Chapter 249 Lies
"He actually did it!" The black cat curled up into a ball, feeling terrified in its heart, these two lunatics killed the two pillars of the masquerade without hesitation!
History is over!The world is over!
Without the top seat, maybe the sacrificial snake has other family members who can offer sacrifices, but other family members may not be able to do what the top seat can do.

Once the day comes when the ritual snake is released by the masquerade, the God of Creation might turn into Diablo.

If the big snake that ravaged the earth back then knew that its two pillars had collapsed, the first thing it would do after it came out was not to create a mirror of nothing (only to find out that it was a mirror of a mirror), but to take revenge on society.

"Stupid cat, what are you afraid of?" Heiyan poked the black cat's ass with those scallions that Hei Yan took out from nowhere.

"You have tampered with history! I can't go back! Also, you are doomed, and the sacrificial snake will not let you go."

"No, those two are fake. When I ate the blue hair, the master found out when he killed the thousand-year-old pervert, referred to as the thousand-change guy."

While speaking, Black Rock Shooter took out another green onion, and quietly put it behind the black cat's head.

"Although the strength is good, it is not as good as the demon kings of the Bell of Mourning. How could such a guy be the master of the masquerade."

Regarding the behavior of Black Rock Shooter, Lin Xiu felt amused for a while, but he still held back his laughter. Instead, he cooperated with the opening to attract the attention of the black cat, making him turn his head towards them.

Sure enough, the black cat was attracted by Lin Xiu's words, turned its head involuntarily, opened its mouth, and said in an obviously doubtful tone, "Meow... woo!"

There was no need to explain the whining at the end. The black cat opened its mouth and opened its eyes wide, and stuffed a big green onion into his mouth.

"If I'm not mistaken, it should be the crystallization of my learning series products. It is officially unbelievable. This level of power is already comparable to that of ordinary demon kings. The mass production is not carried out because the use requires a huge price, or the cost of production. The materials needed are scarce?"

"Oh, bah! Where did you get the onions!"

After the black cat broke free from the green onion in its mouth, the first sentence it said was not to confirm whether the two guys were really the devil king, but to ask where the green onion in Heiyan's hand came from.

"This? It was conjured up. It's really a stupid cat. I need to teach such a simple thing."

The black cat wanted to scold his mother for no reason, of course he knew it was conjured up, but the key is how did it change!
If it is taken out of storage treasures, then it is fine, but if it is created out of nothing, then it will be amazing.

At least, in this world, even if the snake of the creation god sacrifice wants to create something, it needs to consume the power of existence.

"Sure enough, the power of existence and spiritual power are two different concepts. Red world creatures can't feel spiritual pressure, just like I couldn't feel the power of existence before, but that's fine."

Why did Lin Xiu not say anything, but the black cat looked at him thoughtfully, then shook his head, and changed the topic to the two "devil kings" just now.

In fact, the black cat still agrees with Lin Xiu's conjecture. Although the battle just ended quickly, it has to be said that the performance of "Thousand Changes" is really outrageous.

Whether it is defense, counterattack, or adaptability, it is not the performance that a battle-hardened demon king should have.

Qian Bian Xiu Denan accepted the invitation of the Bell of Mourning before, and knew that Rongjun Fuwawa was instantly killed by Lin Xiu. Before and after he arrived on the battlefield, Lin Xiu also smashed the Fenchen Pass into rubble.

In this case, Xiu Denan would never be so careless, or even go to Lin Xiu directly in such a stupid way, that is no different from courting death.

Lin Xiu thinks he knows something about Qian Bian, he will never be such an easy-going demon king, Qian Bian is definitely one of the demon kings who cherish life the most, especially when he is wearing the top seat.

"This thing is supposed to test our combat effectiveness and predict our strength after fighting us, but that guy didn't seem to expect that his hard work would be so easily taken away by dogs."

He refers to the advisor of the masquerade, Tandan (Mei) Qiuju Dantalio.

You can tell by the title that he is a gay guy, a solid philosopher, it is said that he personally likes to play S/M, and even created a lot of fire fighters because of playing S/M.

"The crystallization of my learning, is the excellent series broken? No wonder it is so vulnerable."

The black cat nodded, which seemed to agree with Lin Xiu's statement.Indeed, many products in the Crystallization of My Learning series are indeed very good, but there is still a gap compared with the real devil.

Lin Xiu can even kill the devil with one move, so these "crystals" that are not as good as the devil are really just rubbish.

"Having said that, I haven't asked which era you came from? Has the exploration at that time been resolved?"

"Huh? Could it be that you traveled through time and space and came to this era just to find out about that pervert?"

"Huh? Aren't you?"



The scene was silent, and the cold wind blowing from time to time made the black cat and Lin Xiu feel bleak.

"Then what are you two doing here?"

"You should be the demon king who appeared after that guy was beaten into the broken world, right? What can I do with him?"

Very tacitly, after a while of silence, they broke the silence at the same time.

But Lin Xiu didn't intend to waste any more time this time, and said directly, "Let me talk first."

Coincidentally, the black cat also said: "Tell me first... Ciao, no, that's not how it was shown on TV!"

Lin Xiu rolled his eyes at him, ignored him, and went on to say: "Heiyan and I are not from the Red World. I came to this era just to learn the method of freedom, just like the pavilion of marrow has great love for human knowledge and art. I am also very interested in the free method of the Red World, the making of treasures and phosphorus. But in the era I live in, whether it is the apostle or the Huowu warrior, they have all entered Wuheyoujing."

"you are lying!"

As soon as Lin Xiu finished speaking, the black cat mercilessly exposed his lie: "In the era I live in, both the present world and the red world have been destroyed, leaving nothing but mirrors! Don't argue with me The Ritual Snake has recreated the present world and the Red World, because in that case, your attitude towards the Ritual Snake will definitely not be as rude as it is now."

"Master, let's silence it."

As soon as the black cat exposed Lin Xiu's lie, Black Rock Shooter proposed to Lin Xiu with a "gentle" smile. "After that, he immediately ran to Lin Xiu, opened his watery cat eyes wide, and said coquettishly in a goosebump-provoking tone: "I was just joking, don't be so fierce, meow~"

"Ci'ao, the sound is still drawn out! Ugh..."

"I didn't expect you to be such a Sakamoto. I misread you."

"You actually remembered my name and meowed, that's amazing."

"Enough of the dead cat, hurry up and tell me, what kind of thing that Tandanqiu did to make you travel through time and space without hesitation, and you don't seem to want to trouble him yet."

"I didn't bother him because I don't want to change history. I just want to find or compile a free law that can kill gods. This is my real purpose of traveling through time and space."

(End of this chapter)

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