The male god of fast wearing has his own acting buff

Chapter 487 Zhongcui Palace Royal Kindergarten

Chapter 487 Zhongcui Palace Royal Kindergarten (31)

"Hey, it hurts..."

Le Baishi pouted and leaned her body back, what a straight man's trick!
"do not move."

Situ Liancheng took her hand and pulled her forward, successfully pulling her back.

"You have ink on your face, if you don't want to become a cat, just sit down for me."


Le Baishi curled her lips and stopped moving.

It was just washing their faces, and both of them seemed to feel that half a day had passed. Situ Liancheng didn't stop until Le Baishi's face was completely clean.

"All right."

He suddenly leaned forward and kissed her lightly on the forehead.

Le Baishi smiled narrowly: "The Emperor Liancheng is so good at serving people, I am very pleased~"

"I only serve you in this life."

Situ Liancheng smiled brightly, then lightly held her soft hand again, and carefully questioned her.

"Can I call you...Shishi in private?"

Hearing this extremely familiar title, Le Baishi's nose felt inexplicably sore.

I don't know if it's because of being together for so many lives that she has become more and more greedy for this title.

It seems that there was a long, long, long time ago.

Situ Liancheng waited for a long time but did not get her response. He raised his eyes in surprise, but saw that the tip of her nose and eye sockets were slightly red, and she was looking at him absent-mindedly.

His heart tightened, and he let go of her hand in a panic, "Sorry, I overstepped..."

"No, I like it."

Le Baishi sniffed, puffed up her face on purpose, "If I hear you calling my mother in private again in the future, I punished to serve you!"

Situ Liancheng heaved a sigh of relief, but he felt teasing again in his heart. He suppressed a snicker and said on purpose: "Well, mother queen?"

"……you you you you!"

Le Baishi was so angry that she rushed forward, grabbing his ears with both hands as a sign of punishment.

"Is this the big punishment you were talking about?"

Situ Liancheng was amused by her, and his ears hurt, so he had no choice but to grab her hand to stop the "violence".

"Otherwise, what kind of punishment do you want? I can do it if I can think of it."

Le Baishi shook off his hand resentfully, and looked at him with his arms in his arms.

But I saw the undisguised ambiguity in his eyes and some kind of unspeakable desire... desire!

She almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood when she realized the epiphany. Why do children these days think about such messy things? ! !
[Amao's thoughtful little science popularization: Men in Qi Yunguo can marry wives and have children at fifteen, and they are not children. 】

"...Well, the Empress Dowager returned to the palace yesterday, and today I have to lead all the concubines to Zhaoning Palace to pay their respects."

Le Baishi decided to release An Dun.

Situ Liancheng shook his head helplessly, and slowly got up.

"Okay, it just so happens that the main hall is also going, so let's go together."

After washing and dressing up, before going out of the palace, Xiao Zongzi, a master insider, flew down suddenly, and cupped his hands at Le Baishi.

Le Baishi raised her eyebrows: "An urgent report."


Xiao Zongzi stood up, leaned over and whispered something in Le Baishi's ear, and the corners of her mouth curled up more and more wantonly.

His eyes turned slightly, and a plan suddenly appeared in his heart.

Seeing her appearance, Situ Liancheng couldn't help laughing: "Who is the queen mother trying to plot against?"

"The queen mother is paving the way for you in advance."

After hearing Xiao Zongzi's secret report, Le Baishi waved his sleeves, "Go to Zhaoning Palace."


In front of Zhaoning Palace, Le Baishi's group directly ran into Zhuang Yunxi's group.

"The empress is really early."

Zhuang Yunxi gave a blessing, but felt slightly unhappy.

Damn it, she came so early, how could she bump into the queen!
However, it doesn't matter, she will still be my aunt's favorite!

(End of this chapter)

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