The male god of fast wearing has his own acting buff

Chapter 469 Zhongcui Palace Royal Kindergarten

Chapter 469 Zhongcui Palace Royal Kindergarten (13)

Le Baishi instantly understood the purpose of this birthday sacrifice.

Situ Yunfeng's big pig's hoof would suddenly fall in love with Le Chaoyi a year ago, probably not just love at first sight.

After all, before he started dating Le Chaoyi, he was a straight man through and through, and he was also an exceptionally devoted one.

...Could it be emotional sustenance?
A more absurd idea suddenly popped up in her mind, and Le Baishi couldn't help trembling.

It's not like she hasn't encountered this kind of thing before. In a certain life, isn't that why the mother in the plot has a kind of unspeakable secret love for her son.

In the process of Le Baishi's brain opening, the sacrificial ceremony was over.

The palace people packed up their things, and the masters went to the dining room for dinner.

Tonight, Situ Liancheng seemed to be a little emotional, drinking himself glass after glass of wine.

Le Baishi wanted to persuade her, but considering that he missed his mother, he let him go.

Qi Yunguo's 15-year-old male and crown ceremony, this guy can barely be considered an adult now, just drink it, at worst, make him a bowl of hangover soup later.

The meal was full of wine, and the three buns couldn't help feeling sleepy, so they were taken to rest by the wet nurses, but Situ Liancheng was the only one who was still drinking non-stop.

Finally, Le Baishi couldn't bear to watch it any longer, and with a sudden heartbreak, he directly snatched the hip flask in his hand.

"Liancheng, if you drink any more, your body will be ruined."

"leave me alone."

Situ Liancheng glanced at Le Baishi with his misty drunken eyes, reached out and took back the hip flask, and filled it tremblingly for himself.

"Situ Liancheng!"

Le Baishi snatched the jug again, and when he came to snatch it, she grabbed his wrist.

With a deep voice, "Even if your biological mother, your real queen mother, would not be happy to see you like this in heaven!"

"Just now you prepared well for her birthday, now that you are doing this, don't you want to annoy her?"

After being scolded by her, Situ Liancheng finally calmed down and lay down on the table like a limp little lion.

Le Baishi sighed, and called Xiao Liezi: "You can help His Highness go back to the bedroom to rest, I will prepare a bowl of hangover soup, and send it over later."

"Yes, ma'am."

Xiao Liezi dismissed several young eunuchs and carried the drunk Situ Liancheng back to his bedroom.

Le Baishi went to the small dining room of Zhongcui Palace and made a bowl of hangover soup. She wanted to let Shuyu deliver it, but after thinking about it, she had better bring it herself.

The ghost knows if this stuff will drink obediently, if it doesn't work, just force it down.

When he came to the side hall with the soup, Xiao Liezi and others put him on the bed and covered him with quilts.

"Go down."

Le Baishi sent Xiao Liezi and the others away, and then walked to Situ Liancheng's bedside.

The boy on the bed had reddened cheeks at the moment, his slightly squinted eyes were full of drunkenness, and he could vaguely hear him muttering something, but unfortunately he could only hear his voice but not hear the content.

"Come on, drink some hangover soup before going to sleep."

She put the soup on the small bedside table, and helped the young man, who smelled of alcohol and was weak, leaned against the bedside.

Then he picked up the soup bowl and brought it to his mouth.

The drunk Situ Liancheng was obedient, silently biting the rim of the bowl, and gulped down the bowl of hangover soup.

"Have a good rest."

Le Baishi helped him to lie down again, just about to get up and leave.

Suddenly, her wrist tightened, and then, a young man who should have been so drunk that he didn't know what the world was like, somehow got the strength to forcefully pull her back to sit on the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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