The Journey of the Ability Raider

Chapter 225 Like a Demon

Chapter 225 Like a Demon
Qiye lay motionless on an operating bed, watching the white hair in front of her speak like a fool in front of her incomprehensible birdsong, and felt an inexplicable enjoyment in her heart.

That's right, it's just enjoyment, because he couldn't understand what this person said, which made him feel even more that the guy in front of him was not a human being, but a rare animal with wisdom and bad intentions for him.

Although it is a rare animal, it should be killed if it intends to harm humans.But this guy's luck is a little bit too good, he actually picked him up, no, it should be said, it's the misfortune of this unlucky guy to pick him up.

Damn humans, all are damned!Damn it!Damn it!Damn...
"You seem to hate me, but it doesn't matter, I hate you too, although your eyes make me very interested." Maybe he felt that the Asian in front of him couldn't understand German, so Seth switched to English to communicate with Qiye .After all, in the world's third financial center, one should be able to speak English more or less.

"Cuo Sabi!" It's a pity that Qiye, an orphan, can only speak Japanese, but Seth understands this sentence. (also known as the anti-Japanese drama), then you will definitely understand the meaning of this sentence.

Although Seth is not a fan of mythology, he does have a certain interest in China, otherwise he wouldn't come to Ramkang boringly.And if he knows China, he also has some understanding of Japan. Even if he doesn't understand other people, he can write the words that he often hears.

For example, underwear, cuffs, ink marks and so on. This is probably inseparable from the fact that Seth Musta fell in love with female killers later. Maybe it was because of the Japanese *** that Seth felt that killers It's inseparable from papapa.

"Oh, you scold me? Well, scolding me means that you will still be angry. It is not a good thing for a killer to be angry. Only people without emotions are the best weapons."

Seth said to himself, but Qiye just gave him a blank stare, and it was his own bad luck. When he landed, he happened to land at the place where his organization was trading wheat flour and rock sugar with another organization. Then, they fought Woke up.

Holding a family dagger in his hand, Nanaya abruptly killed seventeen or eight gun-wielding men, which made Seth Dahu, who was looking for an experimental product for brainwashing, encounter good material.

Even though Qiye is a trained killer, this level of talent is beyond the reach of ordinary people. Faced with a group of gun-wielding men chasing and intercepting him, he not only killed more than a dozen people unscathed, but also had the tendency to escape the siege , How can this not frighten him, how can it not make his heart move.

Capture alive!It must be captured alive, even if this transaction fails, it doesn't matter, this guy must be captured alive!This order was not given by Seth, he was not qualified yet, but by his boss, Raymond McQuay, the largest quinquera dumper in Colombia.

He is also very interested in Qiye, a person who can cause him heavy losses with a small knife, and depending on the situation, the other party accidentally fell into the trading point. If possible, he really wants to recruit this talent.

In the end, Qiye was accidentally hit by a stray bullet, stopped for a while, and was caught by a tranquilizer bullet from the opponent.Then Seth Masta introduced himself, saying that he could brainwash Qiye, and Raymond agreed to Seth's request in doubt.

Then there was the opening scene, Qiye was lying on the operating bed, the bullet in his right leg had been taken out, but the wound had not been treated other than disinfection.

This is one of the ways Seth intends to train him after brainwashing Nanaya.But for his own injuries, Qiye acted like a normal person, except for occasionally saying "Cuzabi" and "Uruse" to Seth, he didn't bother to care about him, and then he simply closed his eyes and rested .

"Wait for me, Sabi, when I recover my spirits, I'll open the dead demon eyes and cripple your tongue."

Seeing that Qiye closed his eyes, Seth showed a weird smile, walked to a tape recorder, and pressed the play button to start playing music. I don't know if it was because of a recording problem, or because it was specially recorded like this and played back. The voice has obvious noise.

"Idiot, I have experienced this level of brainwashing countless times." Listening to the music, Qiye curled his lips in disdain. Compared with brainwashing music, he still prefers spiritual persecution, which puts people in fear , the constant screaming is the most interesting.

Thinking of this, Qiye showed a malicious smile, his eyes suddenly turned blue, and the circle around the pupils was dark pink wrapped around the dark pupils.

With Qiye's current state, 30 seconds is already the limit for the Devil's Eye of Straight Death. The first time after opening the Devil's Eye of Straight Death, Qiye looked at the bondage belt that bound him, and a large number of dead spots were densely distributed on it. .

His hands were bound and he couldn't move the dead point, but Qiye still had a way to move the dead point—spit.It didn't work very well, but it made the straps that bound him old and loose.

After that, all you need to do is explode the strength in your body, break free from the restraint belt with all your strength, and you will be free.

After only ten seconds, Qiye freed himself from the shackles, and Seth could only back away with a look of horror. He didn't understand why the shackles that could even restrain elephants could even be restrained. Everyone can't be tied!

Or is it that the strength that this person erupts in an instant is so great that even the strength of an elephant is hard to match?
Could it be that this guy is a modified human developed by Japan?Or is it that the potential of human beings far exceeds the known limits of human beings?

"This is impossible..." Before the last word was finished, Seth's tongue had been cut off by Nanaya, and the words he said became very strange. The blood in his mouth made Seth look abnormal Scary, but Qiye showed a ferocious smile that made Seth tremble.

At some point, Qiye had already got his knife in his hand, and the knife had been placed on the side seat, but Seth didn't see Qiye move at all.He didn't even realize when his tongue was cut off by Qiye. If it wasn't for the spewing blood that made him unable to speak, he wouldn't even know that his tongue was cut off, and the pain came when he noticed it. It was late after that.

"Hey, which finger did you use to press the play button just now? Don't understand? Or are you refusing to speak? I'll take it as if you refused to speak. I hate uncooperative animals the most. Disobedient animals want to Accept the punishment. Tell me how I should punish you, ah, by the way, first pierce your fingers and nails with a needle, then pull out your nails one by one, and then cut the flesh of your fingers bit by bit Don't worry, I will keep my nerves until the end and cut them off one by one.

What do you think of this idea?Oh, it seems that you have no objection, then I will start to implement it. "

PS: This chapter was coded while chatting in the group, that is, the reader group... and then added the previous three chapters. It is estimated that there are only these four chapters today, and they should not be updated before tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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