The male god of fast wearing has his own acting buff

Chapter 471 Zhongcui Palace Royal Kindergarten

Chapter 471 Zhongcui Palace Royal Kindergarten (15)

"No need."

Shuyu waved his hand, there must be a reason for the empress to accompany His Highness like this.

Without her consent, how could these slaves make their own claims.

Xiao Congzi couldn't help frowning: "But, it doesn't make sense..."

Shu Yu glanced at him and smiled slightly.

"We, Zhongcui Palace, have our own rules. God knows it. We just keep our mouths shut and don't speak out."

"That's right, besides, the empress is the most respected in the world, she knows the general situation best, she is better than us."

Xiao Liezi also echoed.

Xiao Zongzi scratched the back of his head half-understood, and followed the two adults out of the side hall.

Forget it, anyway, after following the empress, there are less absurd things in the harem.

Compared with the emperor, the relationship between mother and child is nothing.


Early in the morning, as the gentle morning light covered the bed, Situ Liancheng's brows gradually wrinkled, he let out a deep breath, and slowly opened his eyes.

A wisp of delicate fragrance invaded his nostrils, he looked up subconsciously, and saw Le Baishi leaning against the head of his bed, still sleeping peacefully.

The morning light reflected on her side face, as if shrouded in a layer of fluffy golden light, and her slender eyelashes trembled slightly from time to time like a feathered butterfly picking stamens.

Situ Liancheng suddenly felt his face burning slightly, he wanted to jump out of bed directly, but he was worried that he would disturb her, so he sat up slowly.

Thinking of his absurd actions last night, Situ Liancheng was startled and looked at her again.

Fortunately, the make-up and hair in the palace uniform were all smooth, so he was slightly relieved.

His eyes inadvertently glanced at her pair of soft fingers covering her legs, looking at the slender and white jade fingers without any external decoration, he froze for no reason.

Raising his hand wearing the ancient ring of Yuanhui, he looked back and forth, wondering, how could he feel that she should also be wearing the same ring on her hand?

Situ Liancheng was taken aback by his own thoughts, it's ridiculous, this Yuan Huan ring is an innate treasure for protection, how could she have it.

Sighing, he stretched out his hand to support Le Baishi, moved her to the bed, then lowered the curtain, and called Xiao Liezi to come in to wash and change clothes before going out to school.


After the imperial court, Situ Yunfeng led Eunuch Zhou to the Imperial Garden, where Le Chaoyi said that he had important matters to talk to him there.

In fact, ever since Le Baishi bumped into her in the warmth of the Royal Garden last time, Situ Yunfeng has become more jealous and repulsive.

In such a public place as the Royal Garden, if one's own people can still get around, it's a big deal to make outsiders think more about it.

But Le Chaoyi doesn't mind, he thinks that a dangerous place is safer, and the monarch and his subjects discuss matters openly, so that they won't be insulted.

Passing by the gate of Zhongcui Palace, Situ Yunfeng suddenly heard a little noise in his ears, and couldn't help but look sideways in doubt.

At the side door of Zhongcui Palace, a few eunuchs and maids were carrying the mahogany square table for sacrifices, and several barrels of incense and paper ashes, and they came out quietly.

I also saw the two masters from the Royal Fa Temple following out, talking with Shuyu, the grand maid of Zhongcui Palace.

"Go and ask why Zhongcui Palace hired a mage."

Situ Yunfeng's eyes were quite displeased, although he gave the queen the right to the harem, and there was no need to report such trivial matters, but he was inexplicably uncomfortable.

Although he hates the women in the harem, if he can't completely control them, then what is the majesty of his emperor.

Eunuch Zhou walked forward slowly, talked with Shuyu for a while, and then came back with a troubled expression on his face.

"Go back to the emperor,"

He cupped his hands and bowed, his tone seemed hesitant, "Miss Shuyu said that yesterday was the birthday of the former empress, and Zhongcui Palace held a small sacrificial ceremony to pay homage to the former empress."

 The million updates are over, and the recommended tickets and updates owed are all here~
(End of this chapter)

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