stay丨Like a spring breeze comes and goes
Woman like a flower like a dream


Xia Junting looked up to the stage, and saw that the pillar of the Metropolitan Ballroom, Tulip, stood on the side of the stage, and the light was not focusing on her, but a young woman who was playing the piano.

The woman was wearing a wine-red cheongsam, lined with a gold silk embroidered fleece vest, her makeup was delicate but not gaudy, unlike ordinary dancing girls and singing girls.

That look is very familiar to him, isn't it the owner of the Metropolitan Ballroom, Le Baishi.

Xia Junting raised his sword eyebrows slightly, and the corners of his mouth curled up into a seemingly invisible arc.

Before, I thought that this poor woman who was forced to inherit the family business because her brother was useless must be a mediocre master.

Now it seems that it is not too bad.

After the song was played, the guests in the audience thought about it carefully for a long time before bursting into deafening applause and cheers.

"Boss Le is really good at playing and singing, it's amazing!"

"The Metropolitan Ballroom is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!"

"No wonder you can train a woman like Tulip!"

Le Baishi walked back to the center of the stage gracefully and calmly, and bowed to the guests again: "Where is it, Lemou has made a fool of himself. Please don't mind, and then, please enjoy yourself."

Before she raised her eyes, her body froze suddenly, and she always felt that there was an inexplicable scorching gaze looking at her.

Pretending to casually glance at the direction of the gaze, the owner of the gaze is dressed in a black military uniform, tall and straight, with a tightly buttoned neckline, but has a strange ascetic sexiness.

Her face was as perfect as a sculptural work of art, showing a bit of toughness and sternness, and her eyes were staring at her with cold eyes.

It's him.

The corner of Le Baishi's mouth twitched, she really didn't expect that in this small world, he was none other than Xia Junting, one of the four big chaebols...

However, it came really fast, and it deserves the nickname "Cheetah".

Immediately, he winked at his subordinates on the side of the stage, and the subordinates immediately went to take away Zhang Si who was temporarily detained before.

"You guys, do you know who I am?! Do you know what will happen if you imprison me casually and grab my military card?!"

As soon as Zhang Si came out, he opened his throat and cursed loudly, which attracted the attention of all the guests.

Wen Ya and Xie Yiwen broke out in a cold sweat, how could Zhang Si be controlled by Le Baishi's people!

The subordinates ignored him and just pushed Xia Junting in front of him.

Zhang Si staggered to his knees, looked up to see Xia Junting, his eyes froze for a moment, but then changed into a confused and innocent expression.

"Commander, this is..."

"Tell me, what are you doing in Metropolis?"

Xia Junting found a sofa next to him and sat down, raised his legs seemingly casually, not only did not lose half of his majesty, but exuded a sense of chilling.

Even Deputy Manager Qian couldn't help shaking three times. It is rumored that this is the aura that Commander Xia only has when he is angry!
 The source of the lyrics is also "Female Flower"

(End of this chapter)

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