The Journey of the Ability Raider

Chapter 229 Stormy Night

Chapter 229 A Stormy Night (Part [-])
"You mean, those Easterners really know the so-called magic?" Raymond felt that his IQ had been greatly insulted, and this kind of uninhibited talk would come from the mouth of his most trusted cadre. of!

"If it really had this kind of super power, then the Easterners would have unified the world long ago. When Europe and the United States dominated the war, the United Kingdom would have been made into eagle sauce, but the truth is, the resistance under our feet It was forcibly leased by the British for 99 years.

However, you are actually telling me now that the Orientals have magical spells, and they can deal with twenty top thugs with guns in a second?Do you think I'm stupid, or do you think I'm stupid? "

"Ray! What I said is true! There are only three people who came back with me this time. You can look at their right hands. They are all cut off from the wrist. The section is flat, and even the bones are so... "Isaac tried to explain, after all, the matter is exactly as he said, but such supernatural things are really difficult to be accepted by people today with the gradual development of technology.

"Enough!" Raymond interrupted Isaac's explanation, his face was icy cold, his eyes were as cold as winter, he pushed the two lists on the table forward, and said in a cold voice: "If you fail, you fail. I don't need useless explanations! Isaac, I'll give you another chance, go to the middle of the mountain, take our people there, and control all the people on this list. The people on the other list , not one left!"

After hearing this, Isaac opened his mouth and stretched out his hand as if wanting to grab something, but in the end he just sighed, his outstretched hand drooped weakly, picked up the two lists from the table, turned and left, walked out In front of the room, Isaac said with a complicated tone: "Ray, I hope this is not the last time we meet."

After a pause, he added: "In this world!" Then he closed the door and left without looking back. The wind, rain, and thunder outside the house continued. Raymond sat on the boss chair by the window, watching The light outside the window and the lightning in the sky complement each other, and I feel inexplicably irritated.

"Chinese people who are not allowed to appear in detective novels?" Raymond leaned back in his chair tiredly. Originally, he just watched China's rising and the trend of joining the WTO, so he thought about being in China. Open up the Chinese market before joining the WTO.

In the beginning, everything went so smoothly, and the resistance of the local forces in China was as thin as paper. Especially two years ago, the return of Kangkang to China gave them an excellent opportunity to infiltrate!
But now, at the moment of harvesting the fruit, such a big turning point happened!Twenty people were solved in an instant, which is really incredible.

Raymond has no doubts about Isaac at all, because he has never trusted him at all. The two got together because of the same interests. It is not so much that Raymond believes in Isaac, it is better to say that he believes in both. The common interests between them make it impossible for Ai Zac to betray!
How can twenty people lose their fighting power at the same time?Does China have any unknown new weapons?Can't get it on the stage, so they, the group of people who can't stand on the stage, test it?But how is it possible, it is completely unexplainable!
However, no matter what, it's not so safe to go here anymore, so we have to leave.The Chinese say that a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. He not only understands this truth, but also quite recognizes it.

But different from the past, this time he is the one standing under the dangerous wall, while before, he was the black hand who created the dangerous wall.

"Isaac, if you can complete the task, then we can meet again." On a night like today, not only is it raining, but there are also thunder and lightning. It is very difficult to leave the ram, but it is not impossible , just a little more troublesome.

Banshan is actually very big-compared to the insignificance of human beings, but Banshan is also very small-compared to the entire resistance.In addition, the hotel where Isaac and the others are staying is very close to the Mid-Levels, so even on a stormy night, it only took them about [-] minutes to arrive at the East Mid-Levels, which is often called the Mid-Levels by the citizens.

"Mr. Wismer, hello." In a villa, a group of men in black stood neatly in front of Aizak, and the leader of a brown-skinned man saluted Aizak. He was also Aizak. It can be said that Isaac personally arranged for him to come to Kangkang, although he is now directly subordinate to Raymond.

"Dex, you know Ray's orders, right?" Looking at the armed crowd in front of him, Isaac felt very complicated. He didn't know if there were any orientals like Xie Liting's father in the middle of the mountain. , but he still came here to carry out Raymond's order.

He can die in battle, but not because of running away, and if it wasn't for conveying the news to Raymond, he should be dead by now, in the hands of that mysterious Xie An, in that incredible under the cards.

"Yes, sir, we will start to execute the order from the tenant next door. That villa is the property of a local society boss, and he only comes to live here occasionally. Someone moved in there a few days ago, and there seems to be a permanent residence. Intend."

It's just that neither Ai Zac nor Lin Xiu knew that fate is so magical sometimes.The villa where Lin Xiu lives and the one next door are both black properties, so the two are very close.That's probably how fate tricks people. Izak and the people in black in front of him never thought of their mission anyway. From the very beginning, they pointed to failure.

Lin Xiu and Jiang Lian were not in the mood to watch a movie at the moment. They hugged each other tightly, and there were still tears in the corners of Jiang Lian's eyes.

"That's riding a horse..." Jiang Lian blushed, and his tone was three points disturbed, three points shy, three points angry and one point self-pity.

"Puchi, I know." Lin Xiu touched her hair with a smile. This short hair reminded him a lot. It seemed to be a girl with brown bob hair.

"Don't laugh!" Jiang Lian twisted Lin Xiu's waist fiercely, but was distressed to find that she couldn't twist it at all.

"Okay, don't laugh." After Jiang Lian kissed her forehead, Lin Xiu gently let go of her, "It seems that some special guests have come to the house. Sleeping with so much sweat will be uncomfortable."

"Well, it hurts a bit, and I can't stand up."


"I agreed not to laugh! Also, who is to blame for this!"

"Blame me, blame me." Lin Xiu kissed Jiang Lian again, and comforted the girl, "I'll put the water on first, and when I come back, we'll take a bath together before going to sleep."

"Hmm..." An inaudible voice came from Jiang Lian's mouth.

After turning on the faucet in the bathroom, letting the water slowly gather in the bathtub, and then putting on clothes suitable for sports and walking out of the room, Lin Xiu didn't rush downstairs, but went to the study to talk to Lingxian and Jiang Yi first. In a word, let them not go downstairs, or even go out of the study, no matter what they hear.

But Jiang Yi seemed to be keen on the game, not only ignored him, but also waved his hands to signal him to get out.

"Damn, wait until tomorrow when you know you're going to call me brother-in-law, let's see what expression you have!"

(End of this chapter)

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