The male god of fast wearing has his own acting buff

Chapter 439 Women are like flowers, flowers are like dreams

Chapter 439 Women are like flowers, flowers are like dreams (25)

The Metropolitan Ballroom is still full of feasting, singing and dancing.

It's just that today's guests have another new topic.

"Hey, have you heard about the attack on the mayor's mansion?"

"That's the big news today! I heard that Master Xie Yiwen was robbed by thieves."

"That's not true! My father said that a thick fog suddenly appeared in the venue, and the surroundings were in chaos. When the thick fog cleared, Xie Yiwen disappeared!"

"It's really a strange thing! However, I don't seem to have heard that Master Xie has any enemies."

"Didn't you say that it was Ying Kou who attacked? Xie Yiwen usually likes to write that kind of poetry and articles so much, it's not uncommon for people to read them and get burned."

Le Baishi just went downstairs and heard these gossips, which was a little funny, Donglai is so big, the news spread not slowly.

Walking to the front of the stage, just in time for Wen Ya to sing the first song.

She chuckled, took a glass of foreign wine brought by the waiter, pretended to be drunk, and staggered towards the VIP sofa in front of the dance floor.

The surrounding guests stopped their movements and looked at Le Baishi, only to see her with a silly smile on her lips, her eyes blurred in a corner of a certain sofa, drinking on her own.

Seeing this, everyone whispered again.

"Boss Le, what's the matter?"

"Hey, Boss Le and Master Xie used to be good friends. She's missing, so she's sad."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Young Master Xie is now Miss Tulip's lover, be careful not to be overheard!"

These words were really listened to by Wen Ya on the stage, seeing Le Baishi's appearance, she felt resentful, this woman is going too far, she expresses her miss for Xie Yiwen openly, who is she trying to show it to!
She paused suddenly, and the high note of the next chorus almost broke. Fortunately, she forcibly switched back to falsetto, so no one noticed.

But this situation surprised Wen Ya, she could sing this tune easily, but what happened tonight, she broke it because of a distraction. was the impact of that palm, right?

After singing a good song, before Wen Ya breathed a sigh of relief, the host walked onto the stage with a smile on her face.

"Dear guests, it's time for everyone's favorite song request again! As usual, what song do you want to hear, please report your song title and price. The song with the highest bid will be sung live by Tulip!"

The ballroom was suddenly full of voices, young masters and businessmen took out money and shouted the songs they wanted to hear.

In this song-ordering session in the Metropolitan Ballroom, you can’t help but listen to one more song of nature by Tulip, which is also a good opportunity to show your financial strength.

The most important thing is that the highest bidder can also get the title of "King of Songs", and have a half-hour chance to drink and chat with the singer tonight.

Metropolis expressly stipulates that its own artists do not take out, nor do that kind of business. This kind of opportunity to talk is very rare!
Wen Ya actually enjoyed this session very much, because every time she got the highest price, it was her song, so naturally she also got the most share.

But tonight seemed a little different.

Young Master Brother A was full of spirits: "I will offer [-] yuan, and nod to "Female Flower"!"

Entrepreneur B was not inferior: "What?! That's the song I want too! I'll offer [-] points for "Female Flower"!"

The dignitary and dignitary C showed disdain: "How can someone like you take away the title of song-ordering king tonight? I'll offer [-], "Women's Flower"!"

(End of this chapter)

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