The Journey of the Ability Raider

Chapter 270 Night 1 : Missing You Suddenly

Chapter 270 First Night ([-]): Suddenly Missing You So Much
"Berserker, this is not acceptable! If you don't go through the main entrance, but break through the wall, Sierra will have a headache."

"Boil it!"

"I sincerely apologize to Sierra! Repairing the broken city wall is a very hard job."


Hercules bowed seriously to Sera who was repairing the castle wall, and then ruthlessly knocked down a part of the city wall that Serra had just failed to repair. The smooth process made Serra twitch the corners of his mouth. Forcibly held back did not cry out.

This is already the first time in two months. From the beginning of repairing the walls every day to now twice a week, Sera is actually very content.

Of course, repairing twice a week now is not because Hercules is safe, but because there are not enough bricks in the warehouse. Sera made this painful decision after careful calculation——as an obsessive-compulsive disorder Sister, Sera really doesn't want to see a big hole in the wall of her house.

"Ah, Sierra, I'm sorry, Barsaka didn't mean it."

"It's okay, Illya, it's okay, it's okay..." Sera kept repeating the three words 'it's okay', which made Illya feel even more embarrassed.Illya's three views are relatively positive with her parents' love. Even if she can't go to school, she still has Emiya Shirou as her younger brother who is growing up. Knowing about the Holy Grail War is much better.

Compared with Illya, the end of the Eindsworth family is much more miserable, because of the disturbance of the Holy Grail War, the Holy Grail has activated a special mechanism.

When the situation of the Holy Grail War is extremely special and the result is unpredictable, or the impact of the Holy Grail War may distort the world, the Holy Grail will activate this mechanism - summon the ruler.

In this Holy Grail War, in addition to the seven regular job promotions, whether it was the emergence of two non-standard classes, idol and saver, or the use of class cards by Eindsworth, something that could change the history of magic, All meet the conditions for the ruler to appear.

Therefore, on the first morning of the Holy Grail War, the Eindsworth family was slaughtered by the ruler who was summoned by the Holy Grail, leaving only one doll as the master of the ruler.

Angelica, Einzworth's head, no, now it should be said that it is the soul of the eldest daughter of the previous head, Darius, who lived behind the doll.Almost lost most of the emotions, leaving only the concept of being needed.Once she is not needed, she will become confused and overwhelmed.

The Holy Grail seems to think that everyone in the Eindsworth family is guilty, even the little girl who is only five years old. The only ones who are innocent are these made dolls, and Angelica is all The only self-conscious existence among the dolls.

Because she was needed, she became the ruler's master, so she became the only survivor of the Einsworth family.

However, even so, she still remembered the words her father said before he died: This Holy Grail is by no means a product of the third law. Eindsworth has already completed the sixth law, but in front of the Holy Grail, or the ruler, he has nothing to say. There is no resistance.

It's not that the sixth method is not powerful, but that the ruler is too powerful. Einzworth has countless disposable treasures, but they are not enough to look at in front of the ruler. , not as if, but is!

Fortunately, the situation is not too bad. Darius has too many one-time treasures. At least one of them passed the sixth method to Angelika who is a puppet. The Sixth Law fell before it became famous.

"Angelica, let's go to Fuyuki City to oversee the Holy Grail War. If possible, I really hope the war can end in the shortest possible time. First, let's deal with those class cards. This Holy Grail War is too troublesome Oh, there are still six rank cards, ten heroic spirits including me, it's really messed up."

Ruler——Zhao Zheng, in the Han cultural circle, he is probably one of the heroes who are most suitable to become a ruler. As the treasure of the Seven Kingdoms, he built the Epang Palace with Xiang Yu using 30 people to spend ten days and ten nights. The treasures he owns are not inferior to Gilgamesh in terms of quantity and quality.

Especially the sword in his hand. Legend has it that Emperor Shi Huang had seen the people from beyond the sky, obtained the mysterious smelting technology from beyond the sky, and forged an unparalleled sword. It was a treasure that was not even golden.

Zhao Zheng in this world doesn't like wars, but he is absolutely not opposed to ending wars with wars. If the Holy Grail War hasn't decided a winner by the seventh day, he doesn't mind accepting the Holy Grail himself.

"Yeah." Angelica nodded. This is a doll that is alive but has no emotions. If she can get the Holy Grail, she will definitely make a wish to let herself have emotions.

It's not that she desires to have feelings, but that she doesn't want to make herself incomplete. She told herself that she is a person, not a mere puppet. People have feelings, so she needs to have feelings, which is her wish.

At the same time, in the Emiya family, Matou Sakura helplessly looked at her heroic spirit, well, maybe she failed to summon her?There is no reason why this Noble Phantasm regarded as a holy relic is the heroic spirit itself!
This is a picture book of fairy tales, not a magic book, there is no reason to be a heroic spirit of the caster class!A treasure that can be sublimated into a heroic spirit, can this really be controlled by the Matou family?
"Good morning master, please prepare me a good English breakfast, maybe you don't know it yet, but I have to tell you, I am a lovely English lady, and I am in the period of growth and development, so I need to eat a lot thing."

"Nursery rhyme, if you keep the shape of the book and fly around, I think you can go to the bureau to eat pork chop rice." The enlightened person said solemnly, at the moment he was sitting in his seat, facing a large bowl of vegetables Sarah struggled.

"Ah, human beings are so happy now. Salad is a blessing for vegetarians! I can feel that the eggs used in these salad dressings are not fertilized eggs."

"Well, Monk, it's too filthy for you to say the word fertilization in front of a lady, you need to be purified!"

"No, no, you have to understand one nursery rhyme, that is, do as the locals do, do as the locals do as the Romans do you understand? This is RB. In RB monks can reproduce. Moreover, fertilization is necessary for the continuation of life, not some foul language... I thought Europeans were open enough, but I didn't expect you to be as rigid as the British."

Emiya Kiritsugu and Matou Kariya on the side are already desperate for life, especially Emiya Kiritsugu, who once longed for a partner of justice, now meets the most famous partner of justice in the world, and he feels like his idol has collapsed sense of sight.

This monk can't do anything else, and he likes to say one thing every time he sees a girl: This female benefactor, the poor monk sees that you have a destiny with my Buddha, would you like the poor monk to consecrate you?

Matou Sakura then slapped him.

"Please take back what you said just now, Mr. Enlightenment, your words contain serious discrimination. As the heroic spirit of Britain, I have the right to file a lawsuit against you..."

"Oh no, you are more verbose than my apprentice Jin Chanzi. Well, if you are willing to appear in human form, I can apologize for the rude words just now."

"It's a deal, Mr. Enlightenment." Saying this, the nursery rhyme changed from a picture book of fairy tales to a gothic lolita in a light blue gothic suit.

"Oh, beautiful Miss Nursery Rhyme, the poor monk thinks that you and I have great fate, please allow me to consecrate you. Please rest assured, I am an Indian monk, and child marriage is still popular in India!"

Emiya Kiritsugu: "Shirou, take care of your Heroic Spirit! Use Command Seals to shut him up if necessary! As far as this virtue is concerned, I might as well let you summon Wang Jinshan (the prototype of Li Yunlong) with Italian cannons! Artoli Ya, I suddenly miss you so much!"

"Suddenly miss you so much, where will you be, happy or wronged~"

"Fuck, the magic sound pierces my ears! No, no, no, this damn singing skill is comparable to an EX-level treasure! Wait, why is this voice so familiar? It seems like I heard it yesterday, oh, damn it, it's that red-haired dragon lady !"

After two hours:
"This is the belated Fuyuki morning news. This morning, all citizens of Fuyuki City fell into a state of paralysis for one to two hours after being attacked by an unknown sonic weapon. The Self-Defense Forces have already intervened in the investigation. The following is a detailed report..."

Emiya Kiritsugu: "I don't want to hear that bitch sing again!"

Emiya Shiro: "Saver, I must win tonight!"

The Enlightened One: "Ah, in order not to hear that unappetizing singing again!"

Matou Kariya: "Who can call an ambulance for me..."

(End of this chapter)

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