The male god of fast wearing has his own acting buff

Chapter 429 Women are like flowers, flowers are like dreams

Chapter 429 Women are like flowers, flowers are like dreams (15)

"need my help?"

Le Baishi propped her head contentedly, waiting for Xia Junting's answer.

Although no matter what, she would step into the muddy water and deal with Wen Ya.

"It's too dangerous, you can't go."

Xia Junting gave her the expected answer. He fixedly looked at Le Baishi with deep eyes, "I can't predict what will happen in five days. I hope you will come directly to my Xia family's fortress when the time comes so that I can do my best." Keep you safe."

"Your Excellency, there is no need to make a fuss over a molehill."

Le Baishi shook her head and chuckled, "The Xia family's mansion is located in the concession, I think Takeshi Watanabe would not dare to attack the concession casually."

Xia Junting's eyes froze, and he lowered his eyes resentfully, and chuckled: "That's true."

As soon as the voice fell, both of them fell silent, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little frozen.

After a long time, Xia Junting seemed to muster up his courage, and said softly: "Miss Fifth, do you still remember the dreams I mentioned to you?"

He looked at Le Baishi again, "Strange to say, those dreams became clearer during the afternoon nap today."

"Master Commander, did you see the face of the woman in the dream?"

Le Baishi pointed at herself pretending to be joking, "It can't really be me, can it?"

"To be honest, no."

Xia Junting shook his head, but his eyes suddenly became firm, "But I can be sure that she is my wife in my dream... no, my previous life."

He suddenly grasped Le Baishi's right hand wearing the soul ring, "This pair of rings is our wedding ring."

"The commander wants to say, you and I are lovers in a previous life?"

Le Baishi withdrew her hand calmly, and said with a smile, "I didn't expect the commander to be idealistic."

"I just wanted to try."

Xia Junting suddenly leaned over, Le Baishi dodged subconsciously, but he quickly stretched out his right hand and pushed it against the armrest of the sofa, blocking Le Baishi's way out, and surrounded her under him.

As a result, the distance between the two got closer, so close that Le Baishi could hear the man's extremely fast heartbeat.

She raised her eyes, only to see his eyes twinkle slightly, but he was extremely serious: "Are you willing to give me this chance?"

Le Baishi rolled her eyes and said with a smile, "It is possible, but you have to guarantee that you are still alive five days later."

"With you waiting for me, even if I have only one breath left, I will crawl back."

Xia Junting was overjoyed, and moved closer, his tall nose almost touching hers.

Seeing that Le Baishi no longer deliberately rejected and avoided him, he boldly lowered his head and was about to kiss her plump lips.

"Commander, it's better not to be too hasty."

A finger quickly pressed against his thin lips, the woman under her smiled, pushed him away and got up.

She picked up the teacup and sipped the tea carefully, "I'm very conservative."

Xia Junting let out a chuckle: "Okay, I will listen to Madam."

Le Baishi paused in her hands, and silently rolled her eyes.

Why did you call Mrs.

"Commander, don't be too sure. If you dream again one day and find out that it's not me, wouldn't it be embarrassing?"

She looks different every time.

"Can't be wrong."

Xia Junting was very confident. He glanced at the clock beside him, thought about it, and finally got up.

"In order to be able to reunite with my wife smoothly, I have to go back quickly and carefully calculate the actions in five days' time."

"Good luck."

Le Baishi waved lightly at him, watching him leave happily.

Laughing for a while, he also began to carefully calculate the plan for five days later.

(End of this chapter)

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