The male god of fast wearing has his own acting buff

Chapter 435 Women are like flowers, flowers are like dreams

Chapter 435 Women are like flowers, flowers are like dreams (21)

"Where to go?"

Le Baishi acquiesced to his address, anyway, it was impossible for him to change it.

Xia Junting smiled softly, he leaned on his body slightly, and said politely: "I would like to invite Madam to our first lunch, I wonder if Madam would be willing to show her respect?"


Le Baishi rubbed her belly, she was really hungry after what he said, even if everyone was hungry after all the troubles just now.

But is it time to go eat?In case Takeshi Watanabe rushed into the city...

"This meal is not easy for Commander, why did Madam think about it for so long?"

Xia Junting smiled and embraced her, and walked out of the alley, and the white car from last time had already parked outside.

But this time it wasn't deputy manager Qian who drove the car, but an adjutant named Qiufeng of Xia Junting.

"This 'lunch' looks a little special."

Le Baishi got into the car with him, and as the car slowly drove away from the market mansion, because Fu Wenhao had just ordered the whole city to be on alert, teams of guards and military vehicles passed by on the main road.

The common people were all at a loss, some of them didn't know what was going on when they heard the sound of the siren, and some of them heard the wind of the mayor's mansion, and they had a heated discussion.

Fortunately, the entire Donghai City is still safe, and Takeshi Watanabe did not attack.

The car shuttled through one street after another in a slow and orderly manner, until it drove out of Dongnae City and drove into a farm.

... If you want to take her to a farmhouse for your feelings, you can't do it!By the way, there is no farmhouse in this era, right?
"Where is Commander taking me for lunch? There are no restaurants in the wilderness here."

Le Baishi asked with a smile.

Xia Junting smiled irrefutably, and did not explain, but for a moment, the car slowly stopped at the corner of a certain farmhouse.

Le Baishi looked sideways, and saw Qiu Feng got out of the car, knocked on the door of the farmhouse three times, and after a while, an old man walked out of it.

The old man and Qiu Feng whispered for a while, then nodded, bowed to the car, and then returned to the house, and brought back a large worn-out linoleum cloth.

He and Qiufeng put the linoleum on the roof of the car, covering the whole car inside, leaving only the front window of the car empty.

"Commander, get ready!"

Qiufeng opened the car door and was about to come in, but was kicked out by Xia Junting.

"Watch the wind."

Covered by the linoleum cloth, the light in the car was much darker, Le Baishi looked around, and then glanced at Xia Junting who couldn't see his expression clearly.

What is he doing...

A strange picture flashed in his mind, Le Baishi's body trembled, it wouldn't be... right?

The person on her body shifted her seat, and actually leaned over. She was so frightened that she tensed up, and subconsciously stretched her hand towards the car door.

However, someone's big hand directly pulled her hand back.

"Aren't you going to invite me to dinner?"

Le Baishi had no choice but to complain angrily, "Where's the food?"

"I'll eat it in a while."

Her hand was still in his, and she didn't intend to let go. She even heard the suppressed smile in his tone.

He pointed to a relatively affluent-looking farm house not far from the car, "Pay attention to it."

Le Baishi was puzzled, and followed Xia Junting's gaze.

I saw a middle-aged man wearing a coarse cloth turban, dressed like a farmer, but with a face full of flesh and scars, holding a big burden, approaching the gate of the farm house looking left and right.

After confirming that there were no abnormalities around, he reached out and knocked on the door.

(End of this chapter)

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