The Journey of the Ability Raider

Chapter 221 The Cat and the Mouse

Chapter 221 The Cat and the Mouse
"What a ferocious strength, but what's the use of strength if you can't hit it." Qiye's face was full of sarcasm, although no one saw his expression or heard him except Lingxian. sound.

But Qiye, who thought that no one could see through his stealth, didn't know that Lingxian was mourning for him at this moment.Lingxian has a more powerful ability than Qiye, but she still can't escape in front of Lin Xiu. If Lin Xiu didn't see Lie Xinxi now and wanted to play, I'm afraid Qiye would have been lying down now.

To use a behavior to describe Lin Xiu's behavior at the moment, it is cat playing with a mouse. This is a very unfriendly behavior, at least for Qiye who is regarded as a mouse by Lin Xiu and Lingxian.

I'm going to play with you again, are you really playing with me?Fortunately, Qiye didn't know, so he calmly started to taunt.

Perhaps it was the influence of childhood fear. Before Qiye killed the target, he would first cause great panic to the opponent, causing the opponent to fall into deep fear. Because of the fear, the opponent's mentality changed from panic, rage to panic , Then to begging, until it completely collapsed before killing the target.

He also likes the cat-and-mouse game very much, but he doesn't know that this time it is he, not Lin Xiu, who becomes the mouse.

Therefore, according to the previous procedure, Qiye began to destroy everything around him, and objects that had not been sucked away, especially fixed seats became the first choice for Qiye to destroy.

Whenever the blade in his hand cuts across a seat, he always enjoys the exclamation of the people in the seat.What is this, this is a movement, the most beautiful movement in the world!Only those who walk on the edge of life and death can sing such a beautiful movement!

"Cui Sabi, you have played too much in the transparent world, I really thought I couldn't catch you." Lin Xiu felt the cries around him disdainfully, as long as he wanted to, there were no less than ten ways to find Qiye, such as thermal perception, Such as waveguide, such as mind power, and another example, all-round attack!
It's just that Lin Xiu now deliberately wants to play a game of cat and mouse, so even if Qiye is there, he is also happy to 'follow' Qiye's footsteps, punching and smashing the objects that Qiye has scratched into pieces.

Although it seemed that apart from making the people around him scream, it only made Qiye feel more excited, but Lin Xiu still persisted in playing like this.

When a cat catches a mouse, it is not to play with the mouse in its paws, but to exhaust the mouse to death, right?
At this time, Qiye didn't realize what kind of pervert he was encountering. He only felt that the other party's speed was getting faster and faster. In just one minute, he had no choice but to increase his own speed to his extreme.If you don't speed up, the opponent is likely to come first and hit him in front.

Even if he has a secret skill passed down from his family, he can change directions while moving at high speed, but doing so consumes too much energy, and it will be over sooner or later if there are too many times!

After playing for 5 minutes at most, it's time to stop.Qiye warned himself like this in his heart, but he seemed to have forgotten that at this time he should not be obsessed with the pleasure/sensation of playing with his opponent, but should counterattack swiftly!

After 3 minutes, Qiye had already felt a little tired. At this time, he realized that it was not Lin Xiu who was being played with, but himself. He plays with the cat in the palm of his hand.

Inexplicably, a sense of shame rose from the bottom of his heart, and the sense of humiliation that had disappeared for many years gradually filled his heart. Once, someone played with him like this, playing with him like a doll and applauding him, but in the end the group of people all Was made into canned herring!
Now, someone tried to humiliate him again, and it seemed to be successful, which made the anger in Qiye's heart burst out. He changed the blade held in his right hand to his left hand, and at the same time, there was an extra table knife in his right hand.

With a flash of silver light, just for a moment, the table knife in Qiye's hand flew straight towards Lin Xiu's throat like a shooting star.At this time, the corners of Qiye's mouth were slightly upturned, revealing a triumphant smile, and he had already seen the dawn of victory beckoning to him.

It was much softer than the arm, and Qiye believed that with his own strength, he would be able to easily pierce Lin Xiu's throat with the table knife.However, the development of the matter far exceeded his imagination. When the knife hit Lin Xiu's throat, Qiye clearly heard a sound that would only be made when a metal hit.

When his eyes shifted from Lin Xiu's throat to Lin Xiu's face, what a dazzling expression it was. At the beginning, he must have had the same smile on his face, that disgusting mocking smile.

"Damn, what's the matter with this guy, golden bell or iron cloth shirt? When did China have such a tyrannical foreign master! It's okay to be superhuman in strength and speed, but he still has such a brutal cross-training kung fu ! This time it’s considered an iron plate, the uncle admits it, but next time you will definitely not be so lucky!”

Gritting his teeth, Qiye jumped to the window that was smashed by coins at the beginning. The dagger in his hand was like cutting tofu. That's it.

Afterwards, the huge suction sucked Qiye out of the plane, and soon became a black spot in everyone's eyes, but in the perception of the waveguide opened by Lin Xiu, Qiye's clothes seemed to become a parachute, which was destined to keep him stable. sent firmly to the ground.

And after Qiye left, Lin Xiu immediately blocked the larger loophole created by Qiye with other seats, but even so, the plane seemed hopeless—when Lin Xiu was fighting Qiye Unfortunately, the plane they were on crashed into a flock of migratory birds.

It was autumn at this time, and it was not uncommon to encounter migratory birds. In addition, the plane was flying relatively low because of the broken window (Lin Xiu would not admit that it was because of his violent behavior in the plane that caused the plane to shake and crash. innocent bird), which eventually caused the plane to hit the migratory bird.

Now even if the driver wants to make an emergency landing, it is too late, the flight attendants are already arranging for the passengers to parachute!And Lin Xiu glanced at the flustered passengers, returned to his seat without saying a word, grabbed Lingxian with one hand, and Maria Osawa with the other, and returned to Ramk with teleportation.

Compared with Lingxian who received ten thousand years, Maria Osawa's ability to accept is much worse. She fell into a coma immediately after the teleportation was activated. The side effects of space transfer are too great for an ordinary person up.

Not to mention fainting, it is not impossible to die directly due to the discomfort caused by the space transfer.

"Shoutu, take care of her. When she wakes up, call me. I'll go to the next door to vent." Lin Xiu ordered Lingxian, and left the room without waiting for Lingxian to come back. Here is the one he prepared. A secret stronghold, but he never expected to activate this secret stronghold in less than a day.

When Lingxian came to her senses, only she and Maria Osawa were left in the room. The surrounding environment surprised her. It was not a simple room, but a room with luxurious decoration.Lingxian couldn't understand why Lin Xiu chose to live in a hotel because he had such a luxurious house because it was close to the airport?
Shaking her head, Lingxian felt that it would be better not to waste her brainpower. Being a simple rabbit, even being bullied a little bit is better than pretending to be smart, but accidentally offending Mao Linxiu.There is no cure for human beings when they go crazy. Unlike rabbits who go crazy and bite people, people who go crazy can kill rabbits!
Glancing at Maria Osawa, Lingxian easily judged that this girl had been brainwashed for a short period of time, and her brainwaves were a bit messy.But since Lin Xiu said he wanted to take care of her, let her help her get back to normal.

"I'm a very kind rabbit, so you should speak well of me in front of Master Lin Xiu in the future. I saved you from the fate of insanity." Maria's treatment.

PS: The role of Qiye was requested by the young experts in the group. It is an original character, and there is no such character in Phantom Hell.In addition, the anime in this volume is Phantom Hell, also known as Phantom Requiem, and certain plots can be regarded as the Japanese manga version. no)...
(End of this chapter)

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